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Why Peshawar attack scares the hell out of the likes of Hafiz Saeed, Musharraf

Off Topic:Wow man... u joined in 2010 & only made 18 posts.

Let me be clear there is no Indian involvement in these attacks.We are with u guys in this fight.
And you are in the indian govt or RAW or the army? How can you be so sure india wasnt involved? Before giving such a statement please provide proof as well
Let me be clear there is no Indian involvement in these attacks.We are with u guys in this fight.

i trust the evidence more, which point fingers at ANA, which is an organ of Indian army and are animals by character and full of hate for Pakistan.
Off Topic:Wow man... u joined in 2010 & only made 18 posts.

Let me be clear there is no Indian involvement in these attacks.We are with u guys in this fight.

Ill reproduce it from where I posted elsewhere

The issue is the way these wars are now fought. I gave the ISIS example precisely as it is the FIRST public demonstration of how proxy wars and terrorism is backed and used on an almost freelance basis by anyone who needs to for an agenda.

What started off as an attempt by the Saudis and Israelis each with their own independent agenda to remove an Iranian backed regime in Syria, to take an example closer to your home.. take the recent Indian elections.. there are normal regular folk without any ideas of Akhand Bharat who supported NaMo in his election because they saw the potential for economic uplift, and then there are those who supported him because they wanted a temple at the site of the Babri mosque.. it is very likely that these two parties would normally not associate themselves with each other, but because the means would fulfil both their demands they joined hands.
The same way the Israelis and the Saudis joined in with the Rebels to achieve a goal they both found beneficial. The Saudis have the most potent strain of the terror virus stored away in their vaults(which ironically they've spent years on ensuring does not effect their own society as much) and they had the funds to push it in. Since the removal of Assad favours most of the GCCs agenda of having Iran out of the mix.. they all pitched in. The US finds out and decides to take over from Israel in providing the funds in this free for all against Iran. On the ground, you have the basic idea of rebels against Assad but as such its just a huge petri dish with each trying their brand of killer virus to see what kills Assad. Lo and Behold, just as with all viruses, it left the dish..and backfired..but the important point to note was the petri dish.. in this case the guinea pig of Syria and eventually Iran. So anyone who had any beef with Iran, found this nice open wound with semi-controllable viruses teeming in it, all willing to do the work for a few thousand dollars. To a state looking to settle scores or press its interests against another state.. this is the proverbial gold mine; a colony of multiple use mercenaries all willing to die for a very modest investment.

Take that same mirror and apply it to Pakistan and the TTP. Here is an opportunity(that India did not create) of anti-state elements in Pakistan(who are always on the lookout for funds and training) that are willing to do some work(via Afghan mediators) for a few thousand dollars. ANY , and I mean ANY smart state facing a neighbour like Pakistan would NEVER leave this opportunity be regardless of any pacifist ideals they may have held(hardly so considering the Indian reprisal attempts in the early 90s). In this case however, there is a massive need to avenge a wound called 26/11.. or is it?
IMHO, the issue may have a little sentiment with 26/11 but has more to do with the aforementioned need to keep Pakistan out as a border threat, out of the Kashmir issue.. and embroiled in its own survival with its own cancer where it just barely lives on.. and essentially ends up being a non-issue to India.

The issue was NEVER who fired the shot first, but who fired the shots thinking of self interest first.. and that was Pakistan. regardless of the rhetoric of Indian and Pakistani leaders, the Pk Establishment knows/knew it, the Indian Establishment/Think Tank knows it.. and its just a matter of who heads that establishment/Think Tank to bring about changes in that cyclic tit for tat "argument" on who fired the first shot and who got hurt more. Each out to act more self righteous than the other and( humorously to any martians observing) getting offended by the other's "self righteous" behaviour.

The only difference is that one Establishment/Think Tank has generally been more astute and aware of how to behave in the world "classroom", and while the other may have been more wily earlier... eventually the teacher has figured it out. Ill leave out who is who.

