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People who think topi and beard is a sign of purity and aspire to force it on people - MUST BE EXTERMINATED.

My dear young fellow @IndianLite , by your topi and beard definition all Bangladeshi Muslims should be exterminated, as most of Bangladeshi Muslims take topi and beared as sign of purity!

And i think you are one of the hideous creature who is actually a fanatic Muslim and now pretending to be a secular!

Your obsession about Ahle Hadiths are hilarious!

Are you by any chance a women who was called a wh.ore by ahle hadith fitnabaaz Mullah named Abdur Rajjak bin Yousuf because of wearing colorful burkha?

If that's the case , then it's a pity! 😎

Or you could be a despicable Mullah who is just playing reverse? It could be possible!

However if you are a Mullah, you are not young , but an old fart!

I always find striking similarities between a teenager and an old fart mullah!
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Are you already tired of going to Islamic Paradise? It will be infested with these purity-clad muslims. How can you reduce them by exterminating. They all will pop up in paradise to give you their valuable eternal company.

So, better you get used to them instead of exterminating.

I am hoping there will be different categories of heaven.

I want to be in the category where there will not be 70 virgins on offer.

It will have modest facilities where I can catchup on my reading and my hobby of model railways and IoT.


My dear young fellow @IndianLite , by your topi and beard definition all Bangladeshi Muslims should be exterminated, as most of Bangladeshi Muslims take topi and beared as sign of purity!

And i think you are one of the hideous creature who is actually a fanatic Muslim and now pretending to be a secular!

Your obsession about Ahle Hadiths are hilarious!

Are you by any chance a women who was called a wh.ore by ahle hadith fitnabaaz Mullah named Abdur Rajjak bin Yousuf because of wearing colorful burkha?

If that's the case , then it's a pity! 😎

Or you could be a despicable Mullah who is just playing reverse? It could be possible!

However if you are a Mullah, you are not young , but an old fart!

I always find striking similarities between a teenager and an old fart mullah!

Bangladesh has 100 million excess population.

Those also happen to be backward.

There is an obvious solution!
Bangladesh has 100 million excess population.

Those also happen to be backward.

There is an obvious solution!
Yes, BD population is too huge at about 180 million. But, the issue is people remain backward. In 1970s, the population was between 70 to 75 million. But, was our country any better than now?

One reason may be wrong interpretations of our mainstream religion supported by superstitious beliefs.

But, the number of population itself may not be the reason. Reason is underappreciation and undereducation of technologies and staying on prayer mats for 12 hours a day.

Even if a boy is not sent to a Madrassah, he is taught wrong things by his parents and surroundings.

তিন চাক্কার বেবি ট্যাক্সিতে চড়ার পর ড্রাইভারকে বললাম, ভাই এদিকে আসার পথে একটা এক্সিডেন্ট দেখলাম। তাই সাবধানে চালাবেন।

আরে না, কি কন? এক্সিডেন্ট ক্যামনে হইব , উপরে আল্লা আছেনা?

This is what we call our religion.
Yes, BD population is too huge at about 180 million. But, the issue is people remain backward. In 1970s, the population was between 70 to 75 million. But, was our country any better than now?

One reason may be wrong interpretations of our mainstream religion supported by superstitious beliefs.

But, the number of population itself may not be the reason. Reason is underappreciation and undereducation of technologies and staying on prayer mats for 12 hours a day.

Even if a boy is not sent to a Madrassah, he is taught wrong things by his parents and surroundings.

তিন চাক্কার বেবি ট্যাক্সিতে চড়ার পর ড্রাইভারকে বললাম, ভাই এদিকে আসার পথে একটা এক্সিডেন্ট দেখলাম। তাই সাবধানে চালাবেন।

আরে না, কি কন? এক্সিডেন্ট ক্যামনে হইব , উপরে আল্লা আছেনা?

This is what we call our religion.

All countries have an underclass and superstitious mob.

In Bangladesh the proportion is at 50% whereas in the west it is around 10-15%.

When the population was at 70 million - absolute number of imbeciles stood at around 35 million. Now it numbers 100 million and have access to more crude methods to inflict damage.

Also, it is very hard to employ 100 million imbeciles. Making them even more vulnerable to the poison of the mullahs.
All countries have an underclass and superstitious mob.

In Bangladesh the proportion is at 50% whereas in the west it is around 10-15%.

When the population was at 70 million - absolute number of imbeciles stood at around 35 million. Now it numbers 100 million and have access to more crude methods to inflict damage.

