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Will declare Jihad to save Pakistan: Imran Khan

Sir, thats probably how military minds and militant/extremists on both side of the border think, cause that how they are trained or brainwashed to think.

Talk for your side of the border. Not for us.Which militants/extremists are found on our side of the border who carry out insurgency on yours ?

on the other hand, you have civilian rulers who believe in taking initiatives, but willingness on both sides is a must, indian nationalist would be the biggest hurdle...

Clever clever dear Imran Khan. Things like cross border insurgency, terrorism, incidents like Kargil etc are not hurdles but Indian nationalists who want India to retain her territory and preserve the territorial integrity are hurdles. Wow. We dont care what you do with your Kashmir. Now if you consider that a hurdle..so be it.

I personally believe that it would take 1 generation to be trained that way to make this dream possible, but the policy should be decided today !!

Again please speak for Pakistan. Not for India. And no, I think it it would take forever for Pakistan to realize that Jammu and Kashmir is going nowhere and be content with its Kashmir..
Mulla ji padhaar rahe hain.

Jaagte raho!

Its better to let stuff get to your head before to your finger tips and key board. It saves, a lot of embarrassment , read the news again, if doesn't make sense, read again.
Imran khan to save Pakistan? This must be a joke. Please find below an article published today and decide if Taliban Khan is capable of saving Pakistan.


PTI’s Taliban solution

Imran Khan
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

To get a measure of Malala’s courage, one only needs to look at pictures of beheaded corpses on display in Mingora’s “Khooni Chowk”. It was no small achievement to write those diaries, despite the gruesome warnings. Therefore, it was no exaggeration when Malala was awarded the title of “The bravest girl in the world”.

However, this title can be a bit misleading because her courage surpasses not only that of the girls of this world, but also of grown-up men. Men such as the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), who confessed on TV that he refrains from criticising the Taliban for fears of reprisals targeted at the PTI.

Fear is a very human emotion and can be a valid reason for maintaining silence, but under no circumstances should it warrant the spreading of disinformation. It is a fact that when Malala was writing her diaries from Mingora and detailing the killings and destruction of schools, the chairman of the PTI, from the safety of Islamabad, had declared all such news to be mere “government propaganda”. More than flowers and commiserations, what Mr Khan owes Malala is an apology for discrediting her efforts.

But expecting such an apology would be a bit too much, because the PTI’s campaign of disinformation still continues. Khan Sahib’s proposed solution to the Taliban problem is one such example.

Declaring it as the “only solution”, he presents three main steps towards peace: Step 1: Pakistan distances itself from United States’ war on terror (WOT), and as a result the Taliban lose the reason for their struggle.

Step 2: Convince the tribes of Fata that Pakistan is not fighting the WOT anymore, and thus convince the Taliban to disarm. Mr Khan believes that 90 percent of the Taliban would lay their arms down at this point.

Step 3: If the remaining 10 percent still persist on ideological basis, then a small “chota mota” military operation could be carried out with the help of the tribes of Fata.

This strategy is based on some very flawed assumptions, as Khan Sahib assumes that the people of Fata are siding with the Taliban. To back this claim he invokes history and then leaves it at that.

Historical references are important to consider but more important are modern-day ones. This “Tribal-Taliban-Unity” straw man stands exposed with the existence of anti-Taliban tribal lashkars that are created through community consensus. These communities have lost centuries old tribal structures to the Taliban onslaught and have endured beheadings of their loved ones on their native soil. As a result rather then being angry with the Americans in Afghanistan, these rational Pakistanis are more perturbed by the barbarians who are unlawfully ruling their villages through fear and intimidation. Why is it that the rebellion of these entirely Pakhtun anti-Taliban groups does not remind Imran Khan of the indomitable spirit that resisted the British, while he is very eager to declare a motley crew, including Chechens, Punjabis, Arabs, Turkmen, and Uighars, as the “Pakhtun resistance”?