Source: Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids) | Page 229
A reasonable argument .... but how do you explain the early warning issued by the intelligence agencies of such an attack being plotted by India .... It is true that it was known an attack was going to occur , just not where

@Lord Aizen

You guys say that india is becoming hindu rastra and anti muslim under modi and on the same page accuse india of colluding with taliban, an islamic group. :lol: be clear pakistanis on how you think and what you think. your minds are muddled.

you guys are so easily influenced by islam that no wonder there are so many terrorists roaming freely in pak. even now i have seen many members of pdf who are sympathetic towards taliban inspite of their pesawar massacre
i trust the evidence more, which point fingers at ANA, which is an organ of Indian army and are animals by character and full of hate for Pakistan.

THats also a real fact, but is that the right place here ? Have we any proofs that ANA is involved ? If yes than the ISI must known it better and should share his facts with the Pakistani public !

Indians have such a hangover of hafiz Saeed.

They have their reasons ! Sad that we dont have a hangover over the bithces which killed 140 of our childrens !
THats also a real fact, but is that the right place here ? Have we any proofs that ANA is involved ? If yes than the ISI must known it better and should share his facts with the Pakistani public !

Our army has publicly pointed at Afghanistan and whic means the occupation forces.
While ANA is there face, in they have crossed in to Pakistan and committed murders, why we forget when they shoot women in the houses, recently FC soldier was shot down.
ANA is being built to counter Pak army, and to provide backup evacuation to terrorist.,
Our army has publicly pointed at Afghanistan and whic means the occupation forces.
While ANA is there face, in they have crossed in to Pakistan and committed murders, why we forget when they shoot women in the houses, recently FC soldier was shot down.
ANA is being built to counter Pak army, and to provide backup evacuation to terrorist.,

you seem to be well informed, why than our Media is not highlighting it and make it open for every Pakistani. Why our government and Army cant say that official, if its true what you are writing here ?
you seem to be well informed, why than our Media is not highlighting it and make it open for every Pakistani. Why our government and Army cant say that official, if its true what you are writing here ?
those incidents were reported on media but not taken up by foreign office neither Zardari took notice.
those incidents were reported on media but not taken up by foreign office neither Zardari took notice.

Its to late for the current government to take it to the foreign office ? If Raheel can travel within hours to Afghanistan to highlight the terror issue why we cant do that about ANA officialy ? Something is very fishy there !

nobody is "scared" people are pissed, and the nation has united....even political rallies are being called off and people setting aside their differences

its the enemies of Pakistan - including those backing TTP, BLA and other groups - who should be scared

oh and by the way Army Public School isnt merely for the children of army officers....its open to civilians as well

You guys say that india is becoming hindu rastra and anti muslim under modi and on the same page accuse india of colluding with taliban, an islamic group. :lol: be clear pakistanis on how you think and what you think. your minds are muddled.

you guys are so easily influenced by islam that no wonder there are so many terrorists roaming freely in pak. even now i have seen many members of pdf who are sympathetic towards taliban inspite of their pesawar massacre

You Guys Would Be More Than Happy To Collude With Anyone Who Murders Muslims

The bodies of the slain children in Peshawar’s Taliban attack had barely gone cold when many of the regressive voices in Pakistan started pointing fingers at India. All this, when public sympathy in India for the victims of this mindless atrocity was peaking, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself asking schools to mourn the premature deaths.

The accusations against India began almost as soon as the Tehreek-e-Pakistan Taliban (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attack and even put out a photograph of its “martyrs”. The anti-India venom is intended to neutralise the Taliban claim that it was taking revenge against the Pakistani army for its drive against terrorists in North Waziristan, through Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

Pervez Musharraf and Hafiz Saeed in file photo. AFP

A Pakistani security analyst, Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, was the first off the block. “India, we will not forgive you for this atrocity! You chose the day of December 16th to rub it in. We stand firm, united and will crush you,” he said on twitter. 16 December is when the Pakistani army surrendered to Indian forces in Bangladesh. (Read his full rant here in his blog).

Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed, the man widely believed to be behind the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, was equally quick to jump in and say “India has done it”. He vowed revenge. And former Army Chief and subsequent President Pervez Musharraf also chose to draw the same India link to the attack.

