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WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

@ Joe Shearer- RSS has great ideas for India's growth. You are wrong there. Mohan Bhagawat, for instance, had a great idea when he saw that the reduction is pop growth rate among muslims is slower than among hindus- he said hindus should give up family planning and have more and more and more children instead of continuing to reduce our growth....ehhh....

Even churches in kerala have issued circulars , not long ago ,for the followers to end up family planning and have more childrens.

They even had plans to honour parents having more than 3 children ..... Greta ideas ....ehhh...
It's revealing to see you stew in your own venom for the 'Evil Hindu'. It would have been better for you to reinvent yourselves to adjust to the new age than see you invent new words to share your frustration.

Why marxists? Why cannot liberals point to these defects? The marxists are pitiful failures; what does India need with them?

How difficult is it to understand that Vajpayee and Advani are culprits still; it is their criticism of Modi that is all the more damning.

Even bigots like these two are concerned about Modi. How much further can we go?

You do understand that you have been accused of having a elitist mentality, you have not actually been called an elite......so you might want to go easy on issuing certificates to Vajpayee and Advani :cheesy:...... not that anyone cares ...but it does highlight your puny character. Are you related to Justice Katju by any chance ? He too is an megalomaniac.

It is not at all surprising that a party that expressly does not believe in the rule of law, and breaks the law at every opportunity in the pursuit of its political gains, would have an apologist, you, who wants to pick and choose those actions of the Supreme Court that suit him, and ignore those that don't.

More Fun, you accuse him of being an apologist for people who do not believe in the rule of law and yet when he says he would rather believe the SIT monitored by the Supreme Court you accuse him of Double Standard :P........what tangled web you weave.

In short, your answer is, "Yes, you're right, it was the RSS, so I won't deny it, I'll just stick to saying what a glorious institution the RSS is, and how they will magically bring about development without a single concrete idea about how to set about it."


No, your attempt to put words in his mouth is what's 'Pathetic'. He was clear and articulate enough for the rest of us.

I made two points, not one; for the first, there is overflowing proof, in the accounts of victims, in the accounts of perpetrators, in the conviction of Kodnani, in the call records, in the accounts of police officers, in the accounts of administrators.

For the second, it was obviously so concrete and material a point that you felt it best not even to respond. Naturally.

He has answered, you just want him to waste his time demolishing this new strawman. The Supreme Court monitored SIT has reviewed all supposed 'overflowing proof' and has submitted its findings.

It happens to be the justification for the murderous riots, as a matter of fact. We are always told that the murders don't matter, because Modi brought good governance and greater development to Gujarat. Once it turns out that these claims were hollow, it is obviously not worth your time to discuss the claims at all.

That is YOUR claim, SIT has clearly said there is no murder charge against Modi. Now who should we believe Joe Shears or SIT ? ......:azn:

Do you think people are all fools, and cannot understand your shallow and cheap tricks?

LOL....no people are certainly NOT fools. They can see through cheap and shallow tricks. Time to change your modus operandi ?

The fact that the people who strike the stance are not upper caste does not prevent them from taking up a caste Hindu - not an upper caste Hindu, but a caste Hindu, as opposed to the Dalit - stance. Which is precisely what you and your leader have done.

And what makes you think that I am inclined to defend the West Bengal Assembly? We have discussed its shockingly casteist composition on PDF itself, but you were of course nowhere on the scene. Any sensible person will see through it, and through sixty years of upper caste domination of that state's politics, and condemn it. So what changes about the caste Hindu stance taken by Modi?

OK.....so you are a Dalit and you HATE Hindus ...we all get that. But Modi does not play caste politics. You accuse him of taking a stance, maybe you should explain what 'Anti Dalit' stance has Modi taken ?

Is your Hate for Modi only rooted in your hatred for Hindus and their revival? Do you fear that Hindu revival means 'untouchable' status for Dalits ?