Similarly baseless is the claim that 90 percent of the Taliban are fighting this war because of Pakistan’s support to the WOT. The PTI’s failed attempt to hold a jalsa in Waziristan proves the non-existence of this “90 percent”. If such an overwhelming number of the Taliban agreed with the PTI, then PTI would have been embraced as an ideological ally and Khan Sahib would not have been titled as “a slave of the west”.

This “slavery” of Mr Khan is certainly not about siding with the United States in the WOT, because he has made his opposition quite clear on that front. However, his slavery is signified through his beardless face, his approval for female education, polio vaccination and his acceptance of many other freedoms that we Pakistanis consider our basic rights.

It is clear that the Taliban’s measure of freedom from the west is for Imran Khan and the rest of Pakistan to be enslaved under Taliban rule. The people of Waziristan and Swat have tasted this and the struggle of Malala was against these exact “freedoms”. The Swat experience showed that the Taliban would not settle for anything less than total control and will not desist from expanding through violent means. If the military is not needed to counter such an existential threat, then in my opinion there is no need for a military.

A very common retort to the military option is to ask what exactly we have accomplished through operations so far. But if our military has failed to deliver then that demands that its performance be reviewed, and not that Pakistanis be handed over as hostages to a band of armed thugs.

The bulldozed town of Loi Sum stands testament to highhanded policies without any restraint. The discovery of Osama near Kakul and the presence of Taliban sympathisers within our armed forces raise serious concerns about the inherent weaknesses within our military response.

If demands are to be made of the government, then they should be to demand results from the army.

The Taliban constitute an existential threat to Pakistan and the Pakistani way of life. Despite the thousands of deaths, we still lack the resolve to fight this menace. This lack of resolve emanates directly from the confusion that prevails about this issue. The source of this confusion lies in the ridiculous theories that don’t stand up to rational scrutiny.

The price for this confusion is not being equally paid by all of Pakistan. If handing over Swat and Waziristan to buy the safety of Islamabad and Lahore is the “only solution” then it is not a sustainable one, because sooner rather than later Pakistan is bound to run out of these Pashto-speaking ‘lesser’ Pakistanis.

The writer is a freelance contributor. Email:iopyne@gmail.com; Twitter: tweets @iopyne.


Imran khan to save Pakistan? This must be a joke. Please find below an article published today and decide if Taliban Khan is capable of saving Pakistan.


PTI’s Taliban solution

Imran Khan
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

To get a measure of Malala’s courage, one only needs to look at pictures of beheaded corpses on display in Mingora’s “Khooni Chowk”. It was no small achievement to write those diaries, despite the gruesome warnings. Therefore, it was no exaggeration when Malala was awarded the title of “The bravest girl in the world”.

However, this title can be a bit misleading because her courage surpasses not only that of the girls of this world, but also of grown-up men. Men such as the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), who confessed on TV that he refrains from criticising the Taliban for fears of reprisals targeted at the PTI.

Fear is a very human emotion and can be a valid reason for maintaining silence, but under no circumstances should it warrant the spreading of disinformation. It is a fact that when Malala was writing her diaries from Mingora and detailing the killings and destruction of schools, the chairman of the PTI, from the safety of Islamabad, had declared all such news to be mere “government propaganda”. More than flowers and commiserations, what Mr Khan owes Malala is an apology for discrediting her efforts.

But expecting such an apology would be a bit too much, because the PTI’s campaign of disinformation still continues. Khan Sahib’s proposed solution to the Taliban problem is one such example.

Declaring it as the “only solution”, he presents three main steps towards peace: Step 1: Pakistan distances itself from United States’ war on terror (WOT), and as a result the Taliban lose the reason for their struggle.

Step 2: Convince the tribes of Fata that Pakistan is not fighting the WOT anymore, and thus convince the Taliban to disarm. Mr Khan believes that 90 percent of the Taliban would lay their arms down at this point.

Step 3: If the remaining 10 percent still persist on ideological basis, then a small “chota mota” military operation could be carried out with the help of the tribes of Fata.