Also, it is very hard to employ 100 million imbeciles. Making them even more vulnerable to the poison of the mullahs.
A country needs (over)population to industrialize. Hands of the population must be used to build industries and produce industrial and consumer goods.

But, BD Instead, imports these goods that exports jobs to those countries.

I live in Japan. I see normal people are imbecile but they are taught to follow the orders. A small talented group leads and others follow them. Similarly, BD must use all of our people.

BD imported 100 train coaches or so from Japan for the DMR. Had it built factories to produce these coaches, this could create employment.

Quality of products is low, but during a period of getting experience and learning, the quality keeps on going up during the next few decades.

Rome was not built in a day.
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Bangladesh has 100 million excess population.

Those also happen to be backward.

There is an obvious solution!
Are you proposing the extermination of 100 million Bangladeshis? Please enlighten us.
A country needs (over)population to industrialize. Hands of the population must be used to build industries and produce industrial and consumer goods.

But, BD Instead, imports these goods that exports jobs to those countries.

I live in Japan. I see normal people are imbecile but they are taught to follow the orders. A small talented group leads and others follow them. Similarly, BD must use all of our people.

BD imported 100 train coaches or so from Japan for the DMR. Had it built factories to produce these coaches, this could create employment.

Quality of products is low, but during a period of getting experience and learning, the quality keeps on going up during the next few decades.

Rome was not built in a day.

People who can follow orders and are self disciplined - cannot be categorised as imbeciles.

I was just trying to understand the kind of moron a person can be who wants to exterminate 100 million people just because they maintain different views on things.

I want to exterminate their character by sending them to Chinese style reeducation camps 🤣🤣
People who can follow orders and are self disciplined - cannot be categorised as imbeciles.
A country has to build up an education system that teaches human qualities. However, our mullah teachers teach superstitions and other teachers ask us just to memorize and vomit the contents in the exam papers.

How do you prepare good workers unless you are taught diligence and other human qualities like not stealing, humility, discipline, as well as
  • Belonging to the society with others.
  • Community feeling as bigger than individuals.
  • Creativity. ...
  • Curiosity. ...
  • Family. ...
  • Love. ...
  • Memory. ...
  • Humility
Japanese schools teach all these human good traits and they become good workers. Our students are taught how to enter Paradise and drink Sharabun Tahura with 72 ugly witches.

A very little life or work philosophy is taught like it is done in China the country of Confucius. No wonder, BD people remain a bunch of animals like goats, sheep and cows.
A country has to build up an education system that teaches human qualities. However, our mullah teachers teach superstitions and other teachers ask us just to memorize and vomit the contents in the exam papers.

How do you prepare good workers unless you are taught diligence and other human qualities like not stealing, humility, discipline, as well as
  • Belonging to the society with others.
  • Community feeling as bigger than individuals.
  • Creativity. ...
  • Curiosity. ...
  • Family. ...
  • Love. ...
  • Memory. ...
  • Humility
Japanese schools teach all these human good traits and they become good workers. Our students are taught how to enter Paradise and drink Sharabun Tahura with 72 ugly witches.

A very little life or work philosophy is taught like it is done in China the country of Confucius. No wonder, BD people remain a bunch of animals like goats, sheep and cows.

Enlightened societies teach life skills.

Religious societies teach skills to please god. Well! Their view of what pleases god.

Hindus think drinking cow piss pleases their god.

Muslim Mullahs think growing beard, destroying antiquities and beating women pleases their god.

Etc etc
দুর্গাপুজায় যদি ভারতের র আর হাসিনা চক্রান্ত করে হামলা করতে সক্ষম হয়, তাহলে হাসিনা টিকে যেতে পারে, এইটাই পিনাকী বলেছেন।

কাজেই সবাই সাবধান। আওয়ামী ডাকাত গুলা পাঞ্জাবি, টুপি পরে এই কাজ করতে পারে।

সাথে ভারতের ব্যাক আপ!

People who can follow orders and are self disciplined - cannot be categorised as imbeciles.
Imbecile or what most Japanese are not that talented. So, they are automatically put at the ranks lower than the talented ones who lead the country.

Top people are topped by govt officials. They have a distinct philosophy. They think it is their solemn duty to lead and guide the nation. Never heard or seen a Police or govt official taking bribes. Other groups of people follow their examples. All work hard to earn the wages.

Our govt officials are composed of top level thieves who bargain the amount of bribe. With bribe money in the pockets they sit on the prayer mats to get forgiveness from the SkyPower. No wonder, they will go to Paradise.

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