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Why PTI needs landslide victory in 2023 election.



New Recruit

Jul 27, 2020
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Election 2018 was considered a paradigm shift after underdog political party Pakistan Tehreek-Insaaf defeated not one but two status quo parties mainly PPP & PML-N. It was a monumental moment in Pakistan’s history as no one before had defeated these two parties in over 35 years. The reason it got victorious was because of its charismatic leader Imran Khan who for 22 years had campaigned for only one main mantra mainly to eradicate Corruption and to prevail justice.

After assuming office in August, people had high hopes for Imran-led government. They were anxious to see how Pakistan will move forward from this day on but slowly things started to go oblivion. Economy was on the brink of bankruptcy, there were protest and marches by the opposition, dollar rates skyrocketed and if that was not enough global pandemic COVID-19 made things even more intricate for the government.

But the biggest problem PTI is facing right now is opposition. First, PTI has weak and coalition government in national assembly which makes it near impossible for them to pass any bill because of overwhelming members of opposition. Second, any bill passed through presidential ordinance get rejected by Judiciary branch in no time. Third, 18th amendment of the constitution gives complete power to a provincial government over federal. This all makes it harder for the current government to make reforms and pass bills.

So the only solution to overcome all these issues is that PTI has to win election 2023 with big margin and has to make government without any coalition. If they succeeded, they can alter 18th amendment by changing current parliamentary system to a presidential system as they would have majority in senate and assembly and after that it would be a complete annihilation of current mafia and corrupt politicians and only then Pakistan truly will be stabilized and will go in right direction.
They need to take massive steps to do that. Right now people are not happy, i know it's only two years, but there is no more scope to mess around and learn. People need to see their lives improve.
People have short memory. PTI can distribute sweets to general public during the last year. But right now they need to more tough decision specially with respect to correction requires with respect to institutions and processes.
They need to take massive steps to do that. Right now people are not happy, i know it's only two years, but there is no more scope to mess around and learn. People need to see their lives improve.
People have short memory. PTI can distribute sweets to general public during the last year. But right now they need to more tough decision specially with respect to correction requires with respect to institutions and processes.
While PTI hasn't done as much as they could or as much as we expected them to...they have still done much better than the previous governments of PML-N and PPPP...
...and that's including the massive challenges like a crushing debt and the COVID19 pandemic. I would request all Pakistanis to set aside party loyalties and other insignificant differences along ethnic lines...and vote for PTI once more. Article 18 really needs to go(current state of Karachi and Sindh in general should be a wake up call).
People have short memory. PTI can distribute sweets to general public during the last year. But right now they need to more tough decision specially with respect to correction requires with respect to institutions and processes.

They'll have to hand out "sweets" in the last 18 months anyway, but things like housing, jobs, training opportunities - they need to land now. The electorate are stupider than they look. At election time it'll be a comparison of all the promises vs delivery. They'll fall for that and not look beyond the rhetoric to see who the alternative is.

Swing voters especially, if people decide to vote for alternatives, even if they aren't PPP or PMLN, it'll generally harm PTI.
I doubt it .. plus don't encourage the Sifarishi culture bro , its not good for us and you as well .

I know it’s bad but I really want to be trained tbh... it’s good to have training in self defense and survival skills...
It just doesn’t feel the same getting these done say in HK(where I am and everything is literally subpar here)

Election 2018 was considered a paradigm shift after underdog political party Pakistan Tehreek-Insaaf defeated not one but two status quo parties mainly PPP & PML-N. It was a monumental moment in Pakistan’s history as no one before had defeated these two parties in over 35 years. The reason it got victorious was because of its charismatic leader Imran Khan who for 22 years had campaigned for only one main mantra mainly to eradicate Corruption and to prevail justice.

After assuming office in August, people had high hopes for Imran-led government. They were anxious to see how Pakistan will move forward from this day on but slowly things started to go oblivion. Economy was on the brink of bankruptcy, there were protest and marches by the opposition, dollar rates skyrocketed and if that was not enough global pandemic COVID-19 made things even more intricate for the government.

But the biggest problem PTI is facing right now is opposition. First, PTI has weak and coalition government in national assembly which makes it near impossible for them to pass any bill because of overwhelming members of opposition. Second, any bill passed through presidential ordinance get rejected by Judiciary branch in no time. Third, 18th amendment of the constitution gives complete power to a provincial government over federal. This all makes it harder for the current government to make reforms and pass bills.