This strategy is based on some very flawed assumptions, as Khan Sahib assumes that the people of Fata are siding with the Taliban. To back this claim he invokes history and then leaves it at that.

Historical references are important to consider but more important are modern-day ones. This “Tribal-Taliban-Unity” straw man stands exposed with the existence of anti-Taliban tribal lashkars that are created through community consensus. These communities have lost centuries old tribal structures to the Taliban onslaught and have endured beheadings of their loved ones on their native soil. As a result rather then being angry with the Americans in Afghanistan, these rational Pakistanis are more perturbed by the barbarians who are unlawfully ruling their villages through fear and intimidation. Why is it that the rebellion of these entirely Pakhtun anti-Taliban groups does not remind Imran Khan of the indomitable spirit that resisted the British, while he is very eager to declare a motley crew, including Chechens, Punjabis, Arabs, Turkmen, and Uighars, as the “Pakhtun resistance”?

Similarly baseless is the claim that 90 percent of the Taliban are fighting this war because of Pakistan’s support to the WOT. The PTI’s failed attempt to hold a jalsa in Waziristan proves the non-existence of this “90 percent”. If such an overwhelming number of the Taliban agreed with the PTI, then PTI would have been embraced as an ideological ally and Khan Sahib would not have been titled as “a slave of the west”.

This “slavery” of Mr Khan is certainly not about siding with the United States in the WOT, because he has made his opposition quite clear on that front. However, his slavery is signified through his beardless face, his approval for female education, polio vaccination and his acceptance of many other freedoms that we Pakistanis consider our basic rights.

It is clear that the Taliban’s measure of freedom from the west is for Imran Khan and the rest of Pakistan to be enslaved under Taliban rule. The people of Waziristan and Swat have tasted this and the struggle of Malala was against these exact “freedoms”. The Swat experience showed that the Taliban would not settle for anything less than total control and will not desist from expanding through violent means. If the military is not needed to counter such an existential threat, then in my opinion there is no need for a military.

A very common retort to the military option is to ask what exactly we have accomplished through operations so far. But if our military has failed to deliver then that demands that its performance be reviewed, and not that Pakistanis be handed over as hostages to a band of armed thugs.

The bulldozed town of Loi Sum stands testament to highhanded policies without any restraint. The discovery of Osama near Kakul and the presence of Taliban sympathisers within our armed forces raise serious concerns about the inherent weaknesses within our military response.

If demands are to be made of the government, then they should be to demand results from the army.

The Taliban constitute an existential threat to Pakistan and the Pakistani way of life. Despite the thousands of deaths, we still lack the resolve to fight this menace. This lack of resolve emanates directly from the confusion that prevails about this issue. The source of this confusion lies in the ridiculous theories that don’t stand up to rational scrutiny.

The price for this confusion is not being equally paid by all of Pakistan. If handing over Swat and Waziristan to buy the safety of Islamabad and Lahore is the “only solution” then it is not a sustainable one, because sooner rather than later Pakistan is bound to run out of these Pashto-speaking ‘lesser’ Pakistanis.

The writer is a freelance contributor. Email:iopyne@gmail.com; Twitter: tweets @iopyne.



1: Send the Military with no suitable hardware to N. Wazirstan, which may result in 100s of soldiers getting killed and injured. [Who gives a F, 5000 of them are already dead!]
2: Arrange and pay for 4 million IDPs [Who cares, we already had two million]
3: Trust Americans to do the right thing and "hope" that they will fight the TTP from the other side of Afghan border.[Flying pigs]
4: Put up with another wave of suicide bombings and prepare 100s possibly 1000s more civilians dead. [Laut kay budhu ghar ko aye]
5: Prepare for losing billions in economic loss. [Talk of a failed state again--oh yea!]
6: Prepare for international, anxiety growing over insecurity in Pakistan over its nuclear program.
7: Expect FDI that is now slightly coming inwards to dry up and international sports.
8: Be prepared to have no results from North Wazirstan operation because TTP will simply migrate to Afghanistan to its masters. [Karzai will have more to bargain.]

