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Why pakistan does not join NATO?


Jul 27, 2009
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United States
United States
this question pops in my head always. is it not better for PAK to join NATO and in this way, pak would modernize it's army and also improve relations with West as well!!!
Not worthy joining NATO will mean do as the other countries wish. And most of USA asking now from Pakistan will become boundation.
You could have asked why India does not join NATO since its a better option and suits western countries the most.

Well if you look at NATO "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" it was made to keep the russians out, germans down and Americans above everybody. It is a kind of treaty that only American subcontinent and Europeans have joined. I don't think any other country besides Europe is allowed to join Nato probably that is the reason why they introduced Non-Nato in which Pakistan is a major non-Nato ally.
Geography willbe an issue too.. North Atlantic Treaty Org
Biggest issue is common agenda and goal. What is common between them?
all Muslim world needs to be united - there must b such organisation, 4get bout NATO. Bhutto hosted Islamic Summit of Muslim nation in 1974 & it wz an incredible idea. too bad v did nt many politicians lyk him.
Well, correct me if i am wrong.

turkey is part of NATO and it's not in Atlantic.

Also, if Pakistan can maintains at least good relations with west, if not better than india relations with west, particularly with the US.
Well, correct me if i am wrong.

turkey is part of NATO and it's not in Atlantic.

Also, if Pakistan can maintains at least good relations with west, if not better than india relations with west, particularly with the US.

Half of Istanbul is in Asia and remaining half in Europe. Turkey can be admitted to Europe any time. They are just awaiting for an approval from the European Union who wants them to "do more" :lol:
all Muslim world needs to be united - there must b such organisation, 4get bout NATO. Bhutto hosted Islamic Summit of Muslim nation in 1974 & it wz an incredible idea. too bad v did nt many politicians lyk him.

A Muslim Organisation similar to NATO, need a political consence of all Muslim States, when I look to the Arabs Everyone of them will take over the Leadership. The second important thing is you need to built up a Strong Defence Industry in important Muslim Countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey. There is also a need to stndardize the Invertory of the armed Forces, Muslim Countries use Russian, American and Chinese Built Weapons.
A Muslim Organisation similar to NATO, need a political consence of all Muslim States, when I look to the Arabs Everyone of them will take over the Leadership. The second important thing is you need to built up a Strong Defence Industry in important Muslim Countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey. There is also a need to stndardize the Invertory of the armed Forces, Muslim Countries use Russian, American and Chinese Built Weapons.

Strongly Agreeed! What would our organization be named?
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