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Why these people blaming army & I.S.I for kindnaping of people


Jan 16, 2010
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I don't understand why these people blame our army & i.s.i for kidnapping.Even the personal from army are being kidnapped.What's the matter I really don't understand?
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I don't understand why these people blame our army & i.s.i for kidnapping.Even the personal from army are being kidnapped.What's the matter I really don't understand?

Its very simple:

It is said that pak army/ISI kidnapped or kills anyone who question them and there are certain organizations who says they are taking revenge/fighting for liberation or terrorist organization who kidnap army/ISI personals.
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Its very simple:

It is said that pak army/ISI kidnapped or kills anyone who question them and there are certain organizations who says they are taking revenge/fighting for liberation or terrorist organization who kidnap army/ISI personals.

Not so simple, mostly terrorists are kidnapping innocents and killing them and then blaming ISI.
no1 is ready to listen when that is said for kashmir...anyway...carry on with discussion as kashmir has nothing to do with this topic...but just wanted to mention

not so simple about Kashmir, because we all have seen real FOOTAGES on tv, indian army shooting at people who r just throwing stones at them.
old story like it r not people like this way according to the masses this keeps the civilian government at bay
not so simple about Kashmir, because we all have seen real FOOTAGES on tv, indian army shooting at people who r just throwing stones at them.

i dont see many pakistanis shouting against TTP for JUST killing a few soldiers....Iran for JUST killing a few soldiers...Syria for JUST killing a few thousand people protesting...Libya for....

ok ive given enough examples...

now if ur going to say...they are none of our concern...our concern is only kashmir and indian military....read my example about syria....

last bt not the least....it is because of PAKISTANS EXPORT TERROR FOR SHORT TERM GOALS policy that there has to be so much of paramilitary forces there....

now please dont say pakistan doesnt export terror coz the whole world knows that...and now please dont say whole world is wrong, misconception, conspiracy etc....the world has better jobs to do than conspire against pakistan

---------- Post added at 12:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 PM ----------

n i beg to not jump to conclusions that indian army kills civilians about my previous post
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