So the only solution to overcome all these issues is that PTI has to win election 2023 with big margin and has to make government without any coalition. If they succeeded, they can alter 18th amendment by changing current parliamentary system to a presidential system as they would have majority in senate and assembly and after that it would be a complete annihilation of current mafia and corrupt politicians and only then Pakistan truly will be stabilized and will go in right direction.

They won't win unless some miracles happen.

They need to take massive steps to do that. Right now people are not happy, i know it's only two years, but there is no more scope to mess around and learn. People need to see their lives improve.

Exactly. While many of the problems are deep-rooted and caused by the previous ruling parties (can't expect the majority of our awaam to understand this), PTI has made and continues to make some epic blunders itself as well, many of which continue (appointments of buffoons, corrupt lackeys and/or Mush-era recycled faces) and has been extremely slow to respond to the challenges of governing this complex country. Buzdar alone is an inexcusable mess. Zartaj Gul knows less about climate change than my 10-year-old niece. Too many IMF stooges in important positions in finance/econ-related roles. Lack of strong, aggressive and decisive leadership by the Khan himself. Constantly losing ground to radicals. The list goes on...

Let's hope things get better.
Election 2018 was considered a paradigm shift after underdog political party Pakistan Tehreek-Insaaf defeated not one but two status quo parties mainly PPP & PML-N. It was a monumental moment in Pakistan’s history as no one before had defeated these two parties in over 35 years. The reason it got victorious was because of its charismatic leader Imran Khan who for 22 years had campaigned for only one main mantra mainly to eradicate Corruption and to prevail justice.

After assuming office in August, people had high hopes for Imran-led government. They were anxious to see how Pakistan will move forward from this day on but slowly things started to go oblivion. Economy was on the brink of bankruptcy, there were protest and marches by the opposition, dollar rates skyrocketed and if that was not enough global pandemic COVID-19 made things even more intricate for the government.

But the biggest problem PTI is facing right now is opposition. First, PTI has weak and coalition government in national assembly which makes it near impossible for them to pass any bill because of overwhelming members of opposition. Second, any bill passed through presidential ordinance get rejected by Judiciary branch in no time. Third, 18th amendment of the constitution gives complete power to a provincial government over federal. This all makes it harder for the current government to make reforms and pass bills.

So the only solution to overcome all these issues is that PTI has to win election 2023 with big margin and has to make government without any coalition. If they succeeded, they can alter 18th amendment by changing current parliamentary system to a presidential system as they would have majority in senate and assembly and after that it would be a complete annihilation of current mafia and corrupt politicians and only then Pakistan truly will be stabilized and will go in right direction.
18th amendment doesn’t hinder lawmaking, that’s false. And you do not need a presidential system to have effective leadership. If the issue is only electoral calculus, then I’d suggest reforming the FPTP system to one of more a German style of proportional representation. The 18th’s political provisions are basically repatriating powers back to the NA. As you said rightly, it’s the government’s own weakness in slim coalition majority that is the hindrance. The opposition to the 18th is primarily about the distribution of tax revenues, federal government believes it should be given more share of the funds, but the way they are proposing a larger share being given would undermine the constitutional rights provinces currently have. If the government wants, it can take the middle path by keeping the 18th and getting the opposition to voluntarily sign off on some cash. They’ve already done this in provinces they control including Punjab. The whole tussle and attacks on PPP in Sindh is related to the money, all else is irrelevant or only there to apply pressure.

As for PTI winning the next election. Unless the government and the army work hard to undermine the next election, either by outright rigging or by 2018 style election engineering, PTI won’t be in power. Even now with all the might of the army behind them they only managed a slim majority propped up by MQM and PMLQ establishment types.

