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Why So Few Nobel Prizes For Muslims? Why Are Muslims Killing Each Other?

There goes the credibility of your intellect. Every indian shouts about this, but it is the dumbest ever comparison. So what if IIT or IIM has an applicant ratio 1/1000 when yr literacy rate is India is so low and your PISA testing rank at the bottom (low quality) Now add the fact that India population is 1.3 billion. Of course, you will have a high ratio, but quantity is not quality.

Now GMAT, you can take it 100 times and submit your highest score. After 100 times, surely your score improve. Does it says anything? Your Indian school take it as the admission score, but the US program adopted a hoslitic approach, GMAT is just but one indicator they look. They want high GPA, good work experience, non-academic personal achievement,.......
I graduated from a top university in California. I know how the US schools works.

What Indians take GMAT 100 times?

Application for GMAT costs you $250 meaning to take GMAT 100 time you spend $25000, moreover GMAT is not allowed to be taken 12 times a year, so to take 100 times you spend 8 and half years, while average age of Business school graduate is 27 years.

And GMAC while reporting GMAT scores do send last 5 scores of a candidate to schools. So a high variance is scores could negatively effect a candidate's admission

Anyway I won't blame you...typical Chinese IQ.
My comment was specifically about the Nobel prize, not violence.

As for evolution of religious thought, the claim that Islam needs to evolve like other religions is also false. All religions, including Islam, already have a breadth of interpretations. What is happening is that the countries which have adopted a more laissez faire interpretation to (any) religion have progressed scientifically. We can discuss the causality and correlation of this phenomenon, but the single most important correlation with scientific advancement is rule of law, governance, and protection of personal rights, including intellectual property. All countries -- Muslim or not -- which lack the above attributes have remained backwards.

An intellectually honest assessment would highlight rule of law, governance, and personal rights -- not religion -- as the determinant of scientific progress.
I presume we both misunderstood our respective compartmentalized critiques as a generalized statement on the topic. The remainder of your post makes for an interesting parallel thread.
I agree . The weirdest thing is that it doesn't award Arts. If it can award subjective things like Literature and Peace then why not Art ?

well the nobel prize for ecomomics is basically a misnomer, its actually the bank of sweden prize, alfred nobel did not deem economics as a nobel prize wining area.
What Indians take GMAT 100 times?

Application for GMAT costs you $250 meaning to take GMAT 100 time you spend $25000, moreover GMAT is not allowed to be taken 12 times a year, so to take 100 times you spend 8 and half years, while average age of Business school graduate is 27 years.

And GMAC while reporting GMAT scores do send last 5 scores of a candidate to schools. So a high variance is scores could negatively effect a candidate's admission

Anyway I won't blame you...typical Chinese IQ.

Do you not understand what is figure of speech? Indian IQ :omghaha:

Point is, you can take GMAT many times but US institutions do not take GMAT as the main admission criteria, unlike India's.
Not surprising many top US MBA programs don't have extremely high GMAT score to show.

Of course, you can't blame me. I just educated you on how US MBA programs works.
Do you not understand what is figure of speech? Indian IQ :omghaha:

Point is, you can take GMAT many times but US institutions do not take GMAT as the main admission criteria, unlike India's.
Not surprising many top US MBA programs don't have extremely high GMAT score to show.

Of course, you can't blame me. I just educated you on how US MBA programs works.

Now I don't want to hear from some xyz about how tough it is to get into a top MBA program, because I am from one of those.

By the way I have a near perfect GMAT score.
there goes your intellect. It is just the first step You have to have a good profile , perform good in Written Ability Test , Group discussion and personal interview. You fooooool!!! :nana: If you say that all those applicants are low quality then buddy these low quality applicants after failing to clear Indians entrance tests throng the universities of Europe and Americas and get admitted to their univs.

Are you mathematically retarded? Becoz of your huge population, your top 5% students are much much greater in numbers than US top 5%. Not surprising you see many indians in Europeans and US schools.
But if you are talking about the elite institutions, they all have quotas on student nationalites. You don't see that many Indians. In fact, you see more Chinese :rofl:
Now I don't want to hear from some xyz about how tough it is to get into a top MBA program, because I am from one of those.

