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Why the existence of Pakistan is not in India’s interest

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The Article is from Dr Amarjit Singh who is the regular writer in Indian defence review along with Mohan Bhagat who also happens to be RSS chief.and RSS was the one who carried out Samjhota Express Bombing which killed 68 pakistanis.

May be or may be not. But he is not the unanimous voice of entire India. We have enough rational brains working in Delhi, who will laugh at his conclusions.
india is obsessed with Pakistan. india cannot fulfill it's dream of being a military power of any sort as long as Pakistan is there to keep it in check :omghaha::omghaha: oh boy

will there be another Ashoka in india to defeat and conquer Kalinga ( Pakistan) ??

i don't think so . All those important indian areas are right next to Pakistan., for Pakistani nukes to cover. The indian south is not really interested in a war with Pakistan, neither the far east

delhi, rohtak, the whole of gujarat, jammu, simla, dehradun, bharatpur, ambala, chandigarh

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The enemies of Pakistan (groups like the TTP) are enemies of EVERYONE.

Countries like America are foolish to think that extremists can be on their side, they made this mistake before in Afghanistan.

If anything, the world should be doing everything they can to help Pakistan destroy these extremist groups. Otherwise who knows what will be the next target?
These are the people Indians need to fear not the Pakistanis. Rest assured, if we did struck, we will obliterate India for good. These nuclear extremists are a real threat to the region's safety.

Do you still have paid subscription of this magazine? :lol:

Anyways these guys hardly get any mainstream media coverage unlike Zaid Hamid, Ahmad Qureshi and the likes in your country. Probably less than 0.0001% of the population read his magazine. We have nothing to fear from them.
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You don't need to have toilets to obliterate/balkanize/break/nuke a country.

india is obsessed with Pakistan. india cannot fulfill it's dream of being a military power of any sort as long as Pakistan is there to keep it in check :omghaha::omghaha: oh boy

will there be another Ashoka in india to defeat and conquer Kalinga ( Pakistan) ??

i don't think so . All those important indian areas are right next to Pakistan., for Pakistani nukes to cover. The indian south is not really interested in a war with Pakistan, neither the far east

delhi, rohtak, the whole of gujarat, jammu, simla, dehradun, bharatpur, ambala, chandigarh


Whole of india is under Pakistan's strike range.

Shaheen-II is range of 2500km

india's capital is under range of our nuclear-cruise missiles, too.

In case of war, indians will not find a place to hide until they are all teared into pieces and thrown into indian ocean...
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Yeah, but when your women don't even have toilets...and you have more poor than whole Africa..and then you talk about "obliterating/balkanizing/breaking/nuking" other nuclear-armed nations...you really come out as someone who has lost his mind..probably due to excessive cow-piss drinking.

Make the connection between toilets, poverty and being able to nuke a country to oblivion? You don't need to be rich or have toilets to be able to nuke a country. You just need to have nukes.
Btw Pakistani racism is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
indian Muslim-hating genocidal thought process is most annoying thing I've ever seen.
Why are you going on a tangent? Have you seen anyone on this forum agreeing to extreme views of this author. Our Indian muslims is not your concern. Grow up...will you.
These are the people Indians need to fear not the Pakistanis. Rest assured, if we did struck, we will obliterate India for good. These nuclear extremists are a real threat to the region's safety.
Pakistan does not have enough nuclear arsenal to obliterate India (however post 100 or so successful strikes if it comes to that, Pakistan will be wiped off and India will go back centuries in terms of economy, habitability and population). .. Agree to rest of your post completely except the above technicality.. Looks like Zaid Hamid is inspiring morons across the borders in India as well
caliber and standards of indian military analysts.

excuse me !! Military analyst??
we in India did not allow nut jobs like Zaid bhai to guide military...

writer is some xyz singh who earn from writing ... nothing to do with military.

Indian armed forces know their field of work & dont need any wannabe analysts outside of their pool...
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