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Will ‘Dostumistan’ Be Established Near Afghanistan’s Border With Uzbekistan?

bro that Iran guy basically said who will rescue Pakistan in case Iran decides to go Vietnam on it ! I mean seriously these guys are hyper nationalist & just keeps threatening every other country with their big talks
I found you answer very good,you made my day,couldnt hold myself.:tup:
But blind nationalism is evrywhere,i stopped taking it serious.
Is Pakistan against general Dostum?

what are the relations like between Dostum, Pak Iran and Afg anyone?

He is Turkic and pro-Turkey and got full support from Turkey as far as i know.

A lot of people in Afghanistan and it's neighborhood are against Dostum.
He is known as the butcher of Mazar. Read the following and make up your mind about this guy. If you need more info just search for Dasht-i-leili on the internet.
"The Dasht-i-Leili massacre occurred in December 2001 during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan where between 250 and 3,000 (depending on sources) Taliban prisoners were shot and/or suffocated to death in metal truck containers, while being transferred by U.S. and Junbish-i Milli soldiers from Kunduz to Sheberghan prison in Afghanistan. The site of the graves is believed to be in the Dasht-i-Leili desert just west of Sheberghan, in the Jowzjan Province.[1][2]

The transferred prisoners were under supervision of forces loyal to General Rashid Dostum and some of them were survivors of the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi in Mazar-i-Sharif"
Yes, considering that afghan jihadis inflicted losses of over 60,000 on pakistan in 5 years. compare that 15000-20000 indian troops lost in kashmir vs afghan/chechen/pakistani/arab jihadis . And that historically Afghanistan has totally ruled pakistani territories for hundreds of years till the rise of sikhs. But sikhs are no more and its a blessing in disguise for taliban. Taliban also has a big support base in pakistan too.

Men, women and children are spoken of in the same breath as troops? The vast majority of the 55,000 figure are civilians.
Is Pakistan against general Dostum?

what are the relations like between Dostum, Pak Iran and Afg anyone?

He is Turkic and pro-Turkey and got full support from Turkey as far as i know.

Pakistan worried about Pashtun mostly because our Pashtuns are related to Afghan Pashtuns, also we are worried about Indians using Afghanistan to hurt Pakistan.
Pakistan should speak up for the interests of the Pakhtuns of Afghanistan but that doesn't mean we should be hostile to the Tajiks and Uzbeks.

I have met and known numerous Tajiks in my time and they are very friendly and respect the Pakistani culture and identity. You do get the net trolls though.
LOL, I wasn't talking about your nation.
oh my bad:P sorry bro ,I deleted the post but yes central Asia or ex-soviet states are the new ping in the great game &
the three great contenders are no doubt, TURKEY,IRAN & PAKISTAN
so may the best man win

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LOL, I wasn't talking about your nation.

Listen most Pakistanis like Iran but we also see Afghanistan as our fifth province tbh. You guys are welcome to look after your fellow Persians in Afghanistan but we both know you are friendly with India and we cannot allow you to gain enough influence that they gain a foothold any more than they already have. So that is where the line is drawn. Now Iraq and Syria that is your backyard and Pakistan should stay out of there. :cheers:

Stay west and all will be fine between Pakistan and Iran come east and it will go back to the 90s and then Saudis will use that to their own advantage as well.
Basically Pakistan supports only Pashtuns factions, at the detriment of others.
Its not just that, dostum has nothing to offer to pakistan, his links are with central asia and his interests are different. He fought alongside communists against pakistani backed mujahideens.
Hazaras are tied with shia state of iran, they will be eternally loyal to them.
There was chance with tajiks but pakistan unnecessarily antagonized them by favouring hikmatyar excessively while ignoring masood.

Basically Pakistan supports only Pashtuns factions, at the detriment of others.
And what about mining & fencing the Durand Line (theoretically if it were financially feasible) ?

