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Why Muslims love to live in free India

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Why cannot Indian Muslims defend their religion? They feel that they will get disowned? If so, they feel like guest in their own country... Sad. :tdown:

Nonsense, they can defend their religion, and they do
Why cannot Indian Muslims defend their religion? They feel that they will get disowned? If so, they feel like guest in their own country... Sad. :tdown:

Religion and nationality are 2differnt things not mix nationalism with religion ,,, We are free to practice both as a citizien of Indian ,,,, How do u defend/ Represent Islam BY killing SHAIS and Ahmedis in the name of Islam or do u want us to follow the same practice in India by killing them ,,,, i hope you remember that they are one of the 72sects which prophet SAW mention and if They Get HIDAYAH from ALLAH then can come back to the right track too ,,, but killing them what justice are you serving towards ISLAM ?
Religion and nationality are 2differnt things not mix nationalism with religion ,,, We are free to practice both as a citizien of Indian

Please read the OP and then think who is attempting to "mix nationalism with religion". Why be selective with your criticism?
The motive is clear. One must stand back and see the real reason for starting this thread is attempt to agitate and create hostility when there isnt. Unfortunate that so many cant see and start throwing mud at each other..
Indian Muslim are slaves to Hindus... On this forum you can see it...

Btw, Hindus hate Indian Muslims check out TOI comments :whistle:

LOlllllNothing can fe far from truth...My best friend is a Muslim( JAved A Khan) And i a m Hindu.....And let me tell you He hates You PPl More than Any Hindu I have seen....He Consider You Ppl Responible for all the Bad publicity And wrath of Public that an Average Muslim is made to face........... lollllll Something i take a softer stance when it comes to India -Pakistan ...But he is like Udda do Nuclear bomb se bahut se liye inko........I have to calm down him sometime
As far as Hate goes....No single year goes when i don't go to his house for EID or he comes to my house for Diwali....My mom Call him her second Son......He is the one who wakes me up during Holi And company's me to Navrathri Garba........If still I have Faith In Islam as a peaceful religion it coz of my friend And ppl like him.........

If you Come to India I would love to arrange a meeting of you both..And then might .... your bubble burst..... :chilli:
Warning:- I will not be responsible if he harms u in anyway....:lol::lol:
Religion and nationality are 2differnt things not mix nationalism with religion ,,, We are free to practice both as a citizien of Indian ,,,, How do u defend/ Represent Islam BY killing SHAIS and Ahmedis in the name of Islam or do u want us to follow the same practice in India by killing them ,,,, i hope you remember that they are one of the 72sects which prophet SAW mention and if They Get HIDAYAH from ALLAH then can come back to the right track too ,,, but killing them what justice are you serving towards ISLAM ?

Lols. I am Shia. And Ahmedis aren't killed, I just think they are different religion and not be associated with Islam.. But you are in such nation which say Ahmedi are Muslim? Can you believe that? I am against Ahmedi killing, do you think I support killings? Oowow
For us Indian muslims are Indian's only.........jello dragon , do you forget... our farmer president is Muslim( ABDUL KALAM).... do you know how much respect we will give him......i never forget the day when i met him, it is the most memorable day for me ...... i feel proud my self because of his achievements ..... forget it.... you never understand ........
I dont know whether muslims get moree freedom in India or in Pakistan....
But i can say if ur a religious person...No matter what religion u follow....
India is the best place to live in...
India is considered the most religious country in the world....
But violence in the name of religion is something that happens rarely in India...
No he has to show some respect for his religion which faiz still hasn't shown yet, hes calling Ahmedis Muslim, and in soe threads when Indians making fun of Islam he just logs off...

Its not like we start religious trolling... Some islamic nutter start a trolling contest and hindus contiunue it...
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