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Why is wearing Shalwar Kameez considered lower in pakistan nowadays ?

Aik gatya sa shair arz kia hay,


Dil Udaas hay yaaro ,
wo zaalim b choor gae..

Dil to pagal ha .
Wearing western dress, speaking foreign language and accent is not parameter of once intellect/ wisdom nor richness.

Those who got inferiority complex want to show off or coming from such back ground. Those who are brought up in good family backgrounds and taught for values would ignore these things. People in west etc dont infere others business. Whats yours is yours whats other no matter how expensive is of no value for you so why impress.

One of my professor who was very successful lawyer and chartered accountant once had a big business man sitting at his office in Islamabad and this business fellow started his story i got so many properties, businesses and so on and the lawyer stopped him and asked him what is mine from these houses and factories you telling me. The business man said nothings its mine so why should i give you so the lawyer responded its my time why you wasting it. So come to point and mind your own business.

Allama iqbal say

Khudi na baich garibi main naam paida kar

Bat kapro ki nahi hoti kaam bolta hey
Allama iqbal say

Khudi na baich garibi main naam paida kar

Bat kapro ki nahi hoti kaam bolta hey

Allama iqbal k zamaanay me kapre thay ??
I don't think wearing shalwar kameez is considered lower especially on Jumma and Eid days only real Paindoo's(Burger's, wanna be's, pindi boys, liberals etc etc) wear western cloths. :lol: @Mentee
I don't think wearing shalwar kameez is considered lower especially on Jumma and Eid days only real Paindoo's(Burger's, wanna be's, pindi boys, liberals etc etc) wear western cloths. :lol: @Mentee
Dil ki bat keh di Jin :D shalvar qameez is for the royals while suit and jeans are for the mazdoor tabka no matter how high designation one holds nya coat pehan Kr to kam he krny jaaty hain na :azn:

And these wanna be burgers reminds me of a story :woot: A novice uncle was rebuking his paiyndoo guests when they left he told his kids in Ko sirf drawing room m bthaya kro in Ko to naaak poonjna v nae aataa :rofl: @The Sandman @Doordie @friendly_troll96
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I just spent $500 on three Kurtas :confused:
Dil ki bat keh di Jin :D shalvar qameez is for the royals while suit and jeans are for the mazdoor tabka no matter how high designation one holds nya coat pehan Kr to kam he krny jaaty hain na :azn:

And these wanna be burgers reminds me of a story :woot: A novice uncle was rebuking his paiyndoo guests when they left he told his kids in Ko sirf drawing room m bthaya kro in Ko to naaak poonjna v nae aataa :rofl: @The Sandman @Doordie @friendly_troll96

I like Shalwar kameez coz you can walk sit easily i call Shawar kameez James bond Tuxedo freedom :enjoy:
Salwar Kameez are for ladies only
No only choori Dar pajama is for ladies :D and don't insult Indian Punjabis :mad:
on the contrary, Punjabis now a days prefer wearing chooridar pyjama over that girlish looking salwar kameez

You don't like girls ?
Maybe some are racist but I have relatives friends who are frequent travel to Europe and they wear shawar kameez everytime time I met them either receiving at airport or met him Europe. There are people who are proud of their national dress and their are haters it's not shawar kameez it's a mentality to think low of themselves.
S.K is a wonderful dress. I am proud of it.
I am dead. doesn't matter
Then you must be posting from your home town , hell :D
sadly, or not so sadly, I am given hell. But sometimes I like to stand behind people and watch them type.
Phewwweeee :fie:

Funny nae? :D Byta these tricks wont work on me :azn: @Djinn your master conjure thee :mad: Pta krvao is ka :D
sadly,we have more uneducated people in our country than educated.there are so many things like that.these are things which you don't want to tell to people outside our pakistan.some of the most common things are throwing stones on dogs,kick cats and treat poor like a sweeper.whenever i see the society around me,it feels sad.
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