By the way I have a near perfect GMAT score.

LOL, if you came from a top MBA program, you should jolly well know what I was driving at. Yet you couldn't grasp the figure of speech and gave me a lame duck reply. :omghaha: Right, perfect GMAT score.
Are you mathematically retarded? Becoz of your huge population, your top 5% students are much much greater in numbers than US top 5%. Not surprising you see many indians in Europeans and US schools.
But if you are talking about the elite institutions, they all have quotas on student nationalites. You don't see that many Indians. In fact, you see more Chinese :rofl:

No you see more Indians in MBA programs, while you see more Chinese in Finance and Financial Engineering courses. Look at the top leadership in large US companies. I can list innumerable CEOs/CFOs of Indian Origin, while very few of Chinese origin
LOL, if you came from a top MBA program, you should jolly well know what I was driving at. Yet you couldn't grasp the figure of speech and gave me a lame duck reply. :omghaha: Right, perfect GMAT score.

Whatever, I have got a degree from a top Bschool and have gone though the intense process of application process and I understand what it takes to be one of those. I care a zilch about what you say about the admission process.
No you see more Indians in MBA programs, while you see more Chinese in Finance and Financial Engineering courses. Look at the top leadership in large US companies. I can list innumerable CEOs/CFOs of Indian Origin, while very few of Chinese origin

From where I go to school, I see more Chinese than Indians in both MBA and Financial Engineering programs.

You see more Indians working in US company becoz most Chinese and Japanese go back to work for their own corporations after gaining some experience. In India, there are no opportunities for them. LOL

Whatever, I have got a degree from a top Bschool and have gone though the intense process of application process and I understand what it takes to be one of those.

And yet you gave me a lame duck reply regarding GMAT and admission criteria? :omghaha:
From where I went to school, I see more Chinese than Indians in both MBA and Financial Engineering programs.

You see more Indians working in US company becoz most Chinese and Japanese go back to work for their own corporations after gaining some experience. In India, there are no opportunities for them. LOL

Infact if you go though BSchool admission blogs of top B Schools , IITs are the largest feeder schools outside of ivy league system to top US BSchools.

Chinese are good at scoring good GMAT/GRE scores, but very bad at speaking English and soft skills. In fact I have seen very few Chinese participating in class discussion, hence most Chinese go for finance related programs where soft skills are least required.

As far as Chinese going back to China, I know how many of my Chinese classmates tried to get a jobs in US/UK but failed because of their language skills. I have never seen a Chinese going back to China willingly. Even while in China they try to get back to west. I get so many emails from Chinese alumni asking for job referrals or informational interviews for positions in UK
I think the real question here is not about Noble Prizes which muslims face ... itS more about why muslims are killing each other .......

In my very humble opinion looking at the remarks we all are putting here... looks like world war III already started:

1. We as muslim umah are extremely confused and without a direction (U know Kawa Challa Hans ki chaal aur apni bhi bhool gaya) ....... The reasons very simple most of the population in muslims are born muslims not converted so we have inherited islam and we boast about it without having much knowledge ... most of us would agree that, we portray that we have full knowledge whereas most of us have not even read full safseer of quran or have not fully studied with reference to context hadith also......Since we are born muslims so it is our birth right and we are fully knowledgeable...

2. Actually we are after to change Islam to our modern day requirements whereas I believe this cannot and will not happen ..... as Liquor in Quran said to be "Mother of all Sins" .... and we as muslims try to find a reason around it .... the Quran will not change we need to understand it ...... It says equality for all .... but here we are broken up into so many castes even in sects that, we have left the teachings of islam ..... examples, syed (in Syed ..... hussains, trimzi, Qureshi etc etc etc) ... whereas Quran clearly states that everyone is equal and anything that distinguishes one form another is his "Good Doings and Deeds" ....

3. Every Aalim in the world is interpreting Islam and their is no central authority .... or that central authority is only exercised when Ahmadies claim of being messenger ... then that authority says "They are non-muslims nowl"..... why did they allow this to reach that level..... even I think this is bigger examples ..... Pirs and Faqirs.... in many forms have really put us off track ... we follow them with eyes closed but we donot want to follow Quran and Sunnah like that.... we find excuses for every action and blame it on some one else by mixing words of our choice to make things permissible ...

