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Why So Few Nobel Prizes For Muslims? Why Are Muslims Killing Each Other?

Hindus have won 7 Nobel Prizes . also 1 deserving recipient recognized by The Nobel Committee - MK Gandhi.

RN Tagore
CV Raman
VS Naipaul
Amratya Sen
V Ramakrishnan
Subramaniyam Chandrashekhar
Hargobind Khorana

btw Nobel are a WESTERN AWARDS seldom recognizing the intelligence of East. They gave Nobel to Obama and Winston Churchill. Most of the Nobel Laureates in lit are European writers. Our Urdu and Hindi writers and poets are not recognized despite their genuinely inspiring works. If Nobel were genuine people like Munshi Premchand , SN Bose , Baba Amte really deserve it.

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Haq's Musings: Critics: Muslims Have Few Nobel Prizes; Muslims Are Killing Muslims

Are today's Muslims fratricidal low-achievers? Are Muslims unique in their lack of achievement and propensity for fratricidal violence? Are there other religious and racial groups which share these traits with Muslims?

It has become fashionable among Muslims and non-Muslims alike to bash followers of the Islamic faith for their lack of achievement and propensity for fratricidal violence. Some criticize Muslims for having won only 10 Nobel prizes since the prize was launched in 1901. Others lambaste Muslims for killing each other. Let's examine both of these charges in some detail below:

Muslims as Low Achievers:

Renowned atheist scholar Richard Dawkins has recently disparaged Muslims by pointing out that the entire Muslim world has had fewer Nobels (10) than Cambridge University's Trinity College (32). He is not alone in attacking Muslims for their lack of achievements; I have heard this from many Muslim critics for many years.

What Dawkins and other critics, including self-critical Muslims, fail to mention, according to Christian Science Monitor, is the fact that other large (billion-plus) religious, gender and ethnic groups have won even fewer Nobels than ten won by Muslims: Hindus (four), Chinese (eight) and Africans (nine). Or the fact that women have only won 44 Nobel Prizes, compared with 791 for mostly white men.

It is important to note that today's Muslims and other ethnic-religious groups with very few Nobel prizes have grown up under the shadow of colonial and neo-colonial rule which followed the Industrial Revolution and preceded the launch of Nobel prizes in 1901. Going back in history, it was the Industrial Revolution that created technology which led to the ascendance of the West and the colonization of the East. It marked the beginning of a major shift in economic, military and political power from East to West.

Dan Murphy of the Christian Science Monitor explains it as follows:

"Dawkins, as an educated man, should be well aware of the legacy of colonialism and of simple poverty…. When the Nobel Prize was founded in 1901, the vast majority of the world's Muslims lived in countries ruled by foreign powers, and for much of the 20th century Muslims did not have much access to great centres of learning like Cambridge. The ranks of Nobel Prize winners have traditionally been dominated by white, Western men - a reflection of both the economic might of the West in the past century, preferential access to education for that class of people as well as a wonderful intellectual tradition ."

Dawkins' tweet did acknowledge that "they (Muslims) did great things in the middle ages". Clearly, the history of humanity is not just 100 years old. It did not begin with the launch of Nobels in 1901. It stretches much further back. The defining work of Muslims in earlier centuries (8th to 13th century) built the foundation on which modern science and today's Nobel Laureates stand. It included development of decimal number system (still called Arabic numerals), Algebra (Al-Khwarizmi), the concepts of scientific method (Al Biruni) and algorithms (Al Khwarizmi), first camera (Al Haitham), Medicine (Avicenna), first human flight (Ibn Firnas), astrolabe (Al Frazari) etc.

In "Lost Discoveries" by Dick Teresi, the author says, "Clearly, the Arabs served as a conduit, but the math laid on the doorstep of Renaissance Europe cannot be attributed solely to ancient Greece. It incorporates the accomplishments of Sumer, Babylonia, Egypt, India, China and the far reaches of the Medieval Islamic world." Teresi by his description of the work done by Copernicus. Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, a Persian Muslim astronomer and mathematician, developed at least one of Copernicus's theorems, now called The Tusi Couple, three hundred years before Copernicus. Copernicus used the theorem without offering any proof or giving credit to al-Tusi. This was pointed out by Kepler, who looked at Copernicus's work before he developed his own elliptical orbits idea. A second theorem found in Copernican system, called Urdi lemma, was developed by another Muslim scientist Mu'ayyad al-Din al-Urdi, in 1250. Again, Copernicus neither offered proof nor gave credit to al-Urdi. Columbia University's George Saliba believes Copernicus didn't credit him because Muslims were not popular in 16th century Europe, not unlike the situation today."