When you do it, all be prepared to do it all over again, because this operation will achieve no objectives, which is why the Military is not going in to begin with. I personally am sick and tired of this "up in arms ,go get em" attitude. There is NO military solution to this God damn war, every war in history has ended in a political settlement, if the yanks can speak to taliban in Qatar, whats wrong with us ?.

The only solution would be the one where we engage the tribals into a peace plan and work it through a political framework. Military ops are counter productive, they only create more terrorists. I wish we would have learned that so far, and stopped blaming people who think outside the box as "taliban sympathizers".
Imran khan to save Pakistan? This must be a joke. Please find below an article published today and decide if Taliban Khan is capable of saving Pakistan.

PTI’s Taliban solution

Imran Khan
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

To get a measure of Malala’s courage, one only needs to look at pictures of beheaded corpses on display in Mingora’s “Khooni Chowk”. It was no small achievement to write those diaries, despite the gruesome warnings. Therefore, it was no exaggeration when Malala was awarded the title of “The bravest girl in the world”.

However, this title can be a bit misleading because her courage surpasses not only that of the girls of this world, but also of grown-up men. Men such as the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), who confessed on TV that he refrains from criticising the Taliban for fears of reprisals targeted at the PTI.

Fear is a very human emotion and can be a valid reason for maintaining silence, but under no circumstances should it warrant the spreading of disinformation. It is a fact that when Malala was writing her diaries from Mingora and detailing the killings and destruction of schools, the chairman of the PTI, from the safety of Islamabad, had declared all such news to be mere “government propaganda”. More than flowers and commiserations, what Mr Khan owes Malala is an apology for discrediting her efforts.

But expecting such an apology would be a bit too much, because the PTI’s campaign of disinformation still continues. Khan Sahib’s proposed solution to the Taliban problem is one such example.

Declaring it as the “only solution”, he presents three main steps towards peace: Step 1: Pakistan distances itself from United States’ war on terror (WOT), and as a result the Taliban lose the reason for their struggle.

Step 2: Convince the tribes of Fata that Pakistan is not fighting the WOT anymore, and thus convince the Taliban to disarm. Mr Khan believes that 90 percent of the Taliban would lay their arms down at this point.

Step 3: If the remaining 10 percent still persist on ideological basis, then a small “chota mota” military operation could be carried out with the help of the tribes of Fata.

This strategy is based on some very flawed assumptions, as Khan Sahib assumes that the people of Fata are siding with the Taliban. To back this claim he invokes history and then leaves it at that.

Historical references are important to consider but more important are modern-day ones. This “Tribal-Taliban-Unity” straw man stands exposed with the existence of anti-Taliban tribal lashkars that are created through community consensus. These communities have lost centuries old tribal structures to the Taliban onslaught and have endured beheadings of their loved ones on their native soil. As a result rather then being angry with the Americans in Afghanistan, these rational Pakistanis are more perturbed by the barbarians who are unlawfully ruling their villages through fear and intimidation. Why is it that the rebellion of these entirely Pakhtun anti-Taliban groups does not remind Imran Khan of the indomitable spirit that resisted the British, while he is very eager to declare a motley crew, including Chechens, Punjabis, Arabs, Turkmen, and Uighars, as the “Pakhtun resistance”?

Similarly baseless is the claim that 90 percent of the Taliban are fighting this war because of Pakistan’s support to the WOT. The PTI’s failed attempt to hold a jalsa in Waziristan proves the non-existence of this “90 percent”. If such an overwhelming number of the Taliban agreed with the PTI, then PTI would have been embraced as an ideological ally and Khan Sahib would not have been titled as “a slave of the west”.

This “slavery” of Mr Khan is certainly not about siding with the United States in the WOT, because he has made his opposition quite clear on that front. However, his slavery is signified through his beardless face, his approval for female education, polio vaccination and his acceptance of many other freedoms that we Pakistanis consider our basic rights.

