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Will declare Jihad to save Pakistan: Imran Khan

Imran khan to save Pakistan? This must be a joke. Please find below an article published today and decide if Taliban Khan is capable of saving Pakistan.


PTI’s Taliban solution

Imran Khan
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

To get a measure of Malala’s courage, one only needs to look at pictures of beheaded corpses on display in Mingora’s “Khooni Chowk”. It was no small achievement to write those diaries, despite the gruesome warnings. Therefore, it was no exaggeration when Malala was awarded the title of “The bravest girl in the world”.

However, this title can be a bit misleading because her courage surpasses not only that of the girls of this world, but also of grown-up men. Men such as the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), who confessed on TV that he refrains from criticising the Taliban for fears of reprisals targeted at the PTI.

Fear is a very human emotion and can be a valid reason for maintaining silence, but under no circumstances should it warrant the spreading of disinformation. It is a fact that when Malala was writing her diaries from Mingora and detailing the killings and destruction of schools, the chairman of the PTI, from the safety of Islamabad, had declared all such news to be mere “government propaganda”. More than flowers and commiserations, what Mr Khan owes Malala is an apology for discrediting her efforts.

But expecting such an apology would be a bit too much, because the PTI’s campaign of disinformation still continues. Khan Sahib’s proposed solution to the Taliban problem is one such example.

Declaring it as the “only solution”, he presents three main steps towards peace: Step 1: Pakistan distances itself from United States’ war on terror (WOT), and as a result the Taliban lose the reason for their struggle.

Step 2: Convince the tribes of Fata that Pakistan is not fighting the WOT anymore, and thus convince the Taliban to disarm. Mr Khan believes that 90 percent of the Taliban would lay their arms down at this point.

Step 3: If the remaining 10 percent still persist on ideological basis, then a small “chota mota” military operation could be carried out with the help of the tribes of Fata.

This strategy is based on some very flawed assumptions, as Khan Sahib assumes that the people of Fata are siding with the Taliban. To back this claim he invokes history and then leaves it at that.

Historical references are important to consider but more important are modern-day ones. This “Tribal-Taliban-Unity” straw man stands exposed with the existence of anti-Taliban tribal lashkars that are created through community consensus. These communities have lost centuries old tribal structures to the Taliban onslaught and have endured beheadings of their loved ones on their native soil. As a result rather then being angry with the Americans in Afghanistan, these rational Pakistanis are more perturbed by the barbarians who are unlawfully ruling their villages through fear and intimidation. Why is it that the rebellion of these entirely Pakhtun anti-Taliban groups does not remind Imran Khan of the indomitable spirit that resisted the British, while he is very eager to declare a motley crew, including Chechens, Punjabis, Arabs, Turkmen, and Uighars, as the “Pakhtun resistance”?

Similarly baseless is the claim that 90 percent of the Taliban are fighting this war because of Pakistan’s support to the WOT. The PTI’s failed attempt to hold a jalsa in Waziristan proves the non-existence of this “90 percent”. If such an overwhelming number of the Taliban agreed with the PTI, then PTI would have been embraced as an ideological ally and Khan Sahib would not have been titled as “a slave of the west”.

This “slavery” of Mr Khan is certainly not about siding with the United States in the WOT, because he has made his opposition quite clear on that front. However, his slavery is signified through his beardless face, his approval for female education, polio vaccination and his acceptance of many other freedoms that we Pakistanis consider our basic rights.

It is clear that the Taliban’s measure of freedom from the west is for Imran Khan and the rest of Pakistan to be enslaved under Taliban rule. The people of Waziristan and Swat have tasted this and the struggle of Malala was against these exact “freedoms”. The Swat experience showed that the Taliban would not settle for anything less than total control and will not desist from expanding through violent means. If the military is not needed to counter such an existential threat, then in my opinion there is no need for a military.

A very common retort to the military option is to ask what exactly we have accomplished through operations so far. But if our military has failed to deliver then that demands that its performance be reviewed, and not that Pakistanis be handed over as hostages to a band of armed thugs.