Fratricidal Tendencies Among Muslims:

Muslims are killing Muslims, say the critics. This begs the question: Is this something unique among Muslims? Who kills 30,000 Americans each year? Is it not Americans? Who is responsible for the 40,000 reported homicides in India (actuals are likely much higher) every year? Is it not fellow Indians? Mostly Hindus?

Who killed Gandhi? Was it not Nathuram Godse, a fellow Hindu? Who killed Yitzhak Rabin? Was it not Yigal Amir, a fellow Jew? Who killed Abraham Lincoln? Was it not John Wilkes Booth, a fellow American?

The fact is that almost every nation-state has had periods of excessive violence such as civil wars. Fratricidal deaths have accounted for the great bulk of deaths in almost every nation since the beginning of time. Such deaths have occurred in great numbers in almost every society since Adam and Eve's son Cain is alleged to have killed his brother Abel. Every period of great change in human history has been almost always been accompanied by massive violence that Muslims are experiencing now.

Anti-Muslim Bigotry:

Dawkins' comments appear to be motivated by growing anti-Muslim bigotry in the West, especially because he prefaced them by saying "Who the hell do these Muslims think they are?" But the fact that he singled out Muslims for criticism and ignored other groups who have achieved even less seems to indicate that he holds Muslims to a higher standard than others, including Blacks, Chinese and Indians who are almost as numerous. I'd prefer that Muslims see as a challenge rather than be offended by it. At the very least, it signals that Muslims are not being subjected to what George W. Bush once described as "soft bigotry of low expectation".

The Challenge for Muslims:

Are Muslims taking the challenge thrown by Dawkins seriously? The answer is a qualified yes. They are beginning to do it.

Pakistan has had an impressive 50 per cent increase in the number of research publications during just the last two years, going up from 3939 to 6200. This has been the second highest increase worldwide. SCimago, the world's leading research database, is forecasting that if this research trend from Pakistan continues, then by 2018, Pakistan will move ahead 16 notches in world ranking, from 43 to 27, and for the first time ever, will cross Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand in Asia, according to a report in The Nation newspaper. Turkey, Iran, Egypt and Malaysia are other Muslim nations which figure prominently on SCimago rankings.

As to the violence, it is likely to continue for a while longer as vast swaths of the Muslim world sort out their differences on fundamental questions of the role of religion in society and government and settle on a model that delivers what the Muslim world needs most: good clean and responsive governance. Fortunately, there are successful models within the Muslim world in countries like Turkey and Malaysia.

Haq's Musings: Critics: Muslims Have Few Nobel Prizes; Muslims Are Killing Muslims

Some hard facts Riaz.
1) Muslims are in fact low achievers, especially in science.
2) Hindus did not win many Nobels but they certainly won more than 4(CV Raman, Tagore, Naipaul, Khorana, Chandrasekhar that I can count).
3) Most modern science came from white males(I don't care what are the underlying social or cultural causes).
Dawkins choice of Nobels as a benchmark is flawed, but he is right on money when he talks about fratricidal tendencies among muslims. At least you have to admit that it is case today. And comparing sectarian killings with homicides in non-Islamic countries is sidelining the point. In all the other major religions, people stopped killing each other for belief or blasphemy. Asking Islamic societies to grow up is only a logical thing to do.

I am happy for Pakistan if the research there is improving. But invoking medieval Arab and Persian science is just absurd. It is another dose of opium for the masses. And whatever industrial revolution and renaissance the West saw a few centuries ago, we are not seeing signs of it in Muslims world. On the other hand, we see the rise of movements like Boko Haram, Taliban and AQIM which insist that to be pious is more important that to be happy. It is a clear case of going back to the medieval ages. And in this context, it is useless to claim the medieval achievements as proof of Islam's power. Those wise men might have done all the good work back then despite Islam not because of Islam.
Indic, not Indian, my dear.
You are getting confused.

Indus Civilization did it, my ancestors. Not yours.

Number system originated in the Indus Valley.
Not some jungle in Kerala.

Indic. Not Indian.

Nice to know that still there exist Pakistanis who consider Indians as there ancestors and not Arabs. Keep it up.

Pick up a history book and read.
Punjabi, Rajasthani, Gujarati all have links to Sindh and they are part of Indus Valley.

Which History books. The pakistani books taught in Madrasa?
Only because other religions already went through this stage while Muslims are going through it now.