Saeed lied through his teeth, claiming India had sent troops to Afghanistan “to help the US”, and if they could do so, he had every right to send “mujahideen” to Kashmir. “Kashmiris are clamouring for help and it is our duty to respond to their call.” It’s obvious why he said this. If Pakistan is going to wipe out terror, as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif promised without naming either the Taliban or anyone else, how could they ignore Saeed’s brand of terror?

Musharraf also drew the India-Afghanistan link and stretched it to breaking point. “Do you know who is Maulana Fazlullah? He is the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan commander. He is in Afghanistan. And I am reasonably sure that he was supported by the former (Hamid) Karzai government and RAW to carry out terror attacks in Pakistan,” he told CNN-IBN in an interview yesterday (17 December).

This is laughable, for the truth is that Musharraf himself had ties to the Taliban, and it is believed that officers reporting to him asked the Taliban to get Benazir Bhutto killed. (Read Khaled Ahmed’s piece here explaining the connection, among other things).

Even as India continues to be accused, Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi, said to be the key handler of the 26/11 attacks and LeT commander has now been given bail by a Pakistan anti-terror court.

What explains these shrill accusations and direct threats when no one actually has any proof that can even remotely connect India to this atrocity?

The simple answer is this: Peshawar scares the hell out of Pakistan's Army-and-ISI-cultivated anti-India terror groups, including JuD and LeT. They know that if civil society starts treating the Taliban as pathological killers, they could be next.

There can be three explanations for this.

One explanation, of course, flows from the old rule: attack is the best form of defence. Once it became clear that Pakistani civil society was shocked enough to start asking tough questions from its leaders on who created the Taliban and other terrorist monsters in their country, it was not possible to separate the TTP’s jihad in Afghanistan and Pakistan from the India-facing jihadists – include Saeed’s JuD and its progeny, the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT). So the JuD chief went on the offensive to deflect the question even before it started forming in the minds of ordinary Pakistanis.

Two, the Pakistani army, in whose school the mass murders took place, faced an immediate problem: how to maintain the morale of its own officers and soldiers, brought up on jihadi slogans, from losing faith when the same jihad had now reached their door? The army used its own formula (anti-India rhetoric) to focus the internal anger in the rank and file on “Hindu India”. This is why the security analyst immediately targeted India.

Three, soon after the attack, Pakistani army chief Raheel Sharif flew to Afghanistan to seek the extradition of the TTP chief. Pervez Musharraf, already under attack in Pakistan for his misrule and now a pariah with civil society, rushed to link India and Afghanistan through the TTP’s presence in Afghanistan.

The Indian Express carries two Pakistani voices today – Husain Haqqani and Khaled Ahmed – and both made it clear that the problem of terrorism is home-grown. Writes Haqqani: “Jihadi militancy and terrorism have just been ways of enabling Pakistan to stand up to a bigger and increasingly powerful India through asymmetrical warfare. During the war against the Soviets, Pakistan used American money, weapons and training not only to equip fighters to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, but to also raise brigades of irregular fighters for Jammu and Kashmir and for permanent influence across the Durand Line. The problem with ideologically motivated warriors is that their ideology can morph and mutate in directions unacceptable to a pragmatic state.”

Ahmed wrote: “Pakistan has persisted in its foreign policy (that is, its anti-India policy) at the cost of total regional a global isolation. The time has come to end it.”

The shrill anti-India voices of Hafiz Saeed, Musharraf and rabid analysts like Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid are intended to ensure that Pakistan remains mired in its jihadi, anti-Indian mindset. If that mindset changes, their game will be over.

Why Peshawar attack scares the hell out of the likes of Hafiz Saeed, Musharraf - Firstpost

I Just Love How Hafiz Saeed,Pervez Musharraf and Zaid Hamid Live Rent Free In
The Minds Of Every Indian

the same way you will start havng hangover over mullah fazlullah after pesawar

Awww Boo Hoo Hoo As Of Now TTP Are Having A Nightmare over This Man


Evey Time Fazllulah Closes His Eyes He Sees This Image
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