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Why Pakistan should not sign the Civil Nuclear deal with USA

Pakistan should grab this opportunity with both hands. A nuke deal for which India has begging/fighting for almost a decade is being presented to Pakistan on a platter. Why? because China has made it a condition that Pakistan be given the same deal as India, for China to approve India's deal with US. This is analogous to the way Russia has pushed India's case in case of SCO.

Now India's entry into elite groupings is tied to Pakistan's entry.

China scuttles India's bid to enter NSG

Anirban Bhaumik, New Delhi, June 14, 2015, DHNS

Beijing’s tacit opposition again thwarted New Delhi’s bid to seek membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), as it discussed a proposal for India’s admission into the bloc at its recent conclave in Argentina.
The NSG’s relationship with India was discussed in the annual plenary meeting of the 48-nation group—which controls global commerce of atomic fuel, equipment and technology—held at Bariloche in Argentina last week, but parleys did not result in any significant headway, officials told Deccan Herald in New Delhi.

The US argued that India was “ready for membership of the NSG”. China, however, continued to insist on consensus on the issue of admissibility of “non-NPT nations”—countries that did not sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty—into the bloc, and even linked India’s membership bid with that of Pakistan.

The NSG guidelines prohibit its members from entering into nuke ties with countries that had not signed the NPT. Neither India nor Pakistan had signed it.

Washington, however, helped New Delhi secure a waiver from the NSG in 2008, in the form of a statement from the group, clearing the hurdle for Indo-US nuclear cooperation.
According to an NSG statement after the June 3-5 plenary meeting, bloc members had shared “information on all aspects of the 2008 Statement on Civil Nuclear Cooperation with India”. Chinese diplomats who attended the NSG plenary meeting argued that the NPT had been the “cornerstone” of the multilateral export control regime. They pointed out that the NSG had so far been regarding the “status of the NPT state” as “a crucial standard” to admit new members.

Though China had supported India’s bid for the 2008 waiver, it subsequently argued for a criteria-based approach on the issue of inducting new members.

China’s stand is apparently intended to prepare the ground for Pakistan to stake claim for NSG membership in case it admits India.

During his first visit to New Delhi in 2010, US President Barack Obama had announced Washington’s willingness to support India’s bid for full membership of the NSG. India has since reworked its nuclear export control mechanism to meet the NSG requirements.

Obama’s second visit to New Delhi this January saw the US publicly acknowledging that India was ready for NSG membership. The joint statement issued after Obama’s meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi also noted US support to India’s early application to and eventual membership of the NSG and three other multilateral export control regimes—Wassenaar Arrangement, Australian Group and Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

India has already formally applied for the membership of the MTCR, which governs global business of technology and materials that could be used to develop unmanned systems capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction.

According to officials in New Delhi, it might be easier for India to get membership of the MTCR as China is not a member of the bloc.
In order for Pakistan to acquire Civil Nuclear plants from US, US will surely thrown in their demands before signing the deal & surely all will be related to Pak missiles & Nuclear weapons.

China is the best option for Pakistan & therefore there is no need to go for US Nuclear plants if China is ready to help us.
I dont understand the notion other than emotion here.
DO we have ambition to take out all of the world ,I mean seriously how many nukes we require ,Our enemy is always India and any provokation will be done by India.
As for Missile range I think we can easliy manage to convince about 3600 KM+ for India .

Before arguing more lets discuss pro as well as so far i have only seen negatives .Share some light about psoitivies of these deal as Pak is dying for a long period of time to have this .In my view this will give recognition of Legitmate Nucleur power which we lack
Before arguing more lets discuss pro as well as so far i have only seen negatives .Share some light about psoitivies of these deal as Pak is dying for a long period of time to have this .In my view this will give recognition of Legitmate Nucleur power which we lack

We already have enough to thwart any aggression from India since 1998. If this hadn't been the case, there would have been at least 2 wars (Indian parliament attacks, Mumbai) and Kargil would have transformed in to a full blown war. Brandishing nukes at any country other than India, will get Pakistan sanctioned and isolated. Our foreign policy has to be that of peace and reconciliation. We don't want to pick up fights with Israel or ISIS for the Arabs, or anyone else. Kashmir is the only unfinished agenda in our foreign policy. Point being: our current arsenal is more than enough based on circumstantial evidence. And since the Washington Post article is also speculative, we'll have to wait and see what are the terms of this deal, if there is any. If we manage to get the worst deal, it will limit our stockpiles and missile ranges to their current levels, which are more than enough for our one and only enemy.

This deal will most probably allow Pakistan to access technology from diversified sources, other than China. It will also enable Pakistan to share its civilian technology with other countries. We are probably not going to get any cheap nuclear reactors, since China has already given us a very decent price compared to similar projects worldwide. But the most important benefit will be the status of an accepted and respected nuclear power. By accepting Pakistan in to their ranks, the NSG will be acknowledging that Pak is a responsible nuclear state. This last point will have a wider impact on our foreign policy and how other nations view Pakistan.

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