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Why the USA is leader of the World?

Yet most of them cant even point out another country on map šŸ¤£ ngl they have many great minds but their mass population is ignorant
Would you complain if Pakistani's could not even point out where their own country is on the map but, but they churned out F-35 stealth fighters, nuclear submarines, nuclear powered aircraft carriers, spaceships like a expert cook in Pakistan churns out roti out of a tandoor? Or produce minds that thought up of tech giants like Google, FB, Twitter or Apple?

I know what I would choose - "ignorants".
No the average American
Lot of that is down to shear size of the country and how it almost has everything within it's continent sized geography. Americans don't need to migrate to Pakistan, Iran, India, Turkey. Malaysia, UK, Greece etc to make a living. They just move to their own big cities. So as long as they know where La, NYC, Chicago, Miami, Denver, Washington, Seattle etc are they are cool.
Ultimately it is men and women who make those nuclear submarines, those spaceships, those bridges, those radar evading F-35 fighters Pakistan would love to have. Men and women. Human resource. If they all migrated to Pakistan and worked for this country Pakistan would be on the way to being a superpower.

Instead we have very few of them but oversupply of bearded mullahs who promise redemption and virgins in next life while we sit in garbage in this world.
You become a product of the environment, those men would fade away in most countries, they would be suppressed by the system. If it wasn't for AtatĆ¼rk you think Turkey would be where it is now(not that its a superpower or anything but its not terrible) he laid the foundations even though many tried break it.

It's the foundations of a nation, the laws, the fundemantals that make it successful. If there was 5 AtatĆ¼rks we would be a top 5-10 power easily and I would bet my wealth on it.

USA also had vast natural resources that is a very big factor. If the greatists economists go to countries with little freedom of speech and criticise the government or their words bear no value would it matter?

If those scientists go to countries where because they are against the current government they don't get into any positions would it matter?

  • highly educated mass of men and women produced by top universities of the world
  • hard work culture. Americans work hard and play hard.
  • innovative, many high IQ individuals
  • highly competitive men and women who strive for the best
  • all this means armies of scientists, engineers, lawyers, accountants, entreprenuers, researchers who build the best in the world. From rockets to ships, to nuclear submarines to fighters etc.
I believe these qualities were brought from Europe via British settlers [hard work ethic coupled with administrative acumen], German settlers [hard work coupled with scientific acumen], Jewish settlers [hard work and business flair etc

All this in tandem with massive natural resources of continental America produced a mighty nation in less than 150 years. The country is a marvel when you consider not long ago there was nothing, nothing in the vast American landscape but few Native American nomadic tribes.

Countries that fully utilize their human capital thrive, while those that donā€™t flounder. India learned this the hard way, Pakistan is still learning.
No offense to you but I don't regard India as "thriving".

Depends on your definition of ā€œthriving.ā€ Compared to the developed world, definitely no. Compared to what India was pre-1990s, definitely yes.

India has ways to go, no doubt, but at least itā€™s on the right path, albeit a rocky one.
Would you complain if Pakistani's could not even point out where their own country is on the map but, but they churned out F-35 stealth fighters, nuclear submarines, nuclear powered aircraft carriers, spaceships like a expert cook in Pakistan churns out roti out of a tandoor? Or produce minds that thought up of tech giants like Google, FB, Twitter or Apple?

I know what I would choose - "ignorants".
Lot of that is down to shear size of the country and how it almost has everything within it's continent sized geography. Americans don't need to migrate to Pakistan, Iran, India, Turkey. Malaysia, UK, Greece etc to make a living. They just move to their own big cities. So as long as they know where La, NYC, Chicago, Miami, Denver, Washington, Seattle etc are they are cool.
Average Pakistan is better at maths than an average American or Britisher... as for Pakistanis they surely will know their own country..

And but but karne se pehle kindly go and check the stuff you mentioned have more contributions from foreigners than Americans themselves..

And spaceship ? Yeah with spock and others comanding it šŸ¤£
Does it matter that the average American does not know the prime minister of pakistan ?
Mushi was a dictator not PM
Strong Military and Economy that's why, Plus its Location and not a single hostile and Powerful neighbor ..

Now China can defeat USA in full scale war war. USA was busy signing 4 million U.S green cards and now USA is doomed
  1. Economy: US has a nominal GDP of roughly 19 trillion dollars. Thats almost 25% of the total GDP of all world combined and is about 1.6 times the GDP of second placed China. GDP is a common economic comparison tool. So US is the strongest economy in the world. It receives the highest amount of Foreign Investment. Compared to US, Russia has the trade profile of a second grade nation. Only China comes close right now. US GDP per person is roughly 60000 dollars. Russia has 10000 dollars, India and China have 8000 dollars roughly. Thatā€™s like 12% of the US. Only EU comes close with an average of maybe 35000 dollars.

US and Western perception of leadership is the understanding of the concept of ā€œrepresentation.ā€ It is different in China.
The 1970s Afghan war, the fall of the USSR, and China's development pulling along Asia reopened the Central Asia route that was blocked since the 15th century for the Turkish control of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Thus, the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) put a conscious political hat on an objective trend.
Geographically this makes the American continent no longer the natural center of gravity that it had been for the past centuries. The US and the American continent need a conscious strategy to regain its centrality. This enhances the difficulties of the "America First" policy.
Moreover, this brings back the Mediterranean Sea's centrality, a long corridor between all continents, eventually ending up in America through Gibraltar.
The world thus can no longer be seen in pieces but needs a new political and strategic centrality. This must also start by recognizing that the US is a superpower but not a total power that gets its bidding(World is now multipolar not a unipolar ). The US needs new long-term thinking and gain global support that doesn't come by fiat.
The United States is no longer in its prime position like it was after the Second World War, due to the recent economic recession,COVID, the demand of the people, the waste of blood and resources in unnecessary wars, the rise of China and the diffusion of power and technology. Chinaā€™s emergence as a superpower can be a normal process for Asia. Asian countries can benefit from China in a number of ways. However, the competition and rivalry between great powers in Asia can complicate the emergence of China as a true superpower.In that world, China had Tibet as a buffer state between itself and India. Now, by fully absorbing Tibet, China has expanded its borders and thus also its troubles. India, for millennia out of the Chinese world, has become part of Beijingā€™s headaches. India remedy is Pakistan to make china superpower in Asia region, Same like we did it for US make him superpower and then he left with all Mujaheedin issue to us.

But it is still a unipolar world at least in military terms. The position of the US is unassailable in the military and political sphere.
Moscow and Beijing are regional powers in terms of military and political capital. They cannot project power beyond their borders or regions; so, their influence is limited to certain geographic areas.
In the economic sense, the world is already multipolar. The USA, China, and EU are different poles of this economic universe.

History provides an example. The Industrial Revolution began with the first project on a tramway between Stockton and Darlington in England, in 1813 when Napoleon intended to conquer Europe.
The American Civil War was won by the superior northern industrial and railway system, putting an end to the Great Plains' old world.
China's power projection similarly was built on the railways.
The US needs to upgrade its railways at home, and extend a network crossing the whole new continent from north to south. It needs to move on a plan to connect by rail Europe and Africa from Oslo to Cape Town, and then from there reach out to Asia and India, China's BRI can be integrated if it wants it to be.
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