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Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC


Jun 11, 2014
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Chinese Pakistan Economic Corridor is being portrayed as a game changer for the region and most important development for the future of Pakistan. People have talked about CPEC mostly in terms of its impact on the economy but I consider CPEC as vital for Pakistan from defense and strategic point of view.

Currently Pakistan has been sandwiched by its enemies from East as well West. We are facing threat from multiple enemies including USA , India and Afghanistan . These enemies have not only send their trained terrorists and agents inside Pakistan to destabilize us internally but time and again are threatening Pakistan with surgical strikes as well as ultimate all-out attack on our borders from West as well as East .

To counter these multiple threats Pakistan need to have backing of a solid super power and in these times only and only China has shown willingness to do so. China has resources as well as mettle to face the bullies which are trying to strangle Pakistan. In past China has always helped us against our enemies in spirit of a true friend but there was a need to bring Chinese interest in our security on more solid grounds and CPEC has provided this golden opportunity .

CPEC has given considerable advantage to Chinese economy by cutting its cost of sea route this is why Chinese are ready to invest heavily and make this successful. With CPEC , now China will have even higher stakes in Pakistan and will have more interest in standing against USA and India in our defense. I foresee Chinese giving extra help to Pakistan in terms of defense equipment in all three services to make sure CPEC is saved including making our Navy stronger to defend Gwadar and adjoining areas.

China and Pakistan have common enemies namely USA and India. Both know the value of CPEC for China as well as Pakistan and are trying their best to sabotage CPEC at any cost. In order to safe CPEC both China and Pakistan need to consider CPEC as strategic asset and defend it from our enemies accordingly. It is no ordinary economic project. It’s a strategic endeavor which can change destiny of both Pakistan as well as China. In a way CPEC is as important for our security as our nuclear assets are in deterring any cross border attack from our enemies.

To save CPEC from our enemies Pakistan Establishment should defend this in same way as we are defending our nuclear assets . And for this our establishment should understand that just as we cannot give our nuclear assets in the hands of incompetent and corrupt civilian government so we should not let CPEC go in the hand of civilians.

In the past the corrupt politicians have ruined our economy through corruption and mismanagement. The statistics of Bhutto era as well as eras of Benezir, Sharifs and Zardaris is evident of this in comparison to the growth achieved in the times of military rulers including Ayyub Khan Zia and Musharraf . I am afraid that since the start of CPEC , its management is in the hand of the PMLN Government ministers and already stories of corruption are being heard. These politicians are also creating confusion on deliberate ambiguity on East Central and West routes and also share of the provinces causing negative feelings against CPEC in smaller provinces. Leaving a project of such a strategic importance in the hand of selfish soul less politicians is a suicide and confirm disaster in making and a surety that CPEC will ultimate fail.

I am afraid that these politicians will create so much problems for Chinese that one day Chinese may decide to abandon CPEC and find some other alternate for their One Road One Belt project. And once we lose CPEC then I don’t think China will ever be interested again in protecting Pakistan against big enemies like USA and India. Do we want to see this happen? Of course not!

Our Military establishment need to take serious note of the mismanagement of the civilians in CPEC as well as security of the Chinese and take the complete CPEC management as well as security of the Chinese in the hand of the military and protect CPEC like strategic asset in same way as military is protecting nuclear assets. Establishment need to create joint intelligence teams with Chinese to counter moves against CPEC by USA/India.

There is no time to be complacent or compromising here and any delay by Military Establishment in taking over CPEC from civilians will ruin the future of our country.
Chinese Pakistan Economic Corridor is being portrayed as a game changer for the region and most important development for the future of Pakistan. People have talked about CPEC mostly in terms of its impact on the economy but I consider CPEC as vital for Pakistan from defense and strategic point of view.

Currently Pakistan has been sandwiched by its enemies from East as well West. We are facing threat from multiple enemies including USA , India and Afghanistan . These enemies have not only send their trained terrorists and agents inside Pakistan to destabilize us internally but time and again are threatening Pakistan with surgical strikes as well as ultimate all-out attack on our borders from West as well as East .

To counter these multiple threats Pakistan need to have backing of a solid super power and in these times only and only China has shown willingness to do so. China has resources as well as mettle to face the bullies which are trying to strangle Pakistan. In past China has always helped us against our enemies in spirit of a true friend but there was a need to bring Chinese interest in our security on more solid grounds and CPEC has provided this golden opportunity .

