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Why Zardari wants to buy more Augustas from Sarkozi


Sep 25, 2009
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Courtesy:Rupee News
There is an overwhelming body of evidence about the corruption of Mr. Zardari–however the worst part it that his antics are keeping Pakistan from purchasing the best Submarines in the world–the German 214 Subs.

Pakistan’s “214 Subs” made in Karachi

Mr. Zardari is bent up forcing the Pakistan Navy into buying the Augusta, which are world class submarines too but not as good as the German 214s.

General Kyani and the Naval Chief should take a stand on this matter as it affects the safety of Pakistani ports

PARIS ( DPA) – Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is suspected of having received millions of dollars in kickbacks from the 1994 sale of three French submarines to the Pakistani Navy, the daily Liberation reported Tuesday.

In addition, investigators believe that the non-payment of the full amount of the agreed kickbacks may have led to the deaths of 11 French nationals in a 2002 terror attack in the city of Karachi.

In the report, Liberation says it acquired documents that allegedly show that Zardari received 4.3 million dollars in kickbacks from the sale of three Agosta 90 submarines for 825 million euros (currently 1.237 billion dollars).

The documents were sent to the Pakistani National Accountability Bureau (NAB) by British authorities in April 2001 and indicate that Zardari received several large payments into his Swiss bank accounts from a Lebanese businessman, Abdulrahman el-Assir, in 1994 and 1995.
Zardari allegedly made big money in sub-marine sale

PARIS : Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is suspected of having received millions of dollars in kickbacks from the 1994 sale of three French submarines to the Pakistani Navy, a French daily reported.

In addition, investigators believe that the non-payment of the full amount of the agreed kickbacks may have led to the deaths of 11 French nationals in a 2002 terror attack in the city of Karachi.

The report says the Frendh daily acquired documents that allegedly show that Zardari received 4.3 million dollars in kickbacks from the sale of three Agosta 90 submarines for 825 million euros (currently 1.237 billion dollars).

The documents were sent to the Pakistani National Accountability Bureau (NAB) by British authorities in April 2001 and indicate that Zardari received several large payments into his Swiss bank accounts from a Lebanese businessman, Abdulrahman el-Assir, in 1994 and 1995.

According to a former executive of the French naval defence company DCN, French authorities chose el-Assir to act as intermediary in the deal. He allegedly deposited a total of 1.3 million dollars in Zardari’s bank accounts between August 15 and 30, 1994, one month before the submarine contract was signed, and then 1.2 million dollars and 1.8 million dollars one year later.

According to DCN employees who testified in the terror attack investigation, the kickbacks to Pakistan in the deal totalled 10 per cent of the purchase amount, with 6 per cent, or 49.5 million dollars, going to the military and 4 per cent, or 33 million euros, being funneled to political circles.
does anybody know the status of the german sub contract. i thought we were waiting for the new german government to be elected.
Zardari allegedly made big money in sub-marine sale

PARIS : Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is suspected of having received millions of dollars in kickbacks from the 1994 sale of three French submarines to the Pakistani Navy, a French daily reported.

In addition, investigators believe that the non-payment of the full amount of the agreed kickbacks may have led to the deaths of 11 French nationals in a 2002 terror attack in the city of Karachi.

The report says the Frendh daily acquired documents that allegedly show that Zardari received 4.3 million dollars in kickbacks from the sale of three Agosta 90 submarines for 825 million euros (currently 1.237 billion dollars).

The documents were sent to the Pakistani National Accountability Bureau (NAB) by British authorities in April 2001 and indicate that Zardari received several large payments into his Swiss bank accounts from a Lebanese businessman, Abdulrahman el-Assir, in 1994 and 1995.

According to a former executive of the French naval defence company DCN, French authorities chose el-Assir to act as intermediary in the deal. He allegedly deposited a total of 1.3 million dollars in Zardari’s bank accounts between August 15 and 30, 1994, one month before the submarine contract was signed, and then 1.2 million dollars and 1.8 million dollars one year later.

According to DCN employees who testified in the terror attack investigation, the kickbacks to Pakistan in the deal totalled 10 per cent of the purchase amount, with 6 per cent, or 49.5 million dollars, going to the military and 4 per cent, or 33 million euros, being funneled to political circles.

Wasnt BAE involved with Saudi for kick back am i wrong british government shut down the investigation saying (BLA BLA BLA)but can some one please correct me if iam wrong but when 3 Augustas were baught Zardari was no where in picture so i am kind of confused why would the pay him any bribe if he had nothing to do with negotiations
The Navy has recently snubbed the government's decision to go for more French submarines, preferring German U-Boats instead. This could very well be the French getting back at the government for not standing up to the Navy.

You can expect anything from Zardari, and you can expect anything from the French. As far as I know, the Navy still prefers the German U214 platform and will be pushing for that acquisition, unless there is a change of heart on either side or a change of Naval leadership. The Navy would do well to learn from the PAF's Mirage-2000 deal debacle, between this very governing party and this very country.
Wasnt BAE involved with Saudi for kick back am i wrong british government shut down the investigation saying (BLA BLA BLA)but can some one please correct me if iam wrong but when 3 Augustas were baught Zardari was no where in picture so i am kind of confused why would the pay him any bribe if he had nothing to do with negotiations

baynazir was in power back then when the deal was struck... and during that time the great king zardari earned his tittle of MR.10%!
Now that Zaldari is president of Pakistan, he will double his share and take 20%.
yes but i think he cannot becoz the tag of corruption is still on his name and if any scandel opens up it will always be targeted to zardari he also knows it and he cannot run this time away if he keep playing with the money of poor pakistani nationals
Anybody know the status of the German submarines
May Allah give wisdom to our leaders to think about our country rather than finding the ways to fill their pockets. :pakistan:
yeah im not surprised but no worries bro... our military owns his *** and he knows that.
Heres a video i was just watching and was gunna ask about the agosta scandal, i would like info on this.

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