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Why Muslims love to live in free India

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Are u dumb or what?
Ok lets assume some 5000 people were killed during those riots..
Now say me how many muslims killed eack other in pakistan? U have a attitude like its ok as long as muslims kill muslims...

Have you been smoking crack ?! Point out where I said its okay for Muslims to kill Mulims
everyone love to stay in his country .partition is 65 years old story now after 2 generation this qes look to me stupid why they want to love india? its their country and every human love to live in his country .

Question them-
why there is a need to show every now and then that the indian muslims are happy in india?-
do they (indian muslims) have to repeat that mantra over and over again to be accepted in free india?-

what is it?-
your rant has nothing to do with the topic at hand

Sir, I know that but people like you should be rubbished with language you understand.

Your rants has nothing to do with HINDUS or MUSLIM ENSLAVERY either, Indian muslims are happy, check their literacy rates , per capita income with your own muslim population & talk like a sane person.

Indian muslims have no other choice but to pretend to be happy in a hindu dominant society-
Reality check can easily come from official stats- Biggest but poorest, uneducated, scattered minority.

Can you enlighten world about Minorities in Your country & give us a good example to follow???
. . .
Being poor, Unemployed- scattered- is the price indian muslims have to pay to live in free indian-

We can understand your bitterness. Your traditional competitor is racing ahead you in world geopolitics. Apart from that Indian Muslims are making case worse by supporting their own nation India. My sympathies.
Have you been smoking crack ?! Point out where I said its okay for Muslims to kill Mulims

Ur attitude says so... In a country like me which is so diverse, unfortunate incidents like these had happened...
U cant claim cos of these incidents, muslims dont have freedom which is wrong...
U keep saying about the 2 riots, but more people in pakistan have been killed on a daily basis...
oh yeah Babri Masjid incident and Gujarat was just a Bollywood filming ..

There are two things you must look into
1. Riots
2. Crime

Riots : A riot is a form of civil disorder characterized often by what is thought of as disorganized groups lashing out in a sudden and intense rash of violence against authority, property or people.

People turn mad in riots, I have heard stories when a peaceful person become devil in riots. The incident you mention was riot invoked by incident or group.

Organized Crime: Organized crime is done by criminals for monitory, psychological, religious gain. The cleansing of non Muslims from Kasmir vally was crime. The killing of innocent civilians is crime, killing hazara, SHia, ahmedi is crime. Using blasphemy law to settle score is crime. Killing thousands of palestanian by pakistani general is crime. Killing innocent in north east is crime.

Both riots and organized crime are unacceptable.
. .
Can you enlighten world about Minorities in Your country & give us a good example to follow???

why should we?-
We at least dont pretend that all is right-
Follow our honesty- if you want to follow-
First of all this thread will be closed soon....
second this discussion is non sense....
Indian Muslims, Indian Hindu or Indian Christian is just made up words for communal sense....
Citizens of india are generally known as Indians...
Its not associated with their religion or cast or anything....
Religion is private and can be chosen by a person according to his preference....
Be proud of the nation ur represent not by the religion u follow....
Jai hind.
. .
Indian Muslims are "Mitti ke Lal" but Muhajirs are still considered Muhajirs in Pakistan. If Muhajirs ask for a province, they got the the simple answer, "Go back to India where you actually belong." Punjabi are proud of being Punjabi, Sindhi is proud of being Sindhi but Muhajirs should only consider themselves as Pakistanis and nothing else.
By Abdul Sattar
Some Muslims wanted to live in a separate land called Pakistan, which at this point is very far from being what Jinnah had dreamed of it. One cannot generalize all Muslims and assume that they wanted to move to Pakistan. A significant majority of Muslims stayed back in India. We, Indian Muslims, are very confident in our democratic process, and that India has the second largest population of Muslims in the world. Muslims are very happy to be part of India, and would prefer it if one does not go on ranting about how “Muslims of India” wanted to move to Pakistan: majority of them didn't. Pro-Pakistani Muslims have no right to tell the Indian Muslims that we made a wrong choice, and are suffering the wrath of it. We belong to a free country and, yes, we have issues, but at least, we are not afraid of being blown up every other Friday by our own kind or our Hindu neighbors.

Majority of the Hindus and Muslims actually live in harmony with each other, especially in the southern region of India. We have a free press, a growing economy and the situation now is better than what it may have been a few years ago. We don't have random dictatorships or the level of disgusting extremism, violence against women and children, and unequal rights like in Pakistan.

If “occupation” of Kashmir by India is repressive, then how does anybody explain the Hudood Ordinance chapter? How does anybody explain the atrocities against women, children, Sikhs, as well as men, in the north-west tribal regions of Pakistan? How does one explain the abnormally high murder rate of Pakistan? Will anyone say that Indian Muslims should regret for not belonging to a country whose Presidents and leaders have been people like the corrupt Bhuttos, extremist dictators like Zia-ul-Haq, idiots like Nawaz Shariff or convicts like Zardari? Are Indian Muslims supposed to regret for not belonging to a country that gets bombed, blasted, taken over by foreign military, taken over by its own military, robs the people of their freedom in the name of “religion” that it barely follows, creates laws that tarnish Islam, or punishes people for freedom speech?

Some of us may be poor in India, but we are very happy to live in a country that provides us with more educational, social, financial and religious opportunities than Pakistan. Some of the greatest modern-day scholars come from India. We have Islamic universities in India. We have a lot to be happy about in India

Indians love to post News article without providing the source (web link) !!!!
read post#110 its both sides doing it :D

Am not talking about this forum Imran bhai, you see the Gujarat riot photos? Do a google image search of those photos, 99% have been hosted on Pakistani blogs, along with some photos from palestine and other places and fakely labelled as Gujarat Riot photos.

Makes you wonder about their real intention. Indian Muslims don't want anything to do with Pakistan, deal with it guys, if they did they would have joined you guys in 1947.
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