The bulldozed town of Loi Sum stands testament to highhanded policies without any restraint. The discovery of Osama near Kakul and the presence of Taliban sympathisers within our armed forces raise serious concerns about the inherent weaknesses within our military response.

If demands are to be made of the government, then they should be to demand results from the army.

The Taliban constitute an existential threat to Pakistan and the Pakistani way of life. Despite the thousands of deaths, we still lack the resolve to fight this menace. This lack of resolve emanates directly from the confusion that prevails about this issue. The source of this confusion lies in the ridiculous theories that don’t stand up to rational scrutiny.

The price for this confusion is not being equally paid by all of Pakistan. If handing over Swat and Waziristan to buy the safety of Islamabad and Lahore is the “only solution” then it is not a sustainable one, because sooner rather than later Pakistan is bound to run out of these Pashto-speaking ‘lesser’ Pakistanis.

The writer is a freelance contributor. Email:iopyne@gmail.com; Twitter: tweets @iopyne.



This author like several others too has failed to present the solution to the problem. Rather than criticizing IK's solution, it would have been much better if the author had brought his strategy to the table. I may not fully agree with IK's strategy to end this war but in absence of alternate ideas and solutions from other quarters, I think we should give it a go.

And by the way, this is where all other political parties, our military and Govt. has failed us.
just because i dont buy what you selling?

I, am selling peace, can't help if you wish to buy lunacy.

what you think , all the dam 60 NATO countries will listen IK & PTI,s unlogical & stupid war solving theories?

They, already are. Half of Nato countries are nearing bankruptcy or fiscal cliff, they are breathing through fiscal quantitative easing. They are negotiating with the insurgent groups in Qatar. They , want to get the hell out of here, all we have to do is to help them do so.... to save our own a**.

they will going to attack.

It, takes money and they have none. They already ARE attacking you, can't you see it, through 4th generation warfare.

IK can tell you how to swing the 2nd hand half shine cricket balls, or how to bat, but strategic planning & militry solutions are vry difficult things?

IK is a rational sane thinker, rest of them are a bunch of retarded lunatics who want to suck every single drop of blood from Pakistani nation to pay for this insane war. I have lost relatives in suicide bombings, you can't tell me how painful it is to see your loved ones getting ruthlessly butchered without knowing why and who killed them. I want end to this lunatic attitude..

this world doesnt romming around IK, friend out of box thinking is needed here!

Yes, this world roams around, Zardari, Nawaz shairf, Musharraf and every other **** **** who brought this country and its nation to its knees.

This God damn, war has my support no more, nor do those ignorant, retards who "hope" that they can have a better result by doing the same thing all over again. [Speak of Einstein's theory of "stupidity" ]

Yea... No thank you !
Jih@di Imran Khan on a roll....Imran Khan impose sharia law in Pakistan and take it to stone age....all the best!

one thing i guarantee you, there will be sharia laws in India before it happens in Pakistan if Congress is still a political party in next 50 years :welcome:
one thing i guarantee you, there will be sharia laws in India before it happens in Pakistan if Congress is still a political party in next 50 years :welcome:

i don't think so .in india people choose leader not army like ur country .

And you suggest operations operations operations kills yourselves putting Pakistan Army into your political jihad on behest of the western demands-pressures.

Grow-up you people have been told a million times you have ill economy that is going down, cannot risk more civilian-military causalities in warzones-cities, War cannot be stretched for a very long period it will only and only weaken Pakistan. Lastly batmannow, Pakistan Armed Forces refused Categorically you people have your Answers.

If someone is threaten my home I will only tell him once to back off, after that i will go after him with everything i have. Our soldiers signed up for this not just collecting plots, death comes either way even if you dont fight. our enemy knows we have weak stomach and that makes them brave. Look around you read some history all the great nations were built on sacrifices you dont get to be great by sitting on your a.sses and praying to allah
This author like several others too has failed to present the solution to the problem. Rather than criticizing IK's solution, it would have been much better if the author had brought his strategy to the table. I may not fully agree with IK's strategy to end this war but in absence of alternate ideas and solutions from other quarters, I think we should give it a go.

