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Will ‘Dostumistan’ Be Established Near Afghanistan’s Border With Uzbekistan?

That is what i meant. A complete political merger. All pashtuns , Tajiks , Uzbeks every inch of their land and people ,
Oh And @nick_indian ofcourse with their own will :D (just to clarify before someone calls me an imperialist)

his death was both unfortunate and untimely
I hear he was quiet strong and pro government ?

I don't think either of those ethnicities of Afghanistan would want to be a part of a Punjabi dominated country. They are too proud.
Leave him be ! :)

And you didn't answer my question ! :(

Chicken ! :whistle:
I typed it , it did not post will have to write all that again :'(

Well here's the summary
Realistically speaking the border should be closed for now until the talibitches are wiped out on both sides of the border.
Pakistan's problems were brought by its own intolerance and twisting of its ideology to meet the views of the mullahs.
We lost half our country in 71 and the spirit of it in 74. The afgahn's efforts after the 50s were futile as the Pashtunistan movement was killed by a pakhtun Ayub himself weho gave the Pashtuns high offics and they entered the Armed forces in heavy percentage . Therefore the pashtunistan movement was never a real problem after the 50s. We never should have supported the teletubbies in 96 or if we had to the masoods were a better option but ofcourse who can say no to the sheikhs in Riyadh. (As i said i can mention some very vivid details over here but i don't want to)
My point is not wether what the Afghans tried to or not but what caused our own fall i.e Intolerance and failure to accept the rules of modern world.
Had the tribals been educated with a literacy rate of even 50 percent , had we hanged a few mullahs every now and then :D (ok not hang but put them in their place :) ) kept the madrassahs and the ideologies they propagated in check we wouldn't be facing 90percent of the terrorist or likewise problems.

Leave him be ! :)

And you didn't answer my question ! :(

Chicken ! :whistle:
I typed it , it did not post will have to write all that again :'(

Well here's the summary
Realistically speaking the border should be closed for now until the talibitches are wiped out on both sides of the border.
Pakistan's problems were brought by its own intolerance and twisting of its ideology to meet the views of the mullahs.
We lost half our country in 71 and the spirit of it in 74. The afgahn's efforts after the 50s were futile as the Pashtunistan movement was killed by a pakhtun Ayub himself weho gave the Pashtuns high offics and they entered the Armed forces in heavy percentage . Therefore the pashtunistan movement was never a real problem after the 50s. We never should have supported the teletubbies in 96 or if we had to the masoods were a better option but ofcourse who can say no to the sheikhs in Riyadh. (As i said i can mention some very vivid details over here but i don't want to)
My point is not wether what the Afghans tried to or not but what caused our own fall i.e Intolerance and failure to accept the rules of the modern world.
Had the tribals been educated with a literacy rate of even 50 percent , had we hanged a few mullahs every now and then :D (ok not hang but put them in their place :) ) kept the madrassahs and the ideologies they propagated in check we wouldn't be facing 90percent of the terrorist or likewise problems.
I don't think either of those ethnicities of Afghanistan would want to be a part of a Punjabi dominated country. They are too proud.
with them here we can overtake them J/k Their problem is/was never with the punjabis . Historically speaking they are proud of Afghan rulers helping the Punjabi/North Indian muslims . the problems arrived when the KP became apart of Pakistan.While they may speak ill of it every now and then they can be easily Pakistanized. I know it because i know alot of them. They are a simple people and all you have to do is give them respect.
I typed it , it did not post will have to write all that again :'(

Well here's the summary
Realistically speaking the border should be closed for now until the talibitches are wiped out on both sides of the border.
Pakistan's problems were brought by its own intolerance and twisting of its ideology to meet the views of the mullahs.
We lost half our country in 71 and the spirit of it in 74. The afgahn's efforts after the 50s were futile as the Pashtunistan movement was killed by a pakhtun Ayub himself weho gave the Pashtuns high offics and they entered the Armed forces in heavy percentage . Therefore the pashtunistan movement was never a real problem after the 50s. We never should have supported the teletubbies in 96 or if we had to the masoods were a better option but ofcourse who can say no to the sheikhs in Riyadh. (As i said i can mention some very vivid details over here but i don't want to)
My point is not wether what the Afghans tried to or not but what caused our own fall i.e Intolerance and failure to accept the rules of modern world.
Had the tribals been educated with a literacy rate of even 50 percent , had we hanged a few mullahs every now and then :D (ok not hang but put them in their place :) ) kept the madrassahs and the ideologies they propagated in check we wouldn't be facing 90percent of the terrorist or likewise problems.

