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WikiLeaks plans to release 94 papers about Pakistan


May 12, 2009
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Psyched about this leak. The diplomatic cables from '60s and '70s give great insight into the games of that day. Maybe these will shed some light on today's events in an open manner.

WikiLeaks plans to release 94 papers about Pakistan
From the Newspaper
By Anwar Iqbal

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange requests the floor during a meeting between the US State Department officials and NGO on the sideline of the first review of the United States by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council at the UN Office in Geneva.—AFP
WASHINGTON: The WikiLeaks is expected to put 94 documents about Pakistan on its website this weekend, diplomatic sources told Dawn.

The documents mainly contain telegrams sent by the US Embassy in Islamabad to the State Department in Washington.

Some of these papers relate to US observations about Pakistan’s policy towards Afghanistan, the debate within Pakistan on the war against terror, Islamabad’s cooperation with Washington and other military and intelligence matters.

Some documents also contain US reservations about Pakistan’s nuclear programme.

The sources said that changes in the US communication system allowed an anti-war activist access to more than 400,000 secret documents who handed them over to the whistleblower website.

US officials have warned that Afghanistan, China, Russia, Central Asian Republics, Canada, Britain, France, Turkey and Nato will all be affected by this unprecedented leak.

The New York Times and The Washington Post are expected to publish some details from the leaked papers on Sunday.

In July this year, WikiLeaks published the Afghan war logs, disclosing that the US was operating a secret assassination squad in Pakistan and Afghanistan and that Pakistani intelligence service was helping the Taliban fighters, besides throwing light on alleged crimes committed by the coalition troops in Afghanistan.

WikiLeaks plans to release 94 papers about Pakistan | Latest news, breaking news, world news, international news and current affairs
Game On..
Though i have no dough thats its an intentional move, Least to mention the helplessness of US gov.
If you look at the track record of US media perticularly the Diplomatic Engagements, It shouldn't be a difficulty to deduce the outcome of traditional ISI and Army Bashing for the double game.
US government has full of control secret information from public. I never understood, how come WikiLeaks release many informations? from where? hijack ? Why not CIA shut down Wikileaks website or arrest founder? It must be joking...

Pls help me clear.
The Fact is they have done wrong , And there has to be some way to accept it and mend the Damage(perhaps i m too optimistic) .So they Engineered the Wikileaks. And this is totall Bull Crap that US gov cannot pursue it as it might be violation of Freedom of Speech or suppression of some sort of Rights media Enjoys.Everthings Controlled and Calculated.
What concerns me is how this would Effect Pakistan.Its surely going be ugly ...
i reckon the US embassy operators are really that careless or the systems are so insecure. Remember all diplomatic telegrams are encrypted at best of class encryption systems and anyone to get their hands on them as well decipher them to plain English is no childs play..julian assanage is a suspicious character and perhaps a CIA propaganda agents by himself.
Some documents also contain US reservations about Pakistan’s nuclear programme.

Now this thing kicksass , what this WOT and the crimes committed in it got to do with our Nukes.
US government has full of control secret information from public. I never understood, how come WikiLeaks release many informations? from where? hijack ? Why not CIA shut down Wikileaks website or arrest founder? It must be joking...

Pls help me clear.

Our ally in WOT not sincere, they ever tried to make troubles for Pakistan where some evil countries also help US to do so. Wikileaks is a part of open secret strategic propaganda to use against countries of interests. So who will arrest him or who will close if it is for their mighty demands and requirements?
American government is not fool to let anybody release their secrets in media so I think its clear to understand for what is Wikileaks.
Wiki leaks operate from Iceland where they have laws to protect investigative Journalists. US cannot do anything unless it violates sovereignty of Iceland.
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and inthose documents,
ISI supporting Tabiban.:hitwall:
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and inthose documents,
ISI supporting Tabiban.

Its curious that US has been unable to stop Wikileaks despite trying hard. It could mean either of the three things

1) Assange is a super genius, extremely lucky and US cyber and other defences and ability to hunt down someone is weaker than thought.

2) Assange is working for 2.1 CIA or 2.2 CIA rogues

3) Assange is supported by very powerful agencies/countries that enable 1)

It appears unlikely that someone can be that lucky for that long even though his genius is well established in hacking and hiding...so # 1 is not possible.

I doubt he is a CIA rogue as the CIA rogues are supposed to be the one's who aree pro-wars so to speak.But CIA is quite independent from the Obama admin and Pentagon's differences with Obama are well known..ref: Gen Petraues.

So that leaves countries like China who are ranged against US and also were close to Australia till sometime back and Assange is an Aussie.China has also got great cyber capabilities to spy and collect the docs on display.

So I will go for #3 over #2.1(the non rogue CIA part). So it comes down to either China or US itself...
Its curious that US has been unable to stop Wikileaks despite trying hard. It could mean either of the three things

1) Assange is a super genius, extremely lucky and US cyber and other defences and ability to hunt down someone is weaker than thought.

2) Assange is working for 2.1 CIA or 2.2 CIA rogues

3) Assange is supported by very powerful agencies/countries that enable 1)

It appears unlikely that someone can be that lucky for that long even though his genius is well established in hacking and hiding...so # 1 is not possible.

I doubt he is a CIA rogue as the CIA rogues are supposed to be the one's who aree pro-wars so to speak.But CIA is quite independent from the Obama admin and Pentagon's differences with Obama are well known..ref: Gen Petraues.

So that leaves countries like China who are ranged against US and also were close to Australia till sometime back and Assange is an Aussie.China has also got great cyber capabilities to spy and collect the docs on display.

So I will go for #3 over #2.1(the non rogue CIA part). So it comes down to either China or US itself...

Nope..Iceland to be precise..

Victory for WikiLeaks in Iceland's Parliament - NYTimes.com
i am looking forward for a paper which ties cia to current wave of violence in Pakistan especially bombing of strategic assets like PCID, PAC, GHQ, etc etc
The new wiki leaks can effect relation with many allies......


Be prepare for the new era of trolls.
WHY USA dont block the site.

how they got such secret informations..
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