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Will India ever be a "real" super-power?

@illusion8, come on yaar.. These guys are fun.. Have no knowledge about anything and talking like an expert, its very simple.. See how easily they do it.. I was just following their path :P

That's what these trolls desire - they make troll instigating posts so that we respond and the whole thing goes off topic and gets ugly and tarnishes our image. Most members don't engage them, it's the new one's who fall for their bait.
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@INDIC @shuttler @Fattyacids @seiko @Chinese-Dragon You guys don't get bored of discussing the same topics over and over. I mean seriously, are you guys that kiddish. No matter what the topic is you end up discussing India and China.
@Topic, see there might be some people who might have said India will be super power, but I do not think they meant what you think is super power. I mean Kallam might be only talking about Rockets. If there were some people who might be talking seriously, I do not think they have any idea about what really is meant by being a super power. It will take us at-least a century to get there if we ever make it. Indians have big faults and one of the big faults is inability of recognize our faults.

These are some terrible faults we have.
1) Corruption (The problem is that everyone wants others to stop corruption but want to be corrupt at the same time)
- We initiate corruption at time, like approaching to bribe people to get work done.. We sometime due it by choice too. Asking seat from TC, there are lot of people who will like to pay to get a seat even if someone else should get it because they came first
Same will be applicable to School seats for kids, we are willing to bribe.
- Everyone wants black money while selling the property and want to avoid tax by paying in black but then complain about black money in Swiss bank.
2) Very little regard for rule of land, specially more prominent in North India.
Not paying taxes, breaking traffic rules, land garbing, getting property by corruption.
3) Very selfish attitude, almost nothing is given to community.
- Keep our house clean, but make the street dirty.
- If I benefit, does not matter if nation goes to hell.
on and on and on.... there is no end to it.

Here is US, I see how different they are and I realize how they are so much better. I am almost giving up my desire to go back, because they are like minded people.
1) I like to follow rules
2) I like equal respect to all.. Not VIP culture in India.. The VIP culture is also driven by people..
- A lot Indians cannot understand why SRK should be treated same way as others at by TSA. He might be VIP for them, but here everyone follows rules.
3) Working for community, attitude of giving and keeping it clean.

And for gods sake, stop trolling the forum by discussing the same thing again and again. I am sick of it, don't know about others.
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If its my profession why it will bother me at all?

:) try to respect your own profession and NO one will have chance to use the profession as slur and offend you.

if I am dying of hunger I wont mind taking up chamar profession. repairing shoes is not an insult.

You are digressing.. :) .. But that's typical of Pakistani members when they want to obfuscate.. So in a nutshell, if I generalize Pakistanis as Chamaars like you did with Indians and coolies, are you fine with it? Irrespective of your real profession ?

Chamar is profession? :blink:

Yes.. .... What did you think?
Well if you want to discuss movies, Stupid and Funny thread will be a good place. By the way why I have not heard about that movie?

google India super power 2030. it will pop up. Or you can go to storm front, someone from India post it there.

Another way to measure how much Indians want to be a superpower is by looking at the number of pages for this topic.
India reminds me of Yugoslavia. Different countries glued together by force which eventually collapsed. Same thing will happen to India in the 21st century. Artificial countries never last long, just look at Yugoslavia and Soviet Union. India is even worse than them.
you are silly
I wont stay online on PDF forever unlike cheerleaders!

now what does this tell you about the cheerleaders' country?

ASEAN Summit 2013, Brunei Darussalam





But you still care to reply. You proved me right. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!
google India super power 2030. it will pop up. Or you can go to storm front, someone from India post it there.

Another way to measure how much Indians want to be a superpower is by looking at the number of pages for this topic.

As the third biggest economy in terms of GDP (PPP) and one third of US economy such topics will pop up when you google such words.. What is so much spl about that ??
As the third biggest economy in terms of GDP (PPP) and one third of US economy such topics will pop up when you google such words.. What is so much spl about that ??

India should try to buy Rafale using PPP instead of nominal exchange rate.
google India super power 2030. it will pop up. Or you can go to storm front, someone from India post it there.

Another way to measure how much Indians want to be a superpower is by looking at the number of pages for this topic.

But unlike Yugoslovakia or USSR we are becoming stronger every passing day. If we were to break apart it would have happened long ago way back in the 50s or 60s when almost all have written off India as a country.
But unlike Yugoslovakia or USSR we are becoming stronger every passing day. If we were to break apart it would have happened long ago way back in the 50s or 60s when almost all have written off India as a country.

Check out the situation with rupee in the last three month. Does that look a economy of a strong country? Maybe India is strong like USSR in the 1980s.
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