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WikiLeaks shows AJK part of Kashmir, no LoC


Aug 2, 2012
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Whistleblower website WikiLeaks has shown ******************-Kashmir (***) as part of Pakistan in it's recently released global map.

There is no mention of the Line of Control as is the common practice to refer to the two sides of LoC as India-controlled Kashmir and Pakistan-controlled Kashmir.

The interactive map was released by WikiLeaks on Monday, so as to help people to search into it's 1.7 million cables in a user-friendly manner.

The Indian Embassy in Washington did not respond to an email as whether it was aware of WikiLeak's goof up and what steps it has taken to depict factual representation of the international boundary.

Though on its website, WikiLeaks has said that the map was created using country boundary lines of 1975

Honestly storm in a tea cup.

Who cares about what anyone outside of India and Pakistan draw on some map? What is important are the ground realities. Indians and South Asians in general need to grow up and stop looking for any opportunity for a scandal.
SO BLOODY WHAT? It doesn't change anything. Or do the sheeple think that Kashmir is now officially part of Pakistan just because Wikileaks by mistake portrayed it so? :taz:
Why anyone has to respond to all such craps. What others think and do does not change ground realities. Both Indians and Pakistani has to wake up to reality.
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