4. We are trying to adjust Quran and Islam and making it tailor fit to our system of governance.... rather we should be taking guidance on how to make a system ......

Above are some of the reasons which has resulted in total confusion and systems have gone hay-wire ...... that is my opinion.... If we sincerely study islam and hadith and follow them i think everything will fade away and we will all be back on track ..... If governance of Islamic countries tries to bring in islamic laws (true Islamic Laws not TTP or SSP Islam) people of the land will adjust very easily and things will go for better to best slowly..... not for muslims but for non-muslims also

Infact if you go though BSchool admission blogs of top B Schools , IITs are the largest feeder schools outside of ivy league system to top US BSchools.

That's what your local media love to reports but have no statistic to back it up. :omghaha: If you really graduated from a top US program, you should know that your IITs are not all that great. And do you know about many Chinese feeder schools? Both our country with more than 1 billion pple, seriously it's quite pointless to boast that how many feeder school.

Chinese are good at scoring good GMAT/GRE scores, but very bad at speaking English and soft skills. In fact I have seen very few Chinese participating in class discussion, hence most Chinese go for finance related programs where soft skills are least required.

No doubt, Chinese are not as good as Indians in presentation skills due to their poorer command of the English. Naturally so, medium of instruction is English in India, but not China.

As far as Chinese going back to China, I know how many of my Chinese classmates tried to get a jobs in US/UK but failed because of their language skills. I have never seen a Chinese going back to China willingly. Even while in China they try to get back to west. I get so many emails from Chinese alumni asking for job referrals or informational interviews for positions in UK

LOL, that means your Bschool is not a top one. 1) It would not have admitted those Chinese with poor english skills. 2) the students should have greater success in finding jobs in China. Placement rate for Tsinghua, Peking, Fudan and Shanghai Jiatong is almost 100%
That's what your local media love to reports but have no statistic to back it up. :omghaha: If you really graduated from a top US program, you should know that your IITs are not all that great. And do you know about many Chinese feeder schools? Both country with more than 1 billion pple, it's quite pointless to boast that how many feeder school.

No doubt, Chinese are not as good as Indians in presentation skills due to their poorer command of the English. Naturally so, medium of instruction is English in India, but not China.

LOL, that means your Bschool is not a top one. 1) Otherwise it would not have admitted those Chinese with poor english skills. 2) the student would not have had any problem getting jobs in China. Placement rate for Tsinghua, Peking, Fudan and Shanghai Jiatong is 100%

As on IITs I would not blame you. Watch the video yourself.

As on B Schools admissions, they are not perfect and they love to have diverse and interest student body. Hence GMATs of 770 are routinely rejected at schools such as Harvard/Stanford while an interesting profile with a GMAT score of just 680 will get in. Chinese bring their own perspective to class. As on placements, no top school has 100% placement. You can go to Harvard Business School site to check(max 70-75% are placed). And when companies come to campus, they tend to recruit students based on language the student is perfect with and the vacancies the company has. Ex. A Chinese passing a Goldman Sachs interview would be placed in HK rather than NYC, while the Chinese would like to work in NYC.
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As on IITs I would not blame you. Watch the video yourself.

Save me the crap. How many students do IIT have in total? compared other countries. I come from a country with equally huge population. Do you know how many top student we produce? On per capita basis, statistic from school in Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and some europeans countries are even better, LOL.

As on B Schools admissions, they are not perfect and they love to have diverse and interest student body. Hence GMATs of 770 are routinely rejected at schools such as Harvard/Stanford while an interesting profile with a GMAT score of just 680 will get in.

Now you're talking.

As on placements, no top school has 100% placement. You can go to Harvard Business School site to check(max 70-75% are placed). And when companies come to campus, they tend to recruit students based on language the student is perfect with and the vacancies the company has. Ex. A Chinese passing a Goldman Sach interview would be placed in HK rather than NYC, while the Chinese would like to work in NYC.

Bschools are the most sensitive to economic recession. Over the last few years, it's not surprising that placement rate dropped drastically. But your chinese friends should have no problem getting jobs in China, not counting last year.
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