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Why not make Arnab Goswami Prime Minister of india?

If raising your voice to everything is only criteria to top the ladder than dogs would have ruled this world ...
Having said that he is pretty good in his job
The problem is now only with Loudmouth Goswami. Almost every news anchor is obnoxious these days.
The problem is now only with Loudmouth Goswami. Almost every news anchor is obnoxious these days.

Not this one :smitten:

This Arnoob is an idiot. He doesn't know how anchors should act. I feel embarrassed that he represents the media of my country when he holds "discussions"

His talk shows are a sham. He is the biggest warmonger there is. As the host, he should be unbiased and be the moderator, rather he is the most argumentative idiot in the panel. He argues so much and never let others talk, he would always put his foot in between when others are talking. Highly uncivilised.
Shouting and stopping others to speak is now common and people think it is cool. Karan Thapar started that, Barkha Datt followed the same and now Arnab Goswami and others. I don't watch debate show for comments of news editor but politicians/strategists so it becomes annoying.

Now a days, I am huge fan of only one editor and that is in NDTV Hindi, Ravish and his program "Ravish ki Report". He balances the discussion, Never raises his voice and very slowly pull the leg of speaker. That makes him interesting as well as straight to the point.
He is the victim judge and the lawyer all rolled into one....He starts the debate and then looses control of the same.No one is allowed to speak on his show he just keeps on interupting every one.

What bloody commitment to the nation is is demonstrating as a anchor he should just moderate and let counter points come in instead he gets into volley of words with the guests on the show and expects every one to toe his line...this is bullshit.

Most of the time I have seen he needles any guest from across the border to such an extent that he looses control of the topic and let them look more civilized.

At the end of the day he must understand journalism is his forte and stck to it....defence of the nation is in fine hands.
So the solution to a PM who doesn't speak is a PM who can't stop speaking?

presently,we have a PM who doesnt speak at all.:coffee:

if arnab becomes the PM,then we will have a PM who just cant stop talking.:blah:
Modi for PM nobody else Hindustan has spoken
Arnab Goswami is merely a notch above India TV journos. He is by far the most biased anchor I have seen. Times Now started as a JV between Times of India and Reuters - but after a brief time, Reuters backed out. And Arnab comes across as a complete buffoon who more often than not is completely clueless.

Most TV channels cater to a certain population. In the English language media every channel has been left wing liberal. Arnab saw the gap and exploited it and now Times Now is more Centre-Right and thus caters to a wider audience. Doesn't take away from the fact that he is a buffoon.
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