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Will India never learn from history and punish Pakistan?

Modi only meets leaders of countries that weaker/smaller/poorer willingly he has to meet leaders of richer more powerful countries only because he has to but given a choice he will never meet people above his class, he feels out of place.
Like a chai wala will never try to meet the executive of Lipton, people only feel comfortable with other people of their own or lower class...hence Modi is very reluctant to meet NS.

LOL. You are pathetic. :lol:
Roje me bhi jhooth bolte ho.
If we kill 99% pakis then also the 1% will say what you are are saying. Bloody your head needs to be cut and rubbed with salt to remove the bitterness of your voice.
Typical nonsense reply from typical immature kid.
Go and dare to kill even 0.001% and we will show you how to deal with idiots.
India's position in international arena has approved dramatically following Modi sarkar's takeover. It wasn't expected by Pakistan, thus the never ending peace initiatives with India, despite the Army's opposition.

So ultimately you also get banned as expected. I was surprised that why were you not banned till now.?

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