The elitist in India is the elite in the caste heirarchy. The caste Hindus who dominate the social structure, grind down the Dalit, hate the Muslim for not fitting into the sycophantic mould that they desire, loathe the Christians for similar reasons, plaster ghastly grins on their faces and ally themselves with strong groups like the Sikhs, and pretend that they were always open to the members of Buddhist society. Those were the greatest rebels against the corrupted Hindu society, they were also the greatest victims from time to time.

That is your Casteist view on things. You have a problem with India being 80% Hindus ......yes you called them 'caste hindus', but no one in their sane mind has declared Dalits as Non Hindus. You want dalits to be Buddhist, no one oposes that either. In fact RSS and sangh have always seen Buddhists as part of the 'Sangh'. You do not like it. You want Dalits to have a separate Identity, Buddhism to be declared as an Anti-Hindu religion so that you can sleep easy. You have a problem because RSS have made Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism as part of the sangh. This is what riles you. Its a strange disorder.

Have you never noticed that it is your set of gangsters who cannot rise above this very low level of hatred? That they are devoid of any ideology beyond hating Muslims, for that matter, despising everyone who is not a caste Hindu? And you talk of others being in the dustbin? Bit difficult to talk to garbage without getting in the dustbin, don't you think?

The only one showing 'Hatred' is YOU. No amount of debate is going to ease your frustration against the Hindus or who you call 'Hindutva wadi'. You think RSS is a mirror image of you, but instead of hating Hindus (or is it 'caste Hindus') like you, you accuse them of Hating muslims.

Rampant corruption in your party is all right because the corrupt get sacked when they get caught. And as for those who aren't caught, why rattle the skeletons in the cupboard? Let's talk about the Congress instead, even if nobody else is talking about them, or is even interested in them. It makes you look better, right, in comparison?

Corruption is ALWAYS comparative. Power ALWAYS Corrupts. See the link ? No party in India comes close to congress in corruption. Dont think there are too many political parties in the world that comes close to congress in corruption.

Actually most things are subjective and we understand their significance only with comparison to others.....
Even churches in kerala have issued circulars , not long ago ,for the followers to end up family planning and have more childrens.

They even had plans to honour parents having more than 3 children ..... Greta ideas ....ehhh...

So if one guy is stupid, let's win by being MORE stupid....????
@ Joe Shearer- RSS has great ideas for India's growth. You are wrong there. Mohan Bhagawat, for instance, had a great idea when he saw that the reduction is pop growth rate among muslims is slower than among hindus- he said hindus should give up family planning and have more and more and more children instead of continuing to reduce our growth....ehhh....

you think vajpayee was a bigot???
So if one guy is stupid, let's win by being MORE stupid....????

RSS is just an organisation and Mohan Bhagawat it's head is just a person .None of them is a religious figure as far as hindus are considered.

While church is a religious body reverred by the followers and their circulars are released only from the approval from the highest position.

So whose stupidity is going to affect more ?? You be the judge.
RSS is just an organisation and Mohan Bhagawat it's head is just a person .None of them is a religious figure as far as hindus are considered.

While church is a religious body reverred by the followers and their circulars are released only from the approval from the highest position.

So whose stupidity is going to affect more ?? You be the judge.

Oh, so if a RELEGIOUS BODY is stupid, let's solve the problem by being MORE stupid????

you think vajpayee was a bigot???

So RSS is not bigoted because ABVP was not bigoted????
Oh, so if a RELEGIOUS BODY is stupid, let's solve the problem by being MORE stupid????

No the problem is even if a religious body which belong to minority community takes stupid decision , people shy away from criticizing them because talking against a minority will be against "secular" credentials of so called "intellectuals".
Ah, our sanghchalak leaps to the rescue of his acolyte. What a fun, Sir-jee.

It's revealing to see you stew in your own venom for the 'Evil Hindu'. It would have been better for you to reinvent yourselves to adjust to the new age than see you invent new words to share your frustration.

Stew? In my own venom?

As a matter of fact, I have been deriving a great deal of satisfaction undertaking a clinical dissection of the rubbish placed before us. Took me back to school days, doing biology, the case of the chela reminding me of those hapless frogs, whereas the guru partook more of the nature of the ubiquitous cockroach.