Yaraa par usss sareiiii ka bhi tou context haiii naaa - Even in the '90s the so-called Mujahideen had splintered into dozens of factions & warlords with their own personal fiefdoms with every country in the region fighting their proxy wars by supporting one faction against the other with many of them being used against us as well.....thats where the Taliban came into the picture - We never really created them so much as supported them after exhausting our Options with the Hekmatyars, Dostums, Rabbanis & Massouds of Afghanistan to bring some semblance of peace & stability to Afghanistan & prevent Afghan soil being used against us & judging by the Taliban's refusal to recogize the Durand Line or not give sanctuary to every crook that left Pakistan or continue on with the fighting in Afghanistan despite what Pakistan kept asking them & then refusing to hand-over OBL I'm not too sure how much they were our Proxies to begin with !

Its not as if some Pakistani General woke up one day & thought 'Hey maybe we should rule Afghanistan....that'll be fun' - Our actions were in reaction to what was going on over there !

And about the Pukhtoonistan thing - I don't think it ever was an Issue with Pakistani Pukhtoons but it was with the Afghans hence why everyone from Zahir Shah to Daud Khan to Babrak whipped it up at a moment of their choosing & why under Bhutto & Naseerullah Babar Pakistan decided to repay Afghan Venom with a currency they understood !
Yaraa par usss sareiiii ka bhi tou context haiii naaa - Even in the '90s the so-called Mujahideen had splintered into dozens of factions & warlords with their own personal fiefdoms with every country in the region fighting their proxy wars by supporting one faction against the other with many of them being used against us as well.....thats where the Taliban came into the picture - We never really created them so much as supported them after exhausting our Options with the Hekmatyars, Dostums, Rabbanis & Massouds of Afghanistan to bring some semblance of peace & stability to Afghanistan & prevent Afghan soil being used against them !

Its not as if some Pakistani General woke up one day & thought 'Hey maybe we should rule Afghanistan....that'll be fun' - Our actions were in reaction to what was going on over there !
We should never have brought the taliban in power , Pakistan was itself in a tight spot and wanted a pro Pak government and with a little encouragement from the sheikhs we did it anyway , the sheikhs wanted another sunni Guard dog for themselves which they could summon anytime only fault is the Teletubbies messed with the US and the sheikhs had to abandon them.
The things that happen in Afghanistan has alot of culprits with the Union being the biggest , Pak did things to save its own skin , The Us well no need to mention that -_-

Most of us are pro Pak over here and National loyalty does supersede ethnic loyalty . Therefore Pak before all but that does not mean we don't wish for Afghanistan to be successful.
And if someone talks of dismantling it ,it does make us mad it was made by our ancestors so we do feel a connection to it.

But for me Pak lost its spirit in 74
Thats quite true.

So what is the best solution according to you?

We should never have brought the taliban in power , Pakistan was itself in a tight spot and wanted a pro Pak government and with a little encouragement from the sheikhs we did it anyway , the sheikhs wanted another sunni Guard dog for themselves which they could summon anytime only fault is the Teletubbies messed with the US and the sheikhs had to abandon them.
The things that happen in Afghanistan has alot of culprits with the Union being the biggest , Pak did things to save its own skin , The Us well no need to mention that -_-

Most of us are pro Pak over here and National loyalty does supersede ethnic loyalty . Therefore Pak before all but that does not mean we don't wish for Afghanistan to be successful.
And if someone talks of dismantling it ,it does make us mad it was made by our ancestors so we do feel a connection to it.

