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Why Pakistan isnt questioning German and Uzbek ambassadors about their citizens involvement a

i think its best to make this one way trip for all foreigner terrorist ... first kill them we will count the numbers later
Pakistan should deport any foreign national overstaying on their land. I mean there should be strict mechanisms for finding those who overstay.

Afghan border is open... Americans do not allow to block it.
Thank you. And good luck to the PA and ISI as well. I hope those persnickety Afghans don't get hold of any weapons they shouldn't have when we leave.

I also hope America learns from its mistakes.
Pakistan was not the only one party in that. Again US of A was also involved.

I know.

When did I say that?

You've been complaining about eurpeans and americans all this while, ignoring the fact that your own country, as well as all the muslim countries in that reggion have sent fighters there. Saudis, Iranias, palestinians, jordanians. You didn't complain about them.

Old rona dhona starts. Now its getting boring. :)

It's true though.

True. You also know better about this situation. Losing one PM to LTTE.

Ex-PM actually. Yes, that happened. One act of terror against us by the group we once trained. But Pakistan suffers one such act every day. Your ex strategic assets blew up 20 soldiers a day back. 7 polio workers were murdered in cold blood yesterday. Your ex prime minister was assasinated. Your governers, and many other important leaders have been killed by terrorists. So while talking about one incident in India 20 years back may soothe your ego, it only serves to highlight the difference in scale.

Here comes another stupid logic.

When they go for war, they are part of the same organizations that are suicide bombing Damascus every other day. Not terror against civilians?

Yea, attacks in a war torn nation where everybody is fighting everybody else is one thing. It's called war, and it's horrible. But bombing a church in Peshawar simply because the victims were kafirs, bombing shia pilgrims for the same reason, that is a different level of inhumanity, and practiced mostly by Pakistanis. No contest there.

Responses in red.
If ambassadors of countries are getting started questioning for the involvement of their nationals in terrorist activities in other countries, some countries will ran out of ambassadors or may have no time to eat, sleep,pray etc due to the constant questionings.

Pass your advice to Indian regime, which always ask for Pakistani ambassador.
Apparently, terrorists only travel to India with ID papers and still remember Indian evidence 'Pak washing powder'.
Dude, an intruder shot and body taken over by sec forces is very different from a person killed in ariel bombardment with no feet on the ground in the near vicinity..
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