I suppose if you did not have these buffers against brutal reality, you would go stark, raving mad. We might have some difficulty in spotting any changed behaviour, but it is a pitiful state, not to be wished on anyone. Be happy with your illusions, that you are actually making any impression other than on your private glee club.

You do understand that you have been accused of having a elitist mentality, you have not actually been called an elite......so you might want to go easy on issuing certificates to Vajpayee and Advani :cheesy:...... not that anyone cares ...but it does highlight your puny character. Are you related to Justice Katju by any chance ? He too is an megalomaniac.

You do understand - or perhaps you don't - that public praise or indifference matters very little to me. I stand up for what is right, regardless of the national flag, and I denounce what is wrong, again, regardless of the national flag.

I know what I am and don't hesitate to stand up to all sorts of blackguards and bigots, fundamentalists and frauds of all sections, creeds and ethnicity.

I know what Vajpayee and Advani are, criminals in their conduct of the nation's affairs, notwithstanding Vajpayee's occasional twinges of conscience, and have no difficulty in calling them knaves.

Did you think I was asking for permission? From the morally bankrupt who wink and nod at the murder of defenceless men, women and children who were their fellow citizens? Do you think that there is the slightest shred of respect for the utterly debased who fight the case for the murderers? It is not about India and Pakistan, it is about criminals and the law-abiding.

More Fun, you accuse him of being an apologist for people who do not believe in the rule of law and yet when he says he would rather believe the SIT monitored by the Supreme Court you accuse him of Double Standard :P........what tangled web you weave.

Not at all. What I wrote was crystal clear.

The objection was to his attempts at selecting what part of the legal system he would believe, and what he would not.

No, your attempt to put words in his mouth is what's 'Pathetic'. He was clear and articulate enough for the rest of us.

He avoided the point raised entirely. You call that being clear and articulate? Fair enough. It amounts to this, then; clarity and articulation lies in running away.

He has answered, you just want him to waste his time demolishing this new strawman. The Supreme Court monitored SIT has reviewed all supposed 'overflowing proof' and has submitted its findings.

...and that review, and the findings submitted, were disappointing, and were mentioned specifically by the amicus curiae. What a sad state of affairs, that a court-appointed team is found to be involved in a cover-up. How sad that nobody believes its findings, and that its conclusions were greeted with incredulity by all other than the creatures of the Sangh Parivar.

That is YOUR claim, SIT has clearly said there is no murder charge against Modi. Now who should we believe Joe Shears or SIT ? ......:azn:

Again, errors occasioned by a fundamental lack of intellect, without even bringing in the question of deliberate distortion: Occam's Razor applies in this case.

The point raised was not about Modi being a murderer.

The point raised was about Modi's supposed good governance and efficiency compensating for his connivance at murder.

He was never accused of murder, by the way, it was always about breaching his oath of office and allowing crimes to take place which he should have prevented.

And the logic that was pointed out, that you have sadly, but typically, failed to understand, was that once these claims to greater efficiency are exposed and revealed, there is no longer any fig-leaf to hide behind.

The question about the SIT having found him not directly chargeable of any crime has no relevance here. What is under examination is whether he has a genuine track record of any credibility, that would allow him to claim compensating virtues for aiding and abetting murder. Any half-educated man of law would inform you and everybody else taking this line that a crime cannot be compensated by a subsequent act of virtue. However, it is obvious that Modi's defenders will gladly reach out for any straw that seems to offer a chance of survival of their rickety case.

LOL....no people are certainly NOT fools. They can see through cheap and shallow tricks. Time to change your modus operandi ?

It is interesting that you sprinkle your arguments with LOLs and smileys and then talk of cheap and shallow tricks.

OK.....so you are a Dalit and you HATE Hindus ...we all get that.

So slowly the mask of rationality slips, and the ad hominem emerges. The Parivar never could keep to rational argument for very long.

How does it matter if I am a Dalit, or if I hate Hindus? Does it in any way affect my logic?

But Modi does not play caste politics. You accuse him of taking a stance, maybe you should explain what 'Anti Dalit' stance has Modi taken ?

I am puzzled.