CPEC has given considerable advantage to Chinese economy by cutting its cost of sea route this is why Chinese are ready to invest heavily and make this successful. With CPEC , now China will have even higher stakes in Pakistan and will have more interest in standing against USA and India in our defense. I foresee Chinese giving extra help to Pakistan in terms of defense equipment in all three services to make sure CPEC is saved including making our Navy stronger to defend Gwadar and adjoining areas.

China and Pakistan have common enemies namely USA and India. Both know the value of CPEC for China as well as Pakistan and are trying their best to sabotage CPEC at any cost. In order to safe CPEC both China and Pakistan need to consider CPEC as strategic asset and defend it from our enemies accordingly. It is no ordinary economic project. It’s a strategic endeavor which can change destiny of both Pakistan as well as China. In a way CPEC is as important for our security as our nuclear assets are in deterring any cross border attack from our enemies.

To save CPEC from our enemies Pakistan Establishment should defend this in same way as we are defending our nuclear assets . And for this our establishment should understand that just as we cannot give our nuclear assets in the hands of incompetent and corrupt civilian government so we should not let CPEC go in the hand of civilians.

In the past the corrupt politicians have ruined our economy through corruption and mismanagement. The statistics of Bhutto era as well as eras of Benezir, Sharifs and Zardaris is evident of this in comparison to the growth achieved in the times of military rulers including Ayyub Khan Zia and Musharraf . I am afraid that since the start of CPEC , its management is in the hand of the PMLN Government ministers and already stories of corruption are being heard. These politicians are also creating confusion on deliberate ambiguity on East Central and West routes and also share of the provinces causing negative feelings against CPEC in smaller provinces. Leaving a project of such a strategic importance in the hand of selfish soul less politicians is a suicide and confirm disaster in making and a surety that CPEC will ultimate fail.

I am afraid that these politicians will create so much problems for Chinese that one day Chinese may decide to abandon CPEC and find some other alternate for their One Road One Belt project. And once we lose CPEC then I don’t think China will ever be interested again in protecting Pakistan against big enemies like USA and India. Do we want to see this happen? Of course not!

Our Military establishment need to take serious note of the mismanagement of the civilians in CPEC as well as security of the Chinese and take the complete CPEC management as well as security of the Chinese in the hand of the military and protect CPEC like strategic asset in same way as military is protecting nuclear assets. Establishment need to create joint intelligence teams with Chinese to counter moves against CPEC by USA/India.

There is no time to be complacent or compromising here and any delay by Military Establishment in taking over CPEC from civilians will ruin the future of our country.

Brilliant note.

Just some questions to satisfy my curiousity.
  1. What did China do to help Pakistan in 1948?
  2. In 1965?
  3. In 1971?
  4. In 1999?
  5. In later years?
  6. Is corruption less under a military law regime than under a civilian regime?
  7. How much do you know about the military law regime under Yahya Khan up to 1971?
  8. Would you say that it was less corrupt than a civilian regime?
Thanks in advance.
Chinese Pakistan Economic Corridor is being portrayed as a game changer for the region and most important development for the future of Pakistan. People have talked about CPEC mostly in terms of its impact on the economy but I consider CPEC as vital for Pakistan from defense and strategic point of view.

Currently Pakistan has been sandwiched by its enemies from East as well West. We are facing threat from multiple enemies including USA , India and Afghanistan . These enemies have not only send their trained terrorists and agents inside Pakistan to destabilize us internally but time and again are threatening Pakistan with surgical strikes as well as ultimate all-out attack on our borders from West as well as East .

To counter these multiple threats Pakistan need to have backing of a solid super power and in these times only and only China has shown willingness to do so. China has resources as well as mettle to face the bullies which are trying to strangle Pakistan. In past China has always helped us against our enemies in spirit of a true friend but there was a need to bring Chinese interest in our security on more solid grounds and CPEC has provided this golden opportunity .

CPEC has given considerable advantage to Chinese economy by cutting its cost of sea route this is why Chinese are ready to invest heavily and make this successful. With CPEC , now China will have even higher stakes in Pakistan and will have more interest in standing against USA and India in our defense. I foresee Chinese giving extra help to Pakistan in terms of defense equipment in all three services to make sure CPEC is saved including making our Navy stronger to defend Gwadar and adjoining areas.

China and Pakistan have common enemies namely USA and India. Both know the value of CPEC for China as well as Pakistan and are trying their best to sabotage CPEC at any cost. In order to safe CPEC both China and Pakistan need to consider CPEC as strategic asset and defend it from our enemies accordingly. It is no ordinary economic project. It’s a strategic endeavor which can change destiny of both Pakistan as well as China. In a way CPEC is as important for our security as our nuclear assets are in deterring any cross border attack from our enemies.