It is clear that the Taliban’s measure of freedom from the west is for Imran Khan and the rest of Pakistan to be enslaved under Taliban rule. The people of Waziristan and Swat have tasted this and the struggle of Malala was against these exact “freedoms”. The Swat experience showed that the Taliban would not settle for anything less than total control and will not desist from expanding through violent means. If the military is not needed to counter such an existential threat, then in my opinion there is no need for a military.

A very common retort to the military option is to ask what exactly we have accomplished through operations so far. But if our military has failed to deliver then that demands that its performance be reviewed, and not that Pakistanis be handed over as hostages to a band of armed thugs.

The bulldozed town of Loi Sum stands testament to highhanded policies without any restraint. The discovery of Osama near Kakul and the presence of Taliban sympathisers within our armed forces raise serious concerns about the inherent weaknesses within our military response.

If demands are to be made of the government, then they should be to demand results from the army.

The Taliban constitute an existential threat to Pakistan and the Pakistani way of life. Despite the thousands of deaths, we still lack the resolve to fight this menace. This lack of resolve emanates directly from the confusion that prevails about this issue. The source of this confusion lies in the ridiculous theories that don’t stand up to rational scrutiny.

The price for this confusion is not being equally paid by all of Pakistan. If handing over Swat and Waziristan to buy the safety of Islamabad and Lahore is the “only solution” then it is not a sustainable one, because sooner rather than later Pakistan is bound to run out of these Pashto-speaking ‘lesser’ Pakistanis.

The writer is a freelance contributor. Email:iopyne@gmail.com; Twitter: tweets @iopyne.



Military Operations is an option but not the solution, eventually you will have to come to the point to sit and solve the issue once and for all. Results speaks for itself US-NATO Failed even after 10 Years in Afghanistan. If people have better solution then they should bring it forward otherwise sane heads won't accept "Never ending Operations" that Aeronaut explained briefly people better be ready for economic-human loses, Pakistan cannot sustain such loses over a prolonged time nor meddling and incursions of US-NATO in Pakistan's Territories, Those who suggest-think are Fools otherwise.
1: Send the Military with no suitable hardware to N. Wazirstan, which may result in 100s of soldiers getting killed and injured. [Who gives a F, 5000 of them are already dead!]
2: Arrange and pay for 4 million IDPs [Who cares, we already had two million]
3: Trust Americans to do the right thing and "hope" that they will fight the TTP from the other side of Afghan border.[Flying pigs]
4: Put up with another wave of suicide bombings and prepare 100s possibly 1000s more civilians dead. [Laut kay budhu ghar ko aye]
5: Prepare for losing billions in economic loss. [Talk of a failed state again--oh yea!]
6: Prepare for international, anxiety growing over insecurity in Pakistan over its nuclear program.
7: Expect FDI that is now slightly coming inwards to dry up and international sports.
8: Be prepared to have no results from North Wazirstan operation because TTP will simply migrate to Afghanistan to its masters. [Karzai will have more to bargain.]

When you do it, all be prepared to do it all over again, because this operation will achieve no objectives, which is why the Military is not going in to begin with. I personally am sick and tired of this "up in arms ,go get em" attitude. There is NO military solution to this God damn war, every war in history has ended in a political settlement, if the yanks can speak to taliban in Qatar, whats wrong with us ?.

The only solution would be the one where we engage the tribals into a peace plan and work it through a political framework. Military ops are counter productive, they only create more terrorists. I wish we would have learned that so far, and stopped blaming people who think outside the box as "taliban sympathizers".

well, all the things you hve mentioned the summry is !
yanks talking to TALIBANs, they will going to give afghanistan back to talibans.
as our army is underequiped & not willing to fight the talibani brothers, who hve been established by US & PAKARMY, better we should surrender to them?
why dont you simply change PTI slogan, vote for IMRAN vote for TALIBAN, & surrender PAKISTAN!
ohh i can understand, if PTI do that next time they CANT get a single peny from the next tour of IK to USA or UK?
well, all the things you hve mentioned the summry is !
as our army is underequiped & not willing to fight the talibani brothers, who hve been established by US & PAKARMY, better we should surrender to them?
why dont you simply change PTI slogan, vote for IMRAN vote for TALIBAN, & surrender PAKISTAN!
ohh i can understand, if PTI do that next time they CANT get a single peny from the next tour of IK to USA or UK?