I spoke about his taking a caste Hindu stand, not about his supporting upper caste Hindus, nor about his oppressing lower caste Hindus.

Do you have so much difficulty in comprehending the differences in the two?

Is your Hate for Modi only rooted in your hatred for Hindus and their revival? Do you fear that Hindu revival means 'untouchable' status for Dalits ?

Erm, you did mention straw man argument a little earlier. Are you blind to your own slipping into that mode? I do not hate Modi, I hate his criminal behaviour. I do not hate Hindus, and I have no problem with their revival, so long as it is not a zero sum game, and so long as it is not seen as necessary to achieve through the diminution of other creeds.

The question of Hindu revival meaning untouchable status for Dalits rather gives the game away. I didn't have such fears; you seem to have these thoughts.

If Hindu revival is healthy, nobody, not even Dalits, need to fear a negative outcome.

If Hindu revival is unhealthy, and based on bigotry, prejudice and caste contempt, the Dalits need to be fearful.

If you propose, or ask if it is a valid proposition that Hindu revival might lead to Dalit untouchability, evidently that thought is fairly strongly present in your mind. I wonder why. Nobody else raised it. Why did you suddenly stumble onto this? Is that what Hindu revival represents to you?

That is your Casteist view on things. You have a problem with India being 80% Hindus ......yes you called them 'caste hindus', but no one in their sane mind has declared Dalits as Non Hindus.

Desperate manoeuvres, as you see the corners into which you are painting yourself.

I have no problem with India being 80% Hindu. I have problems with India being even 5% bigoted Hindu.

I specified caste Hindus. There is a wide gulf between caste Hindus, non-caste Hindus, ie, Dalits, and non-Hindus. Dalits are not caste Hindus, and they are not non-Hindus either. No one in their sane mind would conflate the three categories. But then you were never suspected of being in that state of mind.

You want dalits to be Buddhist, no one oposes that either.

And where did I say that? Remember: straw man?

In fact RSS and sangh have always seen Buddhists as part of the 'Sangh'.

Bizarre is the kindest way to describe this statement.

Dalits convert to Buddhism to get away from the putrid treatment they get from caste Hindus, and caste Hindus then declare that they too are part of the framework that they just walked away from.

You do not like it.

All of a sudden, we are flooded with straw men. None of these statements represent my point of view. Your desperation in not having anything to say, and having to manufacture a case, is understandable, but is also boringly trite.

You want Dalits to have a separate Identity, Buddhism to be declared as an Anti-Hindu religion so that you can sleep easy. You have a problem because RSS have made Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism as part of the sangh. This is what riles you. Its a strange disorder.

...and the saga of the straw man continues.

What a heroic battle you are waging against the straw army! Like Rana Pratap, hisself. Talk of strange disorders.

The only one showing 'Hatred' is YOU. No amount of debate is going to ease your frustration against the Hindus or who you call 'Hindutva wadi'.

Not true.

I hate the bigotry that the Hindutvavadi presents. I do not hate Hindus, or Hinduism, any more or less than I hate Islam and Muslims, the Khalsa Panth and Sikhs, Buddhism and Buddhists, Jainism and Jains, Zoroastrianism and Parsis, Christianity or Christians.

You think RSS is a mirror image of you, but instead of hating Hindus (or is it 'caste Hindus') like you, you accuse them of Hating muslims.

This is total gibberish. What is it supposed to mean? Does anyone in his right mind think that the RSS does not hate Muslims? Does anyone in his right mind think that Hedgewar and Golwalkar have suddenly ceased to exist?

Corruption is ALWAYS comparative. Power ALWAYS Corrupts. See the link ? No party in India comes close to congress in corruption. Dont think there are too many political parties in the world that comes close to congress in corruption.

Aah...tap dancing around a subject has its limitations. It seems too clearly to be evasive action. I stand by what I said, exactly the way I said it.

Who cares

Actually most things are subjective and we understand their significance only with comparison to others.....

Umm....those who believe that the RSS/BJP represent a corruption-free alternative care.