But for me Pak lost its spirit in 74

Thats why i said Pak should never support Taliban again to take over Kabul just because they are pashtuns. Just make sure pashtuns are given equal rights and share just like Tajiks, Uzbeks, in Afghanistan.
Most of us are pro Pak over here and National loyalty does supersede ethnic loyalty . Therefore Pak before all but that does not mean we don't wish for Afghanistan to be successful.
And if someone talks of dismantling it ,it does make us mad it was made by our ancestors so we do feel a connection to it.

Oi who is talking about your loyalty ? :what:

Pakistani Pukhtoons are perhaps the most patriotic of all Pakistanis & have given more sacrifices for Pakistan than all the other ethnic groups combined ! :kiss3:

I wish well for Afghanistan too & I'd hope for the Brotherly Relations between Pakistan & Afghanistan that Quaid-e-Azam wanted but a pre-requisite for that is that they - the Afghans - wish well for us too - I've yet to meet an Afghan either in real-life or over the Internet who isn't rabidly Anti-Pakistan & frothing & fuming from his moth whenever Pakistan is mentioned !

I certainly can't be a well-wisher of someone who in his hate for Pakistan wants nearly 2/3rd of country, calls disparaging names to my countrymen & is alright if Afghan soil is used against Pakistan as it has in the past & present & by the way all of this happening despite Pakistan - a poor....poor country - having pumped billions of dollars of humanitarian aid into Afghanistan & after having kept millions of them on our Soil for more than 3 decades !

Isss sub kuch key baaad bhii if they hate me - What do I make of it ?
Wrrora, Kashmir is a disputed territory between India & Pakistan.....Gujrat & Afghanistan are not !

The Muslims of India look up to Pakistan when things start to happen. Pakistan will give them moral and material support as the need arises. Same is the case with Afghanistan. We are only strong when we have links in our neighborhood. An isolated country is as good as a lost country.
Besides what have we achieved from pumping billions of dollars of humanitarian aid into Afghanistan & hosting millions of Afghans for more than 30 years on Pakistani Soil ?

And this by-the-way in the back-drop of what successive Afghan Governments have been up to since '48 - Long before the Taliban were ever thought of !

Wrrora isn't it time to call spade a spade ? That Afghans are as Anti-Pakistan as it gets & we should've cut our losses & kick the remainder of them out of Pakistani Territory ? We should charge them enough in Import Duties for using our Ports or our Land Routes & close them down every now & then when they do something against Pakistani Interests ?

Why should we continue to waste resources on them when much of those wasted 'billions' could've been used on the People of FATA, KPK, Baluchistan, Southern Punjab & Interior Sindh instead ?

We are a Poor Country & yet we've still given billions to them & hosted millions of them for more than 3 decades - If even after that they are not Pro-Pakistan than they will never be so its better to know that we've wasted money on these People & instead focus on Pakistanis !

We have achieved to survive. Take it point by point.
Lets imagine the SU has won in Afghanistan. On one side you have India and on the other Soviet Afghanistan. Now again imagine that they want access to warm water port. Gawadar comes to mind. All the needed to do cry Pahtonistan and Baloch under oppression and the goal is achieved.
Tell me honestly how long you think Pakistan would have survived if there ever was a combined assault by India and Soviet Afghanistan. My answer would be days and weeks and then good bye Pakistan.

Now I will take argument forward.
I don't understand why people have such a fixation about the lines that colonialists drew. Isn't it time we make some changes to those line (After all the word of a gora is not the word of God, or is it?).
Afghanistan is there like a perfect example. Pakistan need to make some investment and this time wisely and we can achieve greater Pakistan (or greater Afghanistan, I don't have any fixation with names). This will solve your strategic depth problems and stabilise Afghanistan for good. Next we need to help the Balochs, make Sistan Balochistan part of Pakistan. And finally when we have all the strength and power. We take Indian Kashmir and Punjab.
So there you have greater Afghanistan, greater Balochistan and finally greater Punjab and Kashmir. All under one roof.
Say hello to the newest world power.
Think big brother don't let other belittle you.
Is Pakistan against general Dostum?

what are the relations like between Dostum, Pak Iran and Afg anyone?

He is Turkic and pro-Turkey and got full support from Turkey as far as i know.

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