Most Pukhtoons on PDF seem to be opposed to the idea & yet almost every Pukhtoon that I've known in real life either as friends or as family & especially the Tribal Pukhtoons - Dawars, Adamkhel Afridis, Shinwaris & Mohmads are pretty darn Anti-Afghan ! :unsure:
Neither you nor your friend @Icarus has any deep understanding of pakhtuns. Ask any wazir to say some thing against mehsuds and he will say such things that you will conclude that they are worst enemies of each other, but the same wazirs and mehsuds are closest to each other. We pakhtuns have habit of picking on each other, bytch about each other.....you will get an idea that highlanders look down upon lowlanders, southren look down upon northren, bar afghan look down upon lar afghan and so on. But deep down they are all one, outside the confines of pakhtunkhwa they all stick togather so much that it is difficult to differntiate them. You claim tribesmen hate afghanis? I have seen them living under roof in hujras as one community in Qatar. @EyanKhan would understand this phenomena.
You only evoke response of your like from pakhtuns and then do propaganda that look mohmands or dawars hate afghanis. Well butt sahab you are a snake , more dangerous than shrewed angraiz....stop " butting" in between pashtuns of two countries.
@EyanKhan Confederation between Pakistan and Afghanistan is better idea then absorbing pashtun portion of it. No matter how much afghanistan is in the ruins, it is cultural and historical reservior of not just pakhtuns but also uzbeks and tajiks who are more cultural and islamic than their russified kinsmen in central asia.
I was watching pashto interview of shahid afridi, he was using so many urdu words like @Abu Zolfiqar. What kind of fate is awaiting for pakistani pakhtuns, are they going to become irfan pathans in next century?

I pray the Afghan brothers/sisters learn to be one nation; not kill eachother over ethnic differences and not engage in business dealings with war-lords for 'protection' or 'material gain'

Hekmatyar, Mullah Omar, Dostum, Haqqanis, and the Tajiks all need to unite and cooperate with eachother. At the end of the day theyre all Muslims and Afghans. They hold enough influence to stop the bloodshed

and Mr. Pak-One --- you are one of the few people on here who engages in language politics. You are the "Pashtun" version of Altaf Hussain.

Be a human being and a Pakistani first.

p.s. Shahid Afridi brings better name to Pashtun than the shyte-heads like the late Hakimullah Mehsud, and all those other killers of Pakistani people (your people!)

Its not just that, dostum has nothing to offer to pakistan, his links are with central asia and his interests are different. He fought alongside communists against pakistani backed mujahideens.
Hazaras are tied with shia state of iran, they will be eternally loyal to them.
There was chance with tajiks but pakistan unnecessarily antagonized them by favouring hikmatyar excessively while ignoring masood.

our allies (The Turks) have a good relations with the former General Dostum.....the guy is no saint. He has a lot of blood on his hands, but for Turkic reasons - the Turks are close to him, in fact I believe he is living in Turkiye at the moment no?

and yes - Dostum is man of many hats!!!! The Northern Alliance are drug smugglers; it's an inherently anti-Pashtun group. But the Afghan taleban (Islamic Emirate government) of Mullah Omar has made mistakes, they have been stubborn - but I think NATO and international community accepted that he may be key to the reconciliation process

(assuming the West doesnt assasinate him, the way they assasinated Ahmed Shah Massoud -- who despite the fact that relations with him deteriorated after the anti-soviet jihad and subsequent civil war --- he was an Afghan patriot. I have respect for Shah Massoud as one of the greaters warriors/freedom fighters of 1970s/80s
@EyanKhan Confederation between Pakistan and Afghanistan is better idea then absorbing pashtun portion of it. No matter how much afghanistan is in the ruins, it is cultural and historical reservior of not just pakhtuns but also uzbeks and tajiks who are more cultural and islamic than their russified kinsmen in central asia.
I was watching pashto interview of shahid afridi, he was using so many urdu words like @Abu Zolfiqar. What kind of fate is awaiting for pakistani pakhtuns, are they going to become irfan pathans in next century?

Altaf bhai Afghan pashtuns mostly speak Dari now. :D
While you are negotiating with terrorists to hand over the tribal areas :sarcastic:

Nope negotiating for them to put down their arms but most people know it will fail which is kind of the point to make it seem like GOP tried before they maul them. :sarcastic:
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