At the end of the day, you have answers only in running away from points made, manufacturing your own target points and knocking them down. You have answers only in pleading for the crimes and injuries inflicted by your band of little angels to be forgiven because they are not sufficiently practised in crime. You can argue like this, but sadly, it only exposes the hollow nature of your arguments more and more. Keep on; you are bound to win a lot of converts to the opponents of the bigoted Sangh Parivar, the more you insist on making these toothpick-and-chewing-gum defences.
@Joe Shearer
sir, I am not a fan of any politician in India, but the reason I think many like me are seeing Modi as an acceptable candidate is due to lack of strength shown by Dr. Singh. No doubt Mr. Singh's credentials surpasses every other politician in the country, but it seems he took a very timid stance especially after 26/11. Although I dont have high hopes from the BJP because even in NDA1/2 they came across as strong in their rhetoric, they were abysmal when the going gets tough.

In my last question, I did ask you about developmental policies of modi, I am well aware of the numbers wrt growth rate and FDI etc, but I would really appreciate if you could tell me a little more about what you did not like in the initiatives or proposals that he has in the pipeline. From the looks of it of what I read on news paper websites, his has taken some significant initiatives for irrigation, wind energy, solar power, attracting foreign investment, education. For an instance, I am from Nasik, and he sent a team of engineers to nasik to visit and study the godavari park project, and built their irrigation and water conservation based on it. These moves seem to proactive , and thus make me feel that he might be a good candidate. Apart from that his image projected is non-apologetic, non-corrupt, strong leadership, I dont know how much of that is true.

From your last response, I know you were angry to even comment on his policies, but I would really appreciate If you could please give me your view on his development related policies.

And dada if could also tell me a little more on what you think of the vajpayee and co too, that would be great,
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Maybe tomorrow, in the broad light of day?

It's too late for a crusty old curmudgeon who has just returned home and wants nothing more than to collapse on the bed and fall asleep immediately.
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Ah, our sanghchalak leaps to the rescue of his acolyte. What a fun, Sir-jee.

More childish name calling :P..........more fun for you ?.

Stew? In my own venom?

As a matter of fact, I have been deriving a great deal of satisfaction undertaking a clinical dissection of the rubbish placed before us. Took me back to school days, doing biology, the case of the chela reminding me of those hapless frogs, whereas the guru partook more of the nature of the ubiquitous cockroach.

Seeking happy memories in the past because the future looks scary to you ?

I suppose if you did not have these buffers against brutal reality, you would go stark, raving mad. We might have some difficulty in spotting any changed behaviour, but it is a pitiful state, not to be wished on anyone. Be happy with your illusions, that you are actually making any impression other than on your private glee club.

......and yet you are the one frothing in the mouth.

You do understand - or perhaps you don't - that public praise or indifference matters very little to me. I stand up for what is right, regardless of the national flag, and I denounce what is wrong, again, regardless of the national flag.

I know what I am and don't hesitate to stand up to all sorts of blackguards and bigots, fundamentalists and frauds of all sections, creeds and ethnicity.

WOW ....What a Great Man you are .....Its a pity that nobody in pdf worships you :cry: ....maybe you are not a megalomaniac....just a maniac.

I know what Vajpayee and Advani are, criminals in their conduct of the nation's affairs, notwithstanding Vajpayee's occasional twinges of conscience, and have no difficulty in calling them knaves.

So Modi, Vajpayee & Advani are Knaves, Congress is also corrupt and Knavish ? so in reality we only have one truly great moral police among us ....Joe Shearer!

Did you think I was asking for permission? From the morally bankrupt who wink and nod at the murder of defenceless men, women and children who were their fellow citizens? Do you think that there is the slightest shred of respect for the utterly debased who fight the case for the murderers? It is not about India and Pakistan, it is about criminals and the law-abiding.

Why would I call you a Megalomaniac and also think you would ask permission for ANYTHING ? You clearly believe you are the superior one capable of judging people and issue them certificates. Hope you continue to shed crocodile tears for all murdered Indians....including 'caste hindus' and Maoist.

