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Why the West craves materialism & why the East sticks to religion by IK

well i have to say that h makes a very good point about 'selective Islam', highlighting how religion is being twisted by some to suit their needs.

But some of the 'facts' he used to back his claims are wrong. Like the increasing racism in the world. Actually racism in the western world has decreased tremendously in the last few decades. Compare the situation of today with that 30 years ago. and there is racism in Pakistan. The recent ethnic tensions in Karachi are proof. It falls under the category of racism.

But overall, i think he got his point across, which is that religion cannot be shunned from life, and neither should it be 'selective'
Consequently, in the US, which has shown the greatest materialistic progress while giving its citizens numerous rights, almost 60 percent of the population consult psychiatrists. Yet, amazingly in modern psychology, there is no study of the human soul.

I don't know where he is pulling the 60% of US population consulting psychiatrists from, if 180 million peole were seeking help of a psychiatrists the waiting period would be extend into the next life. Lies to support his argument for an audience that wouldn't quetion what's stated in article.

Sweden and Switzerland, who provide the most welfare to their citizens, also have the highest suicide rates. Hence, man is not necessarily content with material well being and needs something more.

Incorrect again, China and Srilanka have a higher suicide rates than Sweden, so again his argument is flawed.

He should stop trying to be an intellectual, he comes across as a wanna-be-intellectual. Having said that, some people are in awe of this article, so perhaps he does have an audience who are willing to accept his misrepresentation of facts.
Religion is fine if it is not used for politics. We create political groups based on religion is wrong, creating group of nation based on religion is wrong. By doing this you are discriminating against others. This way religion is used parallel to nation. I also feel if religion comes your way in every aspect of life then it is just going to divide people, you will discrimate with a person just because he is from other religion. I certainly feel that stressing too much on religion adds to issues.
Couldn't agree more..
religion must be personal..every kid must get an opportunity to learn several religions and choose the one he likes.
If Imran was to come to power i hope he never ever involve or confuse state functions with religion , doesnt give in too army .. and if only he can change his stance on TTP and extermist i think we are all for him , as under the circumsances he is the best choice !

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