To save CPEC from our enemies Pakistan Establishment should defend this in same way as we are defending our nuclear assets . And for this our establishment should understand that just as we cannot give our nuclear assets in the hands of incompetent and corrupt civilian government so we should not let CPEC go in the hand of civilians.

In the past the corrupt politicians have ruined our economy through corruption and mismanagement. The statistics of Bhutto era as well as eras of Benezir, Sharifs and Zardaris is evident of this in comparison to the growth achieved in the times of military rulers including Ayyub Khan Zia and Musharraf . I am afraid that since the start of CPEC , its management is in the hand of the PMLN Government ministers and already stories of corruption are being heard. These politicians are also creating confusion on deliberate ambiguity on East Central and West routes and also share of the provinces causing negative feelings against CPEC in smaller provinces. Leaving a project of such a strategic importance in the hand of selfish soul less politicians is a suicide and confirm disaster in making and a surety that CPEC will ultimate fail.

I am afraid that these politicians will create so much problems for Chinese that one day Chinese may decide to abandon CPEC and find some other alternate for their One Road One Belt project. And once we lose CPEC then I don’t think China will ever be interested again in protecting Pakistan against big enemies like USA and India. Do we want to see this happen? Of course not!

Our Military establishment need to take serious note of the mismanagement of the civilians in CPEC as well as security of the Chinese and take the complete CPEC management as well as security of the Chinese in the hand of the military and protect CPEC like strategic asset in same way as military is protecting nuclear assets. Establishment need to create joint intelligence teams with Chinese to counter moves against CPEC by USA/India.

There is no time to be complacent or compromising here and any delay by Military Establishment in taking over CPEC from civilians will ruin the future of our country.

Good points :tup:
No thanks. The military is no less corrupt than the civilians. CPEC is a government initiative, and all pillars of the state need to shoulder the responsibility given to it by the state.

The biggest challenge facing CPEC is security, I am sorry but does our military need the directive of NS or Zardari to secure CPEC route? I wouldn't think so, that's the role outlined for them in the constitution. They can continue to work in that respect and leave out other matters to the civilians.

Balance out the stakes, balance out the profits. Otherwise you will never have any stable institutions in the country apart from the military.
Pakistan's ideology for Regional stability .

The region is moving from geo-strategic to geo-economy which everyone needs to understand.

Pakistan has decided to move from geo-strategic to geo-economy. Just like TAPI, CPEC, and Kabul to Wagah corridor, IPI etc.

But it is not possible if there is no trust among regional countries. TAPI can ensure the trust among Afghanistan, Pakistan and India so that we can further move for the geo-economy but on behalf of equal share (mutualunderstanding).

To move toward peace and stability with US, Russia, China and India and with other countries. All Regional countries have to move forward step by step without spreading propaganda.

Right Now india is not willing to follow the ideology of regional peace.. Therefore pakistan needs to sign the military pact with china.
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In case you didn't knew, Pakistan Army is keeping an eye on CPEC and has established a Special Security Division (SSD) for its security-related needs. FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Security_Division_(Pakistan)


CPEC is a socio-economic enterprise for the benefit of masses of Pakistan and Chinese Eastern regions - not a geopolitical weapon of sorts. Pakistan needs to transform CPEC into a model of foreign investment (i.e. soft power) and set an example for the entire world that Pakistan is well-positioned for foreign investment and a constructive role in globalization.

By militarizing CPEC, Pakistan would be sending a wrong message to foreign investors and CPEC might fail to deliver under such circumstances.

Recommended arrangement; Pakistani civilians at the forefront of CPEC-related developments and Pakistan Army fulfilling its security-related needs in silence.

Pakistan needs to stay away from the Cold Wars of superpowers for its own good. Whatever the situation between the US and China, Pakistan should act as an 'agent of stability' in its domain.

India might react to CPEC in negative ways but US has nothing to do with it. Why we trying to drag US into [our] narrative of forces that are trying to subvert it? We should not.
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Military should do what they are meant to do ,They should be guarding borders not taking control of CPEC . Already FWO and NLC have fair chunk of CPEC project worth Billion of Dollars ,
Military doesn't need to ask the PM before securing CPEC. So no need to sign tons of files for this. It's already secure. India is never going to launch a full fledged attack unless its a direct war. We need to take care of Espionage and Sabotage attempts on CPEC by Indian Intelligence which is being dealt very well. I agree with Awan and Legend that Military stake holders are no less corrupt. FWO and NLC are totally corrupt organizations.
Brilliant note.