...and that review, and the findings submitted, were disappointing, and were mentioned specifically by the amicus curiae. What a sad state of affairs, that a court-appointed team is found to be involved in a cover-up. How sad that nobody believes its findings, and that its conclusions were greeted with incredulity by all other than the creatures of the Sangh Parivar.

LOL ...here we go again....dont believe SIT, believe Joe Shearer :cheesy:

Again, errors occasioned by a fundamental lack of intellect, without even bringing in the question of deliberate distortion: Occam's Razor applies in this case.

The point raised was not about Modi being a murderer.

The point raised was about Modi's supposed good governance and efficiency compensating for his connivance at murder.

He was never accused of murder, by the way, it was always about breaching his oath of office and allowing crimes to take place which he should have prevented.

And the logic that was pointed out, that you have sadly, but typically, failed to understand, was that once these claims to greater efficiency are exposed and revealed, there is no longer any fig-leaf to hide behind.

The question about the SIT having found him not directly chargeable of any crime has no relevance here. What is under examination is whether he has a genuine track record of any credibility, that would allow him to claim compensating virtues for aiding and abetting murder. Any half-educated man of law would inform you and everybody else taking this line that a crime cannot be compensated by a subsequent act of virtue. However, it is obvious that Modi's defenders will gladly reach out for any straw that seems to offer a chance of survival of their rickety case.

Occams Razor is useful when you make MINIMUM assumptions.

Modi was 3 months as CM without any prior experience of running an administration yet you are keen to 'measure' his efficiency for ONLY that period. You refuse to measure his efficiency over his entire tenure of more than 10 years....FAIL.

You ASSUME he 'aided and abetted' murder ....FAIL

There is NO CASE against him ....... your desperate claims of a 'rickety case' is a figment of your imagination and is certainly symbolic of your hatred against Modi. There is not even a Charge sheet against him .....He needs NO fig leafs, its what you need when your lies and hate is exposed.

So slowly the mask of rationality slips, and the ad hominem emerges. The Parivar never could keep to rational argument for very long.

Its funny when you speak of Rational and scientific approach at the same time resort to Occam Razor to make your flimsy case. Are you the founder member of Dalitistan ?

How does it matter if I am a Dalit, or if I hate Hindus? Does it in any way affect my logic?

Of course it does .......Hate itself is illogical and irrational :lol:

I am puzzled.

I am Not surprised.

I spoke about his taking a caste Hindu stand, not about his supporting upper caste Hindus, nor about his oppressing lower caste Hindus.

Do you have so much difficulty in comprehending the differences in the two?

So what is the 'caste Hindu' stance Modi has taken ?

Erm, you did mention straw man argument a little earlier. Are you blind to your own slipping into that mode? I do not hate Modi, I hate his criminal behaviour. I do not hate Hindus, and I have no problem with their revival, so long as it is not a zero sum game, and so long as it is not seen as necessary to achieve through the diminution of other creeds.

There is no point in discussing Modi as SIT has done its inquiry and submitted its report. That is good enough for me. Anything outside that would be a strawman.

I am more interested in understanding your hatred for Modi, 'caste hindus' and 'Hindutvadis'. It runs along similar interest that made me come to a pakistani forum ...to understand pak hatred for India.

The question of Hindu revival meaning untouchable status for Dalits rather gives the game away. I didn't have such fears; you seem to have these thoughts.

LOL.....so am I to assume your mention of Hindu revival being a zero sum game and diminution of other creed gives away your game too?

Apart from the 'untouchable' status and related socio-economic-political emasculation that stems from it, what else would a dalit fear?

If Hindu revival is healthy, nobody, not even Dalits, need to fear a negative outcome.

If Hindu revival is unhealthy, and based on bigotry, prejudice and caste contempt, the Dalits need to be fearful.

Yet you are fighting this same Hindu revival tooth and nail and have already passed judgement on its nature.

If you propose, or ask if it is a valid proposition that Hindu revival might lead to Dalit untouchability, evidently that thought is fairly strongly present in your mind. I wonder why. Nobody else raised it. Why did you suddenly stumble onto this? Is that what Hindu revival represents to you?

