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Why only F-16s for the PAF?


May 1, 2007
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As we know tht PAF has ordered f16s frm the UnitedStates, a deal worth of $5.101 billiion for accuring 26ex-Peace Gate f16 A/B block 15OCUs and 18 f16s block 52 plus aircrafts ( not able to carry nukes ) along with ammunition consisiting of JDAM, AIMs,PGMs, etc. Wht my concern is and most of the ppl here might agree too tht f16s are the not as capable as compare to our adversary i.e the SU-30mki and mig 29 of the IAF. According to a joint exercise the mig29s of the german LUFTwaffe demnonstrated their advantages within visiual range engagements over the the f-15s, f-16s and F/A18.The main key feature of the 4.5th and 5th generation fighter planes are the innovation of a Phased Array( PESA ) or Active electronically scanned Array( AESA ) radars and thrust vectoring which are the two features tht will play a decisive role in combact and none of the PAFs including f-16s has these features. Besides when the goverment claims as the president duirng his visit to china said tht the jf-17 could easily match the performance of f-16s and unoffical sources say tht the jf is almost 70% as capable as the f-16s at half the price and yet also the PAF has plans to upgrade the JFs with possibily a phased array radar so its likely to become more capable then f-16s . So then if PAF has something tht could match and with upgradition can surpass the performance of the f-16s then why are they waisting money on a plane of a 4th generation tht lacks the key features of the modern fighter jets and will therefore not be able to face the challenges posed by the IAF. More over after the contribution of pakistan to the war on terror and the lifiting of the embargos on sofisticated technology i.e the PAF could easily get the Rafale of the Dassault France or the Eurofighter Typhoon which are more sofhisticated better euipped,has long range and above all can easily handle the IAFs MKIs, Migs and possible induction of another 4.5th generation fighter(Possibly mig35). Also France has always been a reliable source of arms supplier in the past as compared to the USA which usually has unpredictable foreign policy and might clamp sanctions at any time on the spareparts when needed the most ( wars of 1965,71 and era of 90s ) and lets not forget the over all tilt of the us foreign policy towards india ( possible nuclear deal and the sale offer of F-16s and F-18E/FSuper Hornet). In the light of these facts how could PAF order for something tht is not even capable of meeting the requirements of the 21st century( lacking thrust vector and active or phased array radar)when they have the option to buy latest fighters tht france and europe has to offer and yet claim tht we are able to meet to the threats and challenges of the 21st century posed to us by IAF. I would like to know wht u ppl think abt the induction of F-16s in PAFs inventory and how u think should the PAF direct its purchase options and now when PAF has inducted F-16s wht strategy now they should adopt to counter the threat by the superior IAF?
F-16s would address the imbalance between PAF and InAF right now. You want to wait another 10 years by the time the JF-17 matures up to put up a fight vs the Su-30MKI?
While JF-17 is a maturing, Su-30MKI will be standing still... :rolleyes:
While JF-17 is a maturing, Su-30MKI will be standing still... :rolleyes:

The improvements that JF-17 will recieve can not be received by Su-30MKI. While JF-17 has just developed, Su-30 is over upgraded after sometime you buy a new aircraft rather than continue to upgrade an aircraft. F-16 to JSF is just an example.
Su-30 MKI is slated for Mid-Life Overhaul and Up-grade in 2010, Please get your facts. Right

There is no way the JF-17 can match an Su-30MKI, Heck the Chinese have assigned the J-10 as the lo combination for their Su-30MKK, Your assessment is way off from the reality.
JF-17 is not some lolly pop that can be matched by another lolly pop. Heck there are no matches in the air fights. As long as JF-17 can counter Su-30MKI. Its end of the story. Which it is more than capable of doing so.

Overhauling is not going to make Su-30 invisible. Alright? And upgrades. What kind?
For the kind of information. Please see this. I will not take Su-30 for the future too seriously.