All religious came out of it. Now it is to be seen whether Islam can come out of it or not. If it does, it will be a much batter refined and reformed religion which will have the ability to co exist with other religions and have a space for the people who do not accept the main stream version of religion.
Why do Muslims keep arguing in the same fashion? To claim the paradigm "Muslims aren't peaceful/bright/industrious but others aren't, too" doesn't prove anything, but it strengthens the opposition's case. It just shows that not only are the Muslims dim-witted, they choose to blame others when it comes to their shortcomings.
I am wondering why Gandhi was never given a Nobel Peace Prize!! Even Obama got it!!

Good point, but I think British may have lobbied against it in the Nobel committee. The Nobel prizes are heavily favorable and bias towards western persons either way.
Nice to know that still there exist Pakistanis who consider Indians as there ancestors and not Arabs. Keep it up.

Which History books. The pakistani books taught in Madrasa?

Indians arent my ancestors.
Indics are.

Maybe this what you learned in your RSS camp that Hinus are from Gods head and all others are from Gods feet. :omghaha:

But all North West Indians have links to Sindh. Just because you are illiiterate, doesnt mean you should deny it...
Indians arent my ancestors.
Indics are.

Maybe this what you learned in your RSS camp that Hinus are from Gods head and all others are from Gods feet. :omghaha:

But all North West Indians have links to Sindh. Just because you are illiiterate, doesnt mean you should deny it...
What is the definition of Indic?
Indians arent my ancestors.
Indics are.

Maybe this what you learned in your RSS camp that Hinus are from Gods head and all others are from Gods feet. :omghaha:

But all North West Indians have links to Sindh. Just because you are illiiterate, doesnt mean you should deny it...

A typical Madrasa educated response!!!

You exhibit your education and literacy by the way of writing in your post.

I have not heard anything like" Hinus are from Gods head and all others are from Gods feet"

Even if it does it is good. It implies that all humans were originated from God.

Our god is not a terrorist who orders killing of Non Hindus.

I hope you get my point in spite of your Madrasa education.
A typical Madrasa educated response!!!

You exhibit your education and literacy by the way of writing in your post.

I have not heard anything like" Hinus are from Gods head and all others are from Gods feet"

Even if it does it is good. It implies that all humans were originated from God.

Our god is not a terrorist who orders killing of Non Hindus.

I hope you get my point in spite of your Madrasa education.

A typical extremist Hindu response!!! :yahoo:

You should have heard it... Your RSS masters tell you that and other such ridiculous things :lol:
Seems you are not fit yet to be full on extremist Hindu :D

Yes, well our God is not one that thinks all dark people are lesser than others and advocates torture, and things like sati... torture is worse than death. by any chance, are you a dalit?

i hope you get my point :yahoo:
A typical extremist Hindu response!!! :yahoo:

You should have heard it... Your RSS masters tell you that and other such ridiculous things :lol:
Seems you are not fit yet to be full on extremist Hindu :D

Yes, well our God is not one that thinks all dark people are lesser than others and advocates torture, and things like sati... torture is worse than death. by any chance, are you a dalit?

i hope you get my point :yahoo:

You made So many assumption in your post.

1) I am an extremist.
2) I am a RSS worker.
3) You are unnecessarily bringing your god in fray. I didn't say that your god does that.
4) Yes your god may not be saying nor My god. So what is the point.
5) I am a dalit.

All are wrong

You try to copy my post by copying " i hope you get my point" fom my post.

BTW I should always be capital.

All are sign of a person taught to ignore reason. One who sees world as per his wishful thinking and in the process do not mind making suitable assumption to support his own belief. A typical ******* educated mentality.

And yes you confused me. First you said that I am an extremist. After one sentence you said that
I am not fit yet to be full on extremist Hindu.

So either stick to whether I am an extremist or I am not fit yet to be full on extremist Hindu. Do not contradict yourself.

You need good education in good school to be a rational human being.
So since when did they become Tamil :crazy:
They are just jatt and rajput which come from Southern Pakistan, Sindh.

i am a rajput and there is no hell way my ancestors came from sindh or something.

even my kul devi temple is in rajasthan :P
i am a rajput and there is no hell way my ancestors came from sindh or something.

even my kul devi temple is in rajasthan :P

Then where did they come from, outerspace? :crazy:
Between Rajasthan and Sindh border there are people who are Rajput and speak Rajasthani in Sindh, close to the border.

This is not that apparent in Punjab-Rajasthan border though.

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