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Will establishment ever trust Imran Khan again?

Is establishment holy deity? That is perfect or free from errors? Why does Imran Khan need their validation?

Why was east Pakistan lost? with 90,000 soldiers surrender in 1971?
The establishment has done more damage to Pakistan than India ever could.
It is the reason the politicians get away with corruption.
It is the reason Pakistani democracy hasnt developed and progressed.
In short, they have been a curse on Pakistan from day one.

@Jango this is the real effect of the whole Gill saga: to strike terror in the hearts of those who advocate violence against the military, and to show the impotence of those who wish to see him released quickly. Just like our juvenile friend here, who wishes to see civil disobedience start, but cannot bring him/her/itself to say it openly. As expected. :D
There is one word for you here: oxymoronic.

Accusing others of instigating violence then bragging about 'striking terror'. It is clear you struggle with basic logical thinking.

And who ever talked about 'Gill Saga' here? It's another thing occupying your obsessive confused mind.

Your sensitivity to criticism to jernails means you are related to dha in one way or another. It is my mission now to tell everyone how evil Pakistani jernails are and that the world should boycott this evil dha mafia org.
The question to ask is whether this nation will ever trust the Establishment.
The country first and foremost. All its institutions are secondary. People need to become a bit more evolved in their thinking if we are to have a country.
A country is in large measure a function of the socio-political contract that the people have with each other. This is essential especially in a country with diverging ethnicities, groups and religions.

Institutions carry out the sacred duty of maintaining this social contract. Executive to run the daily mechanics of governance, Legislature to build laws, Judiciary to interpret the laws under the purview of the constitution, the Press and Society to ask questions of power, and the Military to protect the borders and security of the nation. If any branch exceeds its domain the national ship begins to list into an unbalance that creates concentrated power, which eventually invariably leads to corruption.

Till we as Pakistan are not evolved enough to understand the above paragraph we'll remain as a squalor in the list of nations.
The question to ask is whether this nation will ever trust the Establishment.
The country first and foremost. All its institutions are secondary. People need to become a bit more evolved in their thinking if we are to have a country.
A country is in large measure a function of the socio-political contract that the people have with each other. This is essential especially in a country with diverging ethnicities, groups and religions.

Institutions carry out the sacred duty of maintaining this social contract. Executive to run the daily mechanics of governance, Legislature to build laws, Judiciary to interpret the laws under the purview of the constitution, the Press and Society to ask questions of power, and the Military to protect the borders and security of the nation. If any branch exceeds its domain the national ship begins to list into an unbalance that creates concentrated power, which eventually invariably leads to corruption.

Till we as Pakistan are not evolved enough to understand the above paragraph we'll remain as a squalor in the list of nations.

That was the first question that came to my mind upon reading this thread when it was first started.

Why the heck does the establishment need to trust IK or PTI or anyone else for that matter in the first place? It should be the other way round, if at all.
Do the people of Pakistan care? Absolutely not!
Frankly, the establishment cannot work without the support of the public which they have lost. If I were to guess, right now behind closed doors, they are desperately trying to backpedal hard and negotiating with the PTI. They are both trying to keep it so that they don’t have to concede too much - the establishment from the status quo and PTI from its public image and commitment.

The rest of us are all speculating ofc as am I. I don’t see how Bajwa stays after Nov. I also don’t see how the rest of the command don’t just make him their fall guy. Keeping PTI out of power is not easy.
Without respecting people's wishes , and desire for a better Pakistan where Justice prevail
the Bond between People of Pakistan and Army is quite damaged

The attack on most important person in Pakistan's history after Mohammad Ali Jinnah is not a simple matter
Without respecting people's wishes , and desire for a better Pakistan where Justice prevail
the Bond between People of Pakistan and Army is quite damaged

The attack on most important person in Pakistan's history after Mohammad Ali Jinnah is not a simple matter
The people are not the chattels nor hostages of the state.
They are equals within that state.
The state's first duty is to protect the security and rights of its citizens.
When it is the state itself that is threatening the security and the rights of its citizens, then those citizens will rethink their loyalty to that state.
That the institutions, and the people who run them, of Pakistan don't understand this is beyond comprehension.
We learned nothing from 1971.
Your sensitivity to criticism to jernails means you are related to dha in one way or another. It is my mission now to tell everyone how evil Pakistani jernails are and that the world should boycott this evil dha mafia org.

ROFL. I have been on PDF nearly ten times longer than you, and obviously have no idea about my views and posting history regarding the military. Maybe @Jango or @AgNoStiC MuSliM can enlighten you if they care to do so, since I do not. :D
Shouldn't the title of this thread be changed to "Will the people of Pakistan ever trust the neutrals and wider establishment again?"
Shouldn't the title of this thread be changed to "Will the people of Pakistan ever trust the neutrals and wider establishment again?"

Whomsoever carries the Gun will rule Pakistan. Imran wants to rule, gather a storm and encircle Pindi and brought them to knees. otherwise be ready to be wiped out completely.
Leave IK aside , will the Nation ever trust the pak military again? This is most important question for us all
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Leave IK aside , will the Nation ever trust the pak military military again? This is most important question for us all
I am not exactly a proper IK supporter- but this is an ego issues, they disrespected the people of Pakistan as dirt whose opinions do not matter
I am not exactly a proper IK supporter- but this is an ego issues, they disrespected the people of Pakistan as dirt whose opinions do not matter
Its just beginning, they will face the conciseness later , har burai ka anjam hota ha aor zaroor hota ha , people are showing their resistance over using social media , days are near when people will fight there war with these fascist military on streets
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