And by the way, this is where all other political parties, our military and Govt. has failed us.

& dont you think IK,s logic is just a level , ahead KIDS playing next door?
I, am selling peace, can't help if you wish to buy lunacy.

They, already are. Half of Nato countries are nearing bankruptcy or fiscal cliff, they are breathing through fiscal quantitative easing. They are negotiating with the insurgent groups in Qatar. They , want to get the hell out of here, all we have to do is to help them do so.... to save our own a**.

It, takes money and they have none. They already ARE attacking you, can't you see it, through 4th generation warfare.

IK is a rational sane thinker, rest of them are a bunch of retarded lunatics who want to suck every single drop of blood from Pakistani nation to pay for this insane war. I have lost relatives in suicide bombings, you can't tell me how painful it is to see your loved ones getting ruthlessly butchered without knowing why and who killed them. I want end to this lunatic attitude..

Yes, this world roams around, Zardari, Nawaz shairf, Musharraf and every other **** **** who brought this country and its nation to its knees.

This God damn, war has my support no more, nor do those ignorant, retards who "hope" that they can have a better result by doing the same thing all over again. [Speak of Einstein's theory of "stupidity" ]

Yea... No thank you !

what a WEAK person you are?:no:
your relatives get losted, & you strated thinking surrender? wow:cheesy:
what you think NATO, is finished by its ECONOMY?:rofl:
how many TALIBANS you hve met who are in negociations ? can you prove it?
when its just only a hear say, a theory which was spread by CIA?
wake up friend, NATO isnt a dam bangladesh who dont have a dam dime, thier best profession for them is solidering, try to google that for the past 150 years of history?:hitwall:

thanks for accepting, IK a insane thinker! he is!:tup:
& in the end , thanks for reply!
at least you hve changed your ....... mind, that its oky to reply my post!;)
I fail to understand... why people fail to think, what kind of Taliban are exploding in Karachi, Taxil, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar etc at the same time!
Why attacks stopped with blockage of transit aid.
Who rules Port Qasim, where all foreign containers dock!
lol he just said he will declare Jihad(from a possible foreign invasion)to save Pakistan...and there are majority of Pakistanis who know what Jihad is...when the leader declares it ..it becomes compulsory ..if we cant live as a free human atleast we will die as a martyer..and by going thru the thread ive seen the hatred of Non Muslims for Jihad..and guys seriously its not new your ancestors were also hating it..as a Pakistani its my duty to save Pakistan and as a Muslim its my divine right to fook up the invaders so win win situation for us

The assumption behind this is apparently that 'invaders' of Pakistan today are the drones, and therefore the people operating the drones, i.e., the Americans. However, they cannot be 'invaders' if they are doing what they do with the consent of the national administration of Pakistan.

There is room to believe that the national administration of Pakistan has been asked for permission to operate the drone flights over Pakistani territory. That, if true, would imply that drone flights are not invasions.
The tricolor is stopping you guys from understanding and reading the news with the positive attitude IK carries

Fascinating; never occurred to me. Does that mean that those sporting the green-and-white and not very convinced about the effectiveness or about the sincerity of the statement are actually Indians in disguise?
Fascinating; never occurred to me. Does that mean that those sporting the green-and-white and not very convinced about the effectiveness or about the sincerity of the statement are actually Indians in disguise?

when even green & white, cant read it?
I don't think Imran Khan has anything useful to offer, It's just Pakistanis ,especially urban middle class , are sick of Politicians.

They want change, They want a leader who is non-corruptible, may be he talk of fairy tales on every second day.

But according to me , it is a dangerous trend... look at India , everybody know Manmohan singh is non-corruptible still his gov is one of the most corrupt gov.

In Pakistan , there is enough of Jehad , fatawa etc , Pakistan needs law and order , every scoundrel must be put behind the bar However strong or popular he may be.

The leader who can ensure rule of law , can only make Pakistan prosperous!:cheers:
Without doubt, IK is biggest fitna in Pakistan.

No armed movement can be termed as Jihad, until it is under taken by Pak army or sanctioned by Pak army.
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