LOL.....are you insinuating that I plan to practice 'untouchability' during Hindu renaissance? How will I identify Dalits who are not supposed to be touched ? ......dont you think in mordern age and time there would be some practical difficulties in practicing untouchability ?:P ....but I admit, I do practice untouchability in real life. I avoid touching anyone who looks ****** like beggars on the street or the local eunuch who tries to touch me to extract money from me whenever I travel in an auto in Mumbai. There, you got me....

I have no problem with India being 80% Hindu. I have problems with India being even 5% bigoted Hindu.

How about 5% bigoted Muslims ? How about an entire state of bigoted Muslims like Kashmir who kicked out pandits because they were hindus ? how about bigoted Christians ? or bigoted 'secular' hypocrites ? How about 5% bigoted sikhs ? ...why is it only bigoted Hindu's get your goat ? Different set of standards for 'caste hindus' ? How about bigoted Buddhist like Sri Lanka who killed Tamils because they spoke a different language or practiced a different religion ? Looks like your life is full or problems ...no wonder you are an angry old man.

I specified caste Hindus. There is a wide gulf between caste Hindus, non-caste Hindus, ie, Dalits, and non-Hindus. Dalits are not caste Hindus, and they are not non-Hindus either. No one in their sane mind would conflate the three categories. But then you were never suspected of being in that state of mind.

I do no even know how to identify a non caste Hindu :lol: .....as to the 'wide gulf' I dont know too much about it ...but I suspect Modi is not to be blamed for this ...nor does he encourage it. That is the point of this thread right ?

Dalits convert to Buddhism to get away from the putrid treatment they get from caste Hindus, and caste Hindus then declare that they too are part of the framework that they just walked away from.

So what is your point ? You would have been happy if 'caste Hindus' declared them persona non grata ?

All of a sudden, we are flooded with straw men. None of these statements represent my point of view. Your desperation in not having anything to say, and having to manufacture a case, is understandable, but is also boringly trite.

Not really ....SIT has answered all insinuations against Modi ...there is nothing more to debate except strawmen arguments.

I hate the bigotry that the Hindutvavadi presents. I do not hate Hindus, or Hinduism, any more or less than I hate Islam and Muslims, the Khalsa Panth and Sikhs, Buddhism and Buddhists, Jainism and Jains, Zoroastrianism and Parsis, Christianity or Christians.

The only 'bigotry' 'Hindutvavadi' has demonstrated is treating Jains, Buddhist, Sikhs, and Hindus as part of the same Family or Sangh and you Hate them for that. As far as I am concerned, THAT IS A STRANGE DISORDER.

At the end of the day, you have answers only in running away from points made, manufacturing your own target points and knocking them down. You have answers only in pleading for the crimes and injuries inflicted by your band of little angels to be forgiven because they are not sufficiently practised in crime. You can argue like this, but sadly, it only exposes the hollow nature of your arguments more and more. Keep on; you are bound to win a lot of converts to the opponents of the bigoted Sangh Parivar, the more you insist on making these toothpick-and-chewing-gum defences.

LOL .......so now the Megalomaniac is claiming I have come pleading for forgiveness for crimes and injuries inflicted by 'my people'. Your delusion of grandeur is amazing

I dont have to defend anything ...I just have to put facts across and trust the fair minded people of India to see thought the propaganda. Satyamev Jayate.
More childish name calling :P..........more fun for you ?.

Why is this childish? Are you not a Sangh Parivar groupie? Every answer, every response of yours reeks of partisan spirit. Why baulk at this last little identification? Isn't it childish to swallow a camel and strain at a gnat?

Seeking happy memories in the past because the future looks scary to you ?

Don't you find that ironic, considering that you are peddling a vision of an ideal India of the distant past that never existed, and that is derived from the regressive social measures of the period from the 11th century onwards?

Aren't you the one that wants to go back to a golden age without anybody else in the geography other than those whom you choose to acknowledge, wrongly, as it happens, as members of other 'Dharmic' religions? That means going back to the 9th century?

And you think others live in the past?

The trouble is that you are so busy dredging up smart answers that you don't see the absurdities in your own position.
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