Just some questions to satisfy my curiousity.
  1. What did China do to help Pakistan in 1948?
  2. In 1965?
  3. In 1971?
  4. In 1999?
  5. In later years?
  6. Is corruption less under a military law regime than under a civilian regime?
  7. How much do you know about the military law regime under Yahya Khan up to 1971?
  8. Would you say that it was less corrupt than a civilian regime?
Thanks in advance.

You are nobody to ask us these questions. Mind your business.

Now shoo!
No thanks. The military is no less corrupt than the civilians. CPEC is a government initiative, and all pillars of the state need to shoulder the responsibility given to it by the state.

The biggest challenge facing CPEC is security, I am sorry but does our military need the directive of NS or Zardari to secure CPEC route? I wouldn't think so, that's the role outlined for them in the constitution. They can continue to work in that respect and leave out other matters to the civilians.

Balance out the stakes, balance out the profits. Otherwise you will never have any stable institutions in the country apart from the military.

the biggest issue for CPEC is relevance. everything under the sun is being put under CPEC. some of these projects are not relevant to pakistan's future
You are nobody to ask us these questions. Mind your business.

Now shoo!


See how stupid your daydreams are?


In case you didn't knew, Pakistan Army is keeping an eye on CPEC and has established a Special Security Division (SSD) for its security-related needs. FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Security_Division_(Pakistan)


CPEC is a socio-economic enterprise for the benefit of masses of Pakistan and Chinese Eastern regions - not a geopolitical weapon of sorts. Pakistan needs to transform CPEC into a model of foreign investment (i.e. soft power) and set an example for the entire world that Pakistan is well-positioned for foreign investment and a constructive role in globalization.

By militarizing CPEC, Pakistan would be sending a wrong message to foreign investors and CPEC might fail to deliver under such circumstances.

Recommended arrangement; Pakistani civilians at the forefront of CPEC-related developments and Pakistan Army fulfilling its security-related needs in silence.

Pakistan needs to stay away from the Cold Wars of superpowers for its own good. Whatever the situation between the US and China, Pakistan should act as an 'agent of stability' in its domain.

India might react to CPEC in negative ways but US has nothing to do with it. Why we trying to drag US into [our] narrative of forces that are trying to subvert it? We should not.

India has expressed its inability to support CPEC solely due to that project having a footprint on parts of Pakistan Administered Kashmir, as India has claims to those territories.

There is nothing intrinsic or fundamental in India's opposition to the CPEC. Absent this defect, India will cheerfully watch this step go through, and her neighbour to prosper. Why shouldn't we? A quick look at the terms of 'indirect' trade, that is, Indo-Pakistani trade routed through the Gulf, will show that we will be able to sell more, much more to a prosperous Pakistan, and that a prosperous Pakistan means more money in our pockets.

This is an excellent post. No doubt that Pakistan will seek full Chinese support in securing CPEC assets.

The boot is on the other foot.

The CPEC is China's project. It will benefit Pakistan. Isn't it obvious that China will expect protection by Pakistan?

See how stupid your daydreams are?

India has expressed its inability to support CPEC solely due to that project having a footprint on parts of Pakistan Administered Kashmir, as India has claims to those territories.

There is nothing intrinsic or fundamental in India's opposition to the CPEC. Absent this defect, India will cheerfully watch this step go through, and her neighbour to prosper. Why shouldn't we? A quick look at the terms of 'indirect' trade, that is, Indo-Pakistani trade routed through the Gulf, will show that we will be able to sell more, much more to a prosperous Pakistan, and that a prosperous Pakistan means more money in our pockets.

Raam Raam with a knife ready to stab - that's what you people are.

Hindu ki fitrat hai hi aisi.

Your opinions do not matter to us.
Raam Raam with a knife ready to stab - that's what you people are.

Hindu ki fitrat hai hi aisi.

Your opinions do not matter to us.

Maybe not to you. But then I am not addressing the imbecile segment of either the Pakistani population or the Indian population. And talking of Raam Raam with a knife ready to stab, it was not we who were slipping soldiers across the LOC even as our Prime Ministers were meeting at the invitation of the other side to discuss peace.

Who are the underhand ones, then?

It's not your slogans that count, it's events, actions.
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