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WHY Israelis are treating AL QAEDA terrorists in their hospitals to send them back to Syria

...The project is in part a public relations strategy toward everyday Syrians, and it's working: The quality of care and the bonds formed between healthcare workers and their patients are slowing chipping away that old enmity, albeit in tiny measures....

...No one at Ziv was able to confirm or deny that members of Jabhat al-Nusra, al Qaeda's Syrian syndicate, are being treated in Israeli hospitals. They insist they don't know who they're treating — and it doesn't matter. Insiders speak of seeing all extremists as "shades of black."

'It doesn't matter to us if it's Hezbollah or Nusra or ISIS, for us it's the same.'
"It doesn't matter to us if it's Hezbollah or Nusra or ISIS, for us it's the same," one said, using a common acronym for the Islamic State -
...The project is in part a public relations strategy toward everyday Syrians, and it's working: The quality of care and the bonds formed between healthcare workers and their patients are slowing chipping away that old enmity, albeit in tiny measures....

...No one at Ziv was able to confirm or deny that members of Jabhat al-Nusra, al Qaeda's Syrian syndicate, are being treated in Israeli hospitals. They insist they don't know who they're treating — and it doesn't matter. Insiders speak of seeing all extremists as "shades of black."

'It doesn't matter to us if it's Hezbollah or Nusra or ISIS, for us it's the same.'
"It doesn't matter to us if it's Hezbollah or Nusra or ISIS, for us it's the same," one said, using a common acronym for the Islamic State -
That's why Isis Alqaeda never attacks isreal for great isreali hospitality
These terrorists have never attacked Israel but only Syrians and resistant forces.

Islamic countries should weaken or get ruined by wars, civil wars or proxy wars for security of I$rahell. Vahabis are in fact precious soldiers of Israel and US. Every strong Islamic countriy near I$rahell should get destroyed : American doctrine. Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Syria. Americans and Zionists have made wars and proxy wars in all of these countries.
Isn't it ironic that the Israeli efforts succeed in convincing Syrians that Israel isn't their enemy, yet supposedly fail to convince Pakistanis who instead continue to insist that they know better than the Syrians who Syrians' enemies must be?
Everybody takes care of its injured soldiers.
Yes but when someone brings food to palestinian then israel kills the civilians ... shame on you to support israeli lies ....

Isn't it ironic that the Israeli efforts succeed in convincing Syrians that Israel isn't their enemy, yet supposedly fail to convince Pakistanis who instead continue to insist that they know better than the Syrians who Syrians' enemies must be?

No coz we can see that your support is for rebels who are creating chaos .. we do remember israel plans to attack kahota ... and we do know the real intentions
No coz we can see that your support is for rebels who are creating chaos ..
Anarchists create chaos; rebels seek to create a new order.

...we do remember israel plans to attack kahota ...
If not a fake story then you are classing someone as an enemy not for their deeds but for a mere thought exercise. Two thumbs down!

and we do know the real intentions
As pointed out many, many, MANY times, by the design and intent of Pakistani authorities Pakistanis can have no confidence in what they "know" about Israel; there is merely a political stance that Pakistanis are required to ape and even amplify under threat of punishment.
Anarchists create chaos; rebels seek to create a new order.

If not a fake story then you are classing someone as an enemy not for their deeds but for a mere thought exercise. Two thumbs down!

As pointed out many, many, MANY times, by the design and intent of Pakistani authorities Pakistanis can have no confidence in what they "know" about Israel; there is merely a political stance that Pakistanis are required to ape and even amplify under threat of punishment.

1. Ok then designate hizbullah and palestanians as rebels and support them as you are supporting syrain rebels as well ...

2. First of all its not a fake story indian has already aknowledged it officially and israeli planes were in india for attack ... second it was not israel cancel it plans for pakistan but pakistan capability to respond to both india and israel which kept them at bay ...

Furthermore, we dont hate israel as pakistani but as muslims ... due to your unjust occupation of palestine ... due to your economical expolitation of whole world by israel and its master usa ...

3. You have no idea about pakistan ... its not gov. ... government is dying to establish formal relationship with israel and you will see it will not take long that ksa will establish diplomatic relationship with israel and our ov will follow them .. but most of the pakistanis hate israel due to occupation of palestine and due to your plans to captur lands of arab countries ...
1. Ok then designate hizbullah and palestanians as rebels and support them as you are supporting syrain rebels as well ...
As quoted, the article pointed out that the doctors are doing just that.

we dont hate israel as pakistani but as muslims ... due to your unjust occupation of palestine ... due to your economical expolitation of whole world by israel and its master usa ...most of the pakistanis hate israel due to occupation of palestine
It's been pointed out again and again that Pakistanis can have no confidence these are real facts as opposed to political stances mandated by their masters: link. That you have no response to this other than "rewind the tape of accusations and play again" is an expression of conformity and only reinforces my point.

... government is dying to establish formal relationship with israel and you will see it will not take long that ksa will establish diplomatic relationship with israel and our ov will follow them ..
Why should Pakistan, supposedly a sovereign nation, slave its policy needs to those of the "Palestinians", Saudis, or anyone else?

For Pakistan to establish formal relations with Israel couldn't be easier: Pakistan's U.S. ambassador need only cross the street and knock on the door of the Israeli embassy. Yes, they are across the street from one another.

The Israeli embassy faces Pakistan's embassy with open windows; the Pakistani embassy faces the Israeli embassy with a blank wall relieved by the depiction of a tree. The symbolism is there for all to see: the Israelis look towards Pakistanis seeking friendship, whereas Pakistanis build a wall so they don't have to see the Zionists, who are supposed to look out their windows and forget the Pakistani embassy is there - all there is are trees.
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As quoted, the article pointed out that the doctors are doing just that.

It's been pointed out again and again that Pakistanis can have no confidence these are real facts as opposed to political stances mandated by their masters: link. That you have no response to this other than "rewind the tape of accusations and play again" is an expression of conformity and only reinforces my point.

Why should Pakistan, supposedly a sovereign nation, slave its policy needs to those of the "Palestinians", Saudis, or anyone else?

For Pakistan to establish formal relations with Israel couldn't be easier: Pakistan's U.S. ambassador need only cross the street and knock on the door of the Israeli embassy. Yes, they are across the street from one another.

The Israeli embassy faces Pakistan's embassy with open windows; the Pakistani embassy faces the Israeli embassy with a blank wall relieved by the depiction of a tree. The symbolism is there for all to see: the Israelis look towards Pakistanis seeking friendship, whereas Pakistanis build a wall so they don't have to see the Zionists, who are supposed to look out their windows and forget the Pakistani embassy is there - all there is are trees.

1 that cant be true as i remember when there was a peace mission of ship bringing food for palestine few years back israel not only seized the ship but also killed unarmed civillians in the ship ... So your action speaks otherwise ...

2 and 3. This is share stupidity that you think that our gov. Is forcing us to believe that israel is our enemy ... As gov or establishment has no benefit in doing so .... Its the people of Pakistan which hate israel ... Secondly, thanks to Allah alot of people in Pakistan has moral values that they still negate to accept israel despitebof having lucrative offers from israel as well as west ... Israel will not be accepted as a rightful country by any muslim which has little bit of islamic honour in his blood ...
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