You are a disgrace to reply. Go buy some common sense.
You are a disgrace to reply. Go buy some common sense.

just because i dont buy what you selling?
what you think , all the dam 60 NATO countries will listen IK & PTI,s unlogical & stupid war solving theories?
they will going to attack.
IK can tell you how to swing the 2nd hand half shine cricket balls, or how to bat, but strategic planning & militry solutions are vry difficult things?
this world doesnt romming around IK, friend out of box thinking is needed here!
well, all the things you hve mentioned the summry is !
as our army is underequiped & not willing to fight the talibani [edited], who have been established by US & PAKARMY, better we should surrender to them?

And you suggest operations operations operations kills yourselves putting Pakistan Army into your political jihad on behest of the western demands-pressures.

Grow-up you people have been told a million times you have ill economy that is going down, cannot risk more civilian-military causalities in warzones-cities, War cannot be stretched for a very long period it will only and only weaken Pakistan. Lastly batmannow, Pakistan Armed Forces refused Categorically you people have your Answers.
Yes Reforms is what we need bro, Even ur country needs reforms Barack Obombs and Pentagonians are going to destroy USA and world. Ok got it u didnt call it anything but ur forefathers struggled to liberate from Brits didn't they ?? U can deny but truth never vanishes.

You talk like you text and I can see what your views are by calling Barack Obombs and Pentagonians. Every fight involving Muslims is all about Jihad which you cannot deny and we in the U.S. never felt like holy war against the British so don't know about your phrase on truth never vanishes. Unless you got a civil war coming.
And you suggest operations operations operations kills yourselves putting Pakistan Army into your political jihad on behest of the western demands-pressures.

Grow-up you people have been told a million times you have ill economy that is going down, cannot risk more civilian-military causalities in warzones-cities, War cannot be stretched for a very long period it will only and only weaken Pakistan. Lastly batmannow, Pakistan Armed Forces refused Categorically you people have your Answers.

frist plz bring a ISPR statement,OUR ARMY refusing to fight WOT at any time !
defaming of PAKARMY on political basiss by PTI is already been noticed, srilankan army & srilankan economy was in shatters when they decided to take on tamil tigers , & look with comitment they hve done that!
how srilankan army with under equiped forces, & thier govt with out the support of major super powers , has killed the tigers? is our economy is wrost thn that srilanka who main source of income was tourism, & which was nearly losted in war with tamil tigers?
on the other hand, you guys & IMRAN support killing drones by airforce or any means in case if US not stop the drone attacks on pakistan, & wage a war with US , if its neccesary you guys hve a twisting logic, isnt it & for that you guys never come up with the arguments like failing economy or under equip army?
i would request plz, dont trun & twist the facts, in love of talibans & of IMRAN!
Big bomb blast in karachi at RANGERS headquaters at nazim-a-bad, buliding destroyed many jawans injured!
Lannaat hoo tammam taliban,s key supporters par!
Long live pakarmy ! Always. & forever!
Its better to let stuff get to your head before to your finger tips and key board. It saves, a lot of embarrassment , read the news again, if doesn't make sense, read again.

I agree my fingers reacted to my pet theories about the man.

Equally instead of tuning into the US elections last evening, I watched Imran's interviews on both Headlines Today with Rahul Kanwal as well as with Dilip Sardesai on CNN IBN.

I am biased.

I care a lot more for what's happening or about to happen next door.

Would you like to discuss what conclusions I came to?

P.S. Bummer!

I responded to your post as I was going down the overnight posts in the thread.

Again my fingers reacted too quickly.

If I had waited, I would have read Niaz's wonderful post a couple of posts later.
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