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Why was Indonesia not named India?

That the word India is equally foreign to modern India and Indonesia. You're coping by making up facts about what the rulers of Indonesia thought.. I doubt you've ever read anything written by Indonesia's founders. Just classic coping. Anyways the point is Indonesia was called Dutch India just like you were called British India, you didn't know did you?
Do you see us cribbing about it? Abey Bengladeshi, we honestly don't care. You are screaming into the abyss here modern India is foreign to India. Big Fuking deal, what's today's India is what we identify with. No Indian is ever coping, the only ones coping are the ones who have an identity crisis by opening threads saying India is this, India is that. We are just amused and entertained by you lot just go mad over the fact that India exists.

Who called them Dutch India? The dutch themselves. LOL! Then the British came in and called them Indonesia and that's what they are running with. In short, they are called the Islands of India. No matter how many times you scream, that's not going to change. This is getting boring.
During colonial times modern India was known as British India whereas Indonesia was knows as Hindia Belanda which translates to Dutch India.

Once British left modern India chose to retain its British given name, but why didn't Indonesia keep the name Hindia and turned into Indonesia instead?

Was the West Indian and West Indies named by the British prior to the East Indian and East Indies .
oh boy! another identity starved discussion.

ok fine Indonesia is hereby renamed India.
India is renamed NotIndia
Pakistan is renamed China
China is renamed USA
ok ? what else?
Indonesia attained actual independence.

The Republic of India sees itself as a successor state to British India.

Unfortunately Pakistan does as well.

Laugh all you want dasyu. This is reality.
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