IK IMO committed a fatal political mistake by aligning himself with the establishment in 2014. If he had stuck out and not taken help from them. Maybe he would have lost 2018. But his political future might have been more secure and more true to his roots. Now he is known in those power circles as the guy who got to be PM with the help of the army, and who preached change while taking on every establishment and used politician from other parties, only to be brought to power at the worst possible time and for all his hammering of politicians and media during his tenure. There was a time when the media loved IK, as did the courts, even opposition didn’t attack him much. Now when he leaves power, opposition who are bitter and resentful will try to bludgeon him the same way he did with them, and the media will have a field day and dance over his political grave.
@Election 2018 was considered a paradigm,
Oh no that election was a paradox, where people voted for one, while the other declared as a winner, PTI could not win these constituencies, which it hold now. there was a clear cut political manipulation to get specific engineered results, PTI has not availed this opportunity for better Pakistan, Rather this change has turned into a bitter Pakistan. where incompetence and indifference are becoming the hallmarks of its governance.
This chance was unique in its nature where entire civil and military establishment stand rock solid behind PTI. The people at the helm of affairs may not be in a position to bring forth the same results as in 2018. Pakistan is witnessing the worst financial crisis at present. In such turbulent and gloomy time, the people may not opt for PTI which has brought havoc for the low and middle class. the people of Pakistan along with its supporters are disillusioned from this mirage of change. Had PTI not given this chance, our country would have been consistently progressing at the 5.8 growth rate. Now seeing the present state of affairs of our country, who will go to commit the same mistake again. the People or establishment or our enemies. I am sorry if my words hurt Pakistanis feeling and emotions. Good luck. May Allah bless us with peace and ease.
@Election 2018 was considered a paradigm,
Oh no that election was a paradox, where people voted for one, while the other declared as a winner, PTI could not win these constituencies, which it hold now. there was a clear cut political manipulation to get specific engineered results, PTI has not availed this opportunity for better Pakistan, Rather this change has turned into a bitter Pakistan. where incompetence and indifference are becoming the hallmarks of its governance.
This chance was unique in its nature where entire civil and military establishment stand rock solid behind PTI. The people at the helm of affairs may not be in a position to bring forth the same results as in 2018. Pakistan is witnessing the worst financial crisis at present. In such turbulent and gloomy time, the people may not opt for PTI which has brought havoc for the low and middle class. the people of Pakistan along with its supporters are disillusioned from this mirage of change. Had PTI not given this chance, our country would have been consistently progressing at the 5.8 growth rate. Now seeing the present state of affairs of our country, who will go to commit the same mistake again. the People or establishment or our enemies. I am sorry if my words hurt Pakistanis feeling and emotions. Good luck. May Allah bless us with peace and ease.
Artificially manipulating the currency to achieve fake economy growth is what the previous government did

How do you get economic growth, while at the same time, all of your exports dropped and your import to export ratio more than doubled

If you're going to comment, at least try to not be ignorant of the previous governments actions.

previous Punjab government literally took funds from the construction of cemeteries and from sewages and waste management and diverted them to the Orange Line Metro project

How do you even justify that???
Election 2018 was considered a paradigm shift after underdog political party Pakistan Tehreek-Insaaf defeated not one but two status quo parties mainly PPP & PML-N. It was a monumental moment in Pakistan’s history as no one before had defeated these two parties in over 35 years. The reason it got victorious was because of its charismatic leader Imran Khan who for 22 years had campaigned for only one main mantra mainly to eradicate Corruption and to prevail justice.

After assuming office in August, people had high hopes for Imran-led government. They were anxious to see how Pakistan will move forward from this day on but slowly things started to go oblivion. Economy was on the brink of bankruptcy, there were protest and marches by the opposition, dollar rates skyrocketed and if that was not enough global pandemic COVID-19 made things even more intricate for the government.

But the biggest problem PTI is facing right now is opposition. First, PTI has weak and coalition government in national assembly which makes it near impossible for them to pass any bill because of overwhelming members of opposition. Second, any bill passed through presidential ordinance get rejected by Judiciary branch in no time. Third, 18th amendment of the constitution gives complete power to a provincial government over federal. This all makes it harder for the current government to make reforms and pass bills.

So the only solution to overcome all these issues is that PTI has to win election 2023 with big margin and has to make government without any coalition. If they succeeded, they can alter 18th amendment by changing current parliamentary system to a presidential system as they would have majority in senate and assembly and after that it would be a complete annihilation of current mafia and corrupt politicians and only then Pakistan truly will be stabilized and will go in right direction.

If IK can choke Power Mafia and Food Mafia by the end of the 5 years, and reduce prices, then 2/3 majority may just realise.

People in my home city Faisalabad are moaning as usual, that not enough road works etc (the usual optics stuff) are being done. But the issue is one of sewerage system being blocked - what PMLN did was to pave roads over major gutters thus shutting down access resulting in a nightmare of a task cleaning the system despite some major upgrades. So major road works are on halt until the sewerage system is fixed first.

Faisalabad city centre (8 bazaars) have now been shut for even motorcycle access, only foot traffic. Things are improving but it's slow due to long term planning.
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