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Will China’s takeover of Pak’s Gwadar port be a game changer?

If the Chinese ever so want to build a pipeline through the mountains, they will bloody well do it. They will dig high and low, left n right but they will do it.
project of natural gas transmission from West to East China------line 2
length 8600km
cost 150 billion rmb
Its our internal matter why Indian *** is burning, as usual Indian media creating hysteria and i am sure Indian establishment/agencies behind this.
If the Chinese ever so want to build a pipeline through the mountains, they will bloody well do it. They will dig high and low, left n right but they will do it.
An oil pipeline is not a road. As the line goes up and down mountains the pressure of liquid within it will change. If there are staging areas they will be difficult to access for construction and maintenance; if tunnels under the Himalayas are dug these will take the better part of a century, I guess. And of course the energy cost of lifting all that oil 20,000 feet has to be deducted from the energy gained by burning the oil.

Mmm, no, I don't think a practical pipeline is going to be possible.
An economical and lasting trans-Himalayan pipeline like this strikes me as an amazing engineering achievement. I don't even know if it's possible.

It won't be economical, even the Karakorum Highway is only suitable for less volume trade mainly as a supply route.
Pakistan has proven to be a time tested friend of China, its now also their responsibility to help Pakistan shut up the regional bully and a strategic no body in the Asian region.
Pakistan has proven to be a time tested friend of China, its now also their responsibility to help Pakistan shut up the regional bully and a strategic no body in the Asian region.
:D I thought Pakistan didn't need any help. :D
Yes I can. I confirmed it much before the Defense Minister opened his mouth. Has been going on since 1997.....

Can someone verify this claim!

Mate, have you now become an engineer? Don't poke your nose in things where you don't belong.

An oil pipeline is not a road. As the line goes up and down mountains the pressure of liquid within it will change. If there are staging areas they will be difficult to access for construction and maintenance; if tunnels under the Himalayas are dug these will take the better part of a century, I guess. And of course the energy cost of lifting all that oil 20,000 feet has to be deducted from the energy gained by burning the oil.

Mmm, no, I don't think a practical pipeline is going to be possible.

Yes yes... reply reply... :pop:

You want me to reply that :D
Yes I can. I confirmed it much before the Defense Minister opened his mouth. Has been going on since 1997.....

So whats Pakistan Doing with these real enemies? lending our airstrips so these Petro millionaires could come on their private planes on hunting trips?
@Aeronaut @Hyperion

Just imagine that Pakistan will give India a perfect excuse if even one PLAN ship or submarine gets stationed at Gwadar, even in pretext of providing security to Chinese ships from pirates.

India can use this as possible naval base at Iran or KSA (trusted US ally), or increase its involvement in Afghanistan. US will welcome this move as China is much bigger threat to their interest than Iran or Pakistan.

It will also give India support from US, or take entire charge via CIA to fund proxy war in Baluchistan. US may bring economic sanctions in pretext of Human rights violation. You know US can use any excuse.

They will go to any length to punish anyone who threaten their interests in Gulf.

Just think of counter policy. Like India funding naval base at Vietnam. Getting support with japan and South Korea.

You can use bully rhetoric but both you and me know that all nations do these kind of things for their national interest.

Kindly, also look at Cons of this transfer yourself. Lets discuss what can be side effects which might bring more problems for Pakistan.
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Agreed on the highlighted part!

Cons, I don't think there are any cons. Wherever we go from where we are, it's just positive. Try to understand this, it can't get ANY worse for us alone, whatsoever bad comes after this will be borne by the whole region.

On the other hand, if we recover from our present situation, it will also bring prosperity for the entire region.

Take home message:

1. It can't get anymore worse for us without turning horrible for everyone else.
2. If we recover, things will get better for others as well.

There is nothing else left to debate.

@Aeronaut @Hyperion

Just imagine that Pakistan will give India a perfect excuse if even one PLAN ship or submarine gets stationed at Gwadar, even in pretext of providing security to Chines ships from pirates.

India can use this as possible naval base at Iran or KSA (trusted US ally), or increase its involvement in Afghanistan. US will welcome this move as China is much bigger threat to their interest than Iran or Pakistan.

It will also give India support from US to fund proxy war in baluchistan. US may bring economic sanctions in pretext of Human rights violation. You know US can use any excuse.

They will go to any length to punish anyone who threaten their interests in Gulf.

Just think of counter policy. Like India funding naval base at Vietnam. Getting support with japan and South Korea.

You can use bully rhetoric but both you and me know that all nations do these kind of things for their national interest.

Kindly, also look at Cons of this transfer yourself. Lets discuss what can be side effects which might bring more problems for Pakistan.

Patience, my young kung-fu panda. Each and every nation that fingered us, paid dearly with their blood. They are no different.

So whats Pakistan Doing with these real enemies? lending our airstrips so these Petro millionaires could come on their private planes on hunting trips?
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Those "threats" mentioned on close examination turn out to be not real.
1. Listening post. If Pakistan or China want to put listening post, it could be put anywhere and as many in Pakistani soil. Control of Gwadar port is not a prerequisite.
2. Competition with other port is normal commercial competition. Pakistani has the right to economic prosperity just like any other citizen of the world. I did not see Pakistan using any dirty tactic outside of international law to gain undue advantage, it is all within her right.
3. Chinese navy threat to USN? Oh c'mon, with the USN fleet and all sort of bases around the region?
4. Chinese navy threat to strategic oil trade? China depend the most on that oil trade than all the other nations. I think Chinese interest is to protect rather than to harm it. Any disruption by China would bring consequence that is far harmful to China that what she can brought to others.
Conclusion: sensationalist journalism.

BTW, I think supporting proxy war in other countries is really harmful to the region. It is always easier to destroy than to build. Such action would only bring consequence that would lead to what we Chinese called loss-loss situation.
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