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Why Isn’t There A “Muslim Party” In India?

Muslims in India are too dispersed. They must unite and form Islamic political parties (like AKP and brotherhood) may be with a non-islamic name to lure deprived Hindus and christians into their vote bank. They should all flock in large numbers in certain high pop. states that have good representation in the Indian National assembly. Thereby they can easily grab a large percentage of seats in the Lok shaba nullifying the advantage that congress takes from muslims.

I don't think any muslims are there in BJP. Name only "muslims" are not real muslims. And muslims in congress are not religious and hence don't look after the interest of muslim pop.

You are here to state facts or just state ur imaginations about people in India. And pls...if u come to India, you will find far far far far lesser violence and oppression than Bangladesh and pakistan...Don't state a news about an incident about violence and generalize to the entire nation, the muslim community here as a whole lives a peaceful life and yes , economically in a better state.
Article is talking about a NATIONAL Muslim party. Is there any such party?

Are you having any Hindu or any other religion based party in Pakistan??First look at your country and then ask questions?

Article is talking about a NATIONAL Muslim party. Is there any such party?

Are you having any Hindu or any other religion based party in Pakistan??First look at your country and then ask questions..
Muslims in India are too dispersed. They must unite and form Islamic political parties (like AKP and brotherhood) may be with a non-islamic name to lure deprived Hindus and christians into their vote bank. They should all flock in large numbers in certain high pop. states that have good representation in the Indian National assembly. Thereby they can easily grab a large percentage of seats in the Lok shaba nullifying the advantage that congress takes from muslims.

I don't think any muslims are there in BJP. Name only "muslims" are not real muslims. And muslims in congress are not religious and hence don't look after the interest of muslim pop.

You don't know anything about India but you are so dam sure about ur statements..
Go and read first.. On Wikipedia U can find out how many Muslims are in BJP and at what post..
What planet are you from ?

We Pakistanis worry about Muslims worldwide.

Why do you think we worry about Palestinians, Kashmiris, and Muslims from all over the World.

It is in our DNA, DUDE.:D

I guess he is for sure not from planet Pakistan!!! Muslims are killing each other every day, more than 30k killed in your own back yard, but still you's worried about palestenians and kashmiris, instead of your own tribals who are being blown up at will by both americans aswell as your PAF. BRAVO PLANET PAKISTAN!!!!

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