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Why we can't follow China to resolve the influx problme and a bit ethnic...


Apr 7, 2012
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China has restricted internal movement in various ways. Official efforts to limit free migration between villages and cities began as early as 1952 with a series of measures designed to prevent individuals without special permission from moving to cities to take advantage of the generally higher living standards there.

The party decreased migration to cities during the 1960s and 1970s for economic and political reasons. In the early stages of the Cultural Revolution (1966–76), large numbers of urban youths were "sent down" to the countryside for political and ideological reasons. Many relocated youths were eventually permitted to return to the cities, and by the mid-1980s most had done so.

for complete text:

Migration in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Infact, a colleague here from China told me that it is very difficult to move or change the residency in china to avoid the rural influx... Why we in Pakistan can't do the same as things are going an uncontrolled and not in a uniform way...Like for example in Punjab any Pakistani citizen is apparently eligible to apply for a job in the whole Punjab...though in the colleges you must have the domicile of Punjab to get job...When different ethnic group get mingled in living then problem got up (I feel)...But our friends who have been in Sindh then there you can't apply for a job in public sector univeristy unless you have a domicile of Sindh...I mean there should be the same level at educational...uniform policies...We need to restrict people from moving and restricting them to their majority areas...and without restricting the movements of people make problems for Government in making policies for health, education as how many people are moving is never in record until after decades in cenusus as a formality...we need deep planing like China did ages before after independence...
Just my opinion probably making sense for rural influx, planning and organisation (ethnic differences perhaps can't be addressed this way)...we are facing these internal problmes more....
may be cuz you guys are a democracy . ? i know its a strange concept but having freedom to do what you want is one of the cornerstone of democracy .:)
China now doesn't prevent you from moving or applying jobs elsewhere. It is just difficult to change your residency where you get you social benefit, primary education etc. This sounds unfair but it is also a way to protect rural farmers. After CCP got power, they confiscated all lands from landlords and distribute them to farmers. The land officially belong to the state so the farmer cannot sell their lands (they can rent it). This is to make sure poor farmers don't lose their lands to greedy bankers, etc. Farmers's residency is bound to their land so they will always have a place to retreat to in the rainy days. When economy is good, farmers go to cities to find a job, if they lose it, they will go back to their land. This is the reason why you don't see large city slums in China.

The system has some problems, mainly the kids are left behind in the country side when their parents are working in the cities. Some rich cities like Shanghai start to provide schooling to migrant workers' children. Hopefully the rapid urbanization will eventually make this system obsolete.

The policy will not work unless farmers can have a piece of their own lands.
China now doesn't prevent you from moving or applying jobs elsewhere. It is just difficult to change your residency where you get you social benefit, primary education etc. This sounds unfair but it is also a way to protect rural farmers. After CCP got power, they confiscated all lands from landlords and distribute them to farmers. The land officially belong to the state so the farmer cannot sell their lands (they can rent it). This is to make sure poor farmers don't lose their lands to greedy bankers, etc. Farmers's residency is bound to their land so they will always have a place to retreat to in the rainy days. When economy is good, farmers go to cities to find a job, if they lose it, they will go back to their land. This is the reason why you don't see large city slums in China.

The system has some problems, mainly the kids are left behind in the country side when their parents are working in the cities. Some rich cities like Shanghai start to provide schooling to migrant workers' children. Hopefully the rapid urbanization will eventually make this system obsolete.

The policy will not work unless farmers can have a piece of their own lands.

Thank alot for the nice info, bro....We do have restrictions in some broad level like provinces...I do understand if the population is extensively large then for a good reason we need to force certain restrictions...I meant earlier, the same as one has to take special permission ( i did not know in detail)...Like in my country if we have to move the food items from one province to another then permission must be saught..
and yes I do understand that under the democracy it is considered perhaps odd as our Indian bro pointed out, but again in so-called democracy to curb certain problems we do have broad restriction...

Perhaps some hybrid solution to cope the too-much urbanization and underlying complex issues may be solved by the experts by adapting the others solution perhaps....


..:china::pakistan: :india:
Perhaps some hybrid solution to cope the too-much urbanization and underlying complex issues may be solved by the experts by adapting the others solution perhaps....


..:china::pakistan: :india:

I fully agree. In general, I don't like to approach a problem from "whether this is democratic" angle. Whatever policy that solves the problem for the majority of the people is good policy and we need to be open minded about it. For this particular example, it sounds better on paper to allow the farmers to sell their lands and move elsewhere. The problem is that a lot of (if not most) rural farmers are not well educated and short sighted. They are not only vulnerable to bankers, landlords, mafia, etc, they may just lose their lands on gambling, drinking etc (And gambling are in Chinese's blood) and then they go nothing left. For those who are well off, they can move to the cities with the land rented out.

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