29 Military Aircraft Crashed in Three Years
New Delhi

In a damning indictment of state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), parliament was informed Wednesday that 26 of the 29 combat aircraft that crashed in the past three years had been manufactured, overhauled or upgraded by the company.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) operated all the 26 aircraft, which had 40-50 percent of their operational life left when they crashed, Defence Minister A.K. Antony said in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.

The other three aircraft belonged to the Indian Navy, which has its own repair and maintenance facilities independent of HAL.

The IAF and the Indian Navy have ascribed the crashes to either human or technical failures.

Giving details, Antony said the IAF had lost eight MiG-21s, six Jaguars, four MiG-27s, four Mirages, three MiG-29s, and one Bison - an upgraded version of the MiG-21 during 2004-05 and 2006-07.

The Indian Navy lost three Sea Harriers during this period.

During 1992-2004, Antony said, HAL had manufactured two MiG-21s and overhauled eight, of which eight had crashed. In addition, the company had overhauled a Bison and upgraded another, of which one crashed.

In the case of the Jaguars, the company had manufactured three and overhauled five, of which six crashed.

In the case of the Mirages, HAL had overhauled four, all of which had crashed.

In the case of the MiG-27, HAL had manufactured three and overhauled a similar number, of which four crashed.

As for the MiG-29, HAL had overhauled three, all of which crashed.

Of the 29 crashes, 13 had occurred in 2004-05, and eight each in the subsequent two years.

Parliament's Standing Committee on Defence, in a report tabled last month, had commented adversely on the depleting squadron strength of the IAF, calling for immediate acquisitions and upgrades.

"The committee feels that most of the aircraft in the inventory of the air force are quite old and, therefore, require immediate replacement. The committee also feels the upgradation programme of the air force which is a continuous process is proceeding at a very slow pace," it had said.

"On the other hand, there has been under utilisation of funds allocated for the purpose during the last financial year 2006-07.

"In view of this, the committee strongly recommended that the ministry should take immediate steps for the ongoing acquisition and upgradation programme by utilising the entire funds allocated for the current year."

The IAF that had in 2001 projected its requirement for 126 multi-role combat aircraft to ramp up its squadron levels and hopes to float a global tender in next two months.

Su-30MKI would run circles around an JF-17 in WVR and BVR combat. IT has superior range, payload. It has a bigger radar.blah blah,

Why dont you compare the best possible Jf-17 config to the current Su-30MKI.
Get back to me after that,
What has that go to do with Su-30MKI, that report has already been rubished in "Your" forum. So read up.
Go google. JF-17 and Su-30 are not to be compared. Both have different roles, tactics, and strategy. If you really want to compare it. Do it with F-15E/F in the end.. Su-30MKI will be kindly raped.

Its just funny that you want to compare these two planes! :lol:
JF-17 would upgrade to Thrust Vectoring. With matching weaponry and the fact that the JF-17s would be used in a defensive role, the incoming enemy Su-30MKI won't have easy time. At home airspace, they would enjoy a numerical superiority as well.

Plus we have to assume that the current rate of Pakistan's modernization would remain higher than India's modernization plans as it is today. Note I said, rate. We've played catch up and pretty fast. So I'm guess in 10 years India would either be buying a new plane.
Thank God, you know the difference, I wasnt the one who compared the Jf-17 to the Su-30MKI

Please lets compare the F-15K(Korea if you dont know) the best eagle yet to the Su-30MKI. please do.
yet another under-estimation thread, Boy dont we love this.,
Su-30MKI would run circles around an JF-17 in WVR and BVR combat. IT has superior range, payload. It has a bigger radar.blah blah,

Why dont you compare the best possible Jf-17 config to the current Su-30MKI.
Get back to me after that,

Why are you so ignorant? :argh:

What does the SUPER DUPER range and payload has anything to do with not being able to kick Su-30MKI back?

I will say again. Both aircrafts are not to be compared.

Repeat after me.

Also read about bigger radars. Bigger radars give an opponents radar an ability to pick up the signal early. It has more to do with the range of the radar rather than being BIGGER.

JF-17 equipped with western radar and French/U.S BVR & WVR is a snipe shot in the head. :sniper:

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