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Why women join India's Maoist groups

If the Indian government had actually taken care of its own people, there would be no revolts. Who wants to risk getting killed if they can live a good life.

If the Indian government actually got the support of its own people, the Maoist would have disappeared overnight, and would not have to be killed and abused by the security force with impunity.

It is astounding this sort of thing could happen in a democracy.

Here is the Amnesty report on the brutality of the security force on the rebels.

Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights

Here are some of the main points of this article.
They are not doing suicide for personal reasons but they are protesting against the current govt. and wants independence .

Anyone can burn himself for any reason, but Tibet is recognized by UN as part of China. Historically both tibet and xinjiang belonged to china for hundreds of years. Those who wanted independant are less than 1%. Get it? Don't derail this thread.
Anyone can burn himself for any reason, but Tibet is recognized by UN as part of China. Historically both tibet and xinjiang belonged to china for hundreds of years. Those who wanted independant are less than 1%. Get it? Don't derail this thread.

You were the one who started posting cr@p but when I have replying in the same coin you are whining ..funny .

Show us any credible report from Tibet that the ones who want independence is less than 1% . All we hear is mass protests against the oppressive CCP regime by the chinese .

The suicide happens only in Tibet . OTOH , the uighurs are getting killed and their religious freedom suppressed .
Maoists are ambitious separatists, they don't want a state, they want to recreate a new India like how Mao built an egalitarian China and revived chinese culture. But it's going to be a tall order, given the diverse ethnicity and culture of India, Maoist might only succeed in certain region that speak their language.

Totally different, Tibet and Xinjiang GDP have risen steadily, people are more well off than before.

No region of India speaks Maoisti. :partay:
But you're right. the problems of the poor are not the same in every region and hence the Maoists have an appeal only in the Tribal belts of India where mining activities have displaced them from their own lands with no employment opportunities. I feel that their movement is good for India as that's made the leaders introspect a bit and introduce measures to push for inclusive growth in these regions. But as with any armed struggle, the price to be paid is the costliest; with their lives.
No region of India speaks Maoisti. :partay:
But you're right. the problems of the poor are not the same in every region and hence the Maoists have an appeal only in the Tribal belts of India where mining activities have displaced them from their own lands with no employment opportunities. I feel that their movement is good for India as that's made the leaders introspect a bit and introduce measures to push for inclusive growth in these regions. But as with any armed struggle, the price to be paid is the costliest; with their lives.

Figuratively, of course.

Unlike religious extremists, Maoists actually fight for a noble cause. They deserve some respect.
Figuratively, of course.

Unlike religious extremists, Maoists fight for a noble cause.

Ask any Religious Extremist and he'll say he's fighting for a noble cause too. But yeah,we can at least find some rationale amidst the madness with the Maoists.
Maoists are ambitious separatists, they don't want a state, they want to recreate a new India like how Mao built an egalitarian China and revived chinese culture. But it's going to be a tall order, given the diverse ethnicity and culture of India, Maoist might only succeed in certain region that speak their language.

All your speculations are of no worth, Maoists are destined to be annihilated.

no they don't

Communism is a sort of religious cult. Although older religion is treated as superstition while the Maoist leader are reduced to the status of Godly figure even if he kills millions, insulting him may lead to jail. That's the case in most of the communist countries.
All your speculations are of no worth, Maoists are destined to be annihilated.

Given the diversity of landscape and ethnicity, it's impossible to wipe out Maoists. You don't even speak the same language.
Given the diversity of landscape and ethnicity, it's impossible to wipe out Maoists. You don't even speak the same language.

Your skyrocketing high IQ again failed to understand the problem. :wacko:
Your skyrocketing high IQ again failed to understand the problem. :wacko:

Where do you think the name Maoist came from? Of course, I do.
Learn their language, communicate with them, you'll understand them better. Can't you see many Indians here support them.
Maoists are slowly loosing there influence as govt. policies are effectively changed to suit the needs of both susceptible population and rehabilitation of surrendered Maoists.

I will suggest to read the documents released by Indian authorities regarding various programs.
Given the diversity of landscape and ethnicity, it's impossible to wipe out Maoists. You don't even speak the same language.

It may not be possible to fully suppress the Maoists, but that's not because of the reasons that you give.
As long as the Indian Government does not genuinely address the concerns of those who support Maoists, the Maoists will find a safe haven there. The Maoists themselves have found support across geographical, ethnic and language barriers, so their elimination too is not dependent on this.
It may not be possible to fully suppress the Maoists, but that's not because of the reasons that you give.
As long as the Indian Government does not genuinely address the concerns of those who support Maoists, the Maoists will find a safe haven there. The Maoists themselves have found support across geographical, ethnic and language barriers, so their elimination too is not dependent on this.

That means their influence is far greater than I thought. Eliminating them would be even harder.
Where do you think the name Maoist came from? Of course, I do.
Learn their language, communicate with them, you'll understand them better. Can't you see many Indians here support them.

That may be true for the Maoism in China but your skyrocketing high IQ still know nothing about the problem in India. :wacko:
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