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Why Pakistani think Indians as Baniya people ?

Its easy all we see Indians talking about money all the time. Money is normally most prominent argument from Indian side in this forum discussions. Hindus give money status of goddess and worship it which shows its prominence in Indian culture. Its not quite a myth, maybe Pakistani just saying what they see.

You are not well versed in Hindu religion and don't pretend to be one.

Who said to you that Hindus give money status of goddess? In Hindu religion , There is one goddess which controls the money/wealth but money does not itself have status of goddess.
You are not well versed in Hindu religion and don't pretend to be one.

Who said to you that Hindus give money status of goddess? In Hindu religion , There is one goddess which controls the money/wealth but money does not itself have status of goddess.
Right, I had impression laxami and money are same maybe because I heard term laxmi being used for money.
There has a stereotype in Pakistan about India . That Indian people are mere Baniya people and so not so with fighting attitude.

But there are lots of 'martial races ' in India like Rajput,Jaat, Sikh, Ahir/Yadav , Gurjar, Maratha , Bhumihar etc. . I also find Brahmans doing all martial job equally good ,if not better, with all so called 'martial races'.

But I don't find mention of these castes in Pakistan's view of India. Why ?
Back in the days ... Baniya was the person to whom everyone turned to borrow money from in difficult times, some people were exploited and hence the Baniya was the big bad money lending wolf. It denotes the anger and disgust towards a particular group of people who exploited poor people in need. It has the same shock value as calling someone a Jew.
Right, I had impression laxami and money are same maybe because I heard term laxmi being used for money.
Yes Laxmi is the goddess of wealth, but to say that we worship money is wrong.
I have never used the word or heard my family or friends use it. It's actually hardly used in my culture.
I have never used the word or heard my family or friends use it. It's actually hardly used in my culture.

Of course, a baniyya would never call other baniyyas as such. I bet you know how much money I have in my wallet at this moment.
Of course, a baniyya would never call other baniyyas as such. I bet you know how much money I have in my wallet at this moment.

I don't like the profession of money lending. I would make a crap "baniyaa". :(

I'd guess you have $50 in your wallet?
I know an Aggarwal, very rich guy.

I have yet to meet a Gupta, and a Govil seems like pure terror.

Mlechha is anyone outside the Mahajanpadas. Basically a barbarian. What is your ethnicity?
im a punjabi gujjar khattana
I know an Aggarwal, very rich guy.

I have yet to meet a Gupta, and a Govil seems like pure terror.

They are usually very miserly. They want to take everything from you and not spend a penny. Just my experience with them, not generalising or stereotyping. Except for the money aspect, they are not bad people.
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