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Why is Pakistan not developing like many countries

I want us to become productive and rational like Korea/Japan and then we will be wealthy. Identify as Pakistani and everything else is just conversation. Adopt the Jinnah archetype as a baseline of character and watch how rapidly you make progress. The blueprint has already been given to you, stop running away from destiny.
This is so incredibly dumb
No it's not, it never was, it can't be-not natural for mostly arid country to have big population - you have to try a different route for deterrence - like WOMD
250 million people live and survive and thrive in arid hostile region you call Pakistan.
Frankly i think kts because almost every individual is corrupt. Everyone is waiting for a chance to do corruption. We have forgotten halal and haram. Religion is for show off.
Our society is backward and stupid, we are neither religious nor liberal. We use religion to show off and are actually hypocrites. We also try to copy westerners but only in dress and food and brands but not copy how westerners are hard workers and sincere and down to earth and truthful.
The poor majority people are no different than goats or sheep. Their beliefs are all dumb and their thinking is extremely selfish and limited. Mullah tells them to produce more kids and they just produce new ones every year and throw them in streets, mullah doznt tell them that u actually need to raise them as proper humans as well.
I often visit poor areas and have contacts with people in those areas. Believe me the new generation growing up in the poor neighborhoods are barely above monkeys. It pains me to see that these will be the future majority of Pakistan.
But I don't know which mullaism or Islam has prevented many non Muslim countries from progress? Or even from becoming a superpower?
In each region of the world various factors are holding them back. In Pakistan mullahism is holding it back. Referance use Turkey as country that purged it's mullahs - then placed them at orders of the state via the diyanat system and result that country is the most advanced in the Muslim world.

The secular state that Ataturk set up is still the rage even in todays Erdogan Turkey.
I wanna see fertility rates by ethnic background...
Good idea but with a 100 year referance line going back to 1921.
250 million people live and survive and thrive in arid hostile region you call Pakistan.

Lol - if this is what it looks like and reason you left for Canada...
No this high of a fertility rate is not for the future of the country and it's living standards
There's a reason why we have multiple threads on it
government will never release such data. forget about it.
Good they don't racists like this guy would jump up and down
In my experience Pashtuns have the most babies and I shared fertility rate by province
But the region is underpopulated so doesn't matter really
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We also try to copy westerners but only in dress and food and brands but not copy how westerners are hard workers and sincere and down to earth and truthful
What sort of rubbish is this. This charge should be placed at those people who top in being lackeys to western dress, brands etc and that would be Chinese, Turks, Singaporans, Koreans etc. Their entire cultures have copied the west. On my last visit to Turkey something like 95% of the people and that includes females wore 'western clothing' with nominal hijabs being visible. In China they almost wear 99% western clothing. Ever seen Erdogan visiting Pakistan dressed like Ertrugul?

Then compare Pakistan where most men including many leaders wear shalwar Kamiz.
if this is what it looks like and reason you left for Canada...
No this high of a fertility rate is not for the future of the country and it's living standards
There's a reason why we have multiple threads on it
If the fate of the country and countrymen is tied to whatever i do, i would request you to amend the constitution and write my name in it.
View attachment 797171
Lol - if this is what it looks like and reason you left for Canada...
No this high of a fertility rate is not for the future of the country and it's living standards
There's a reason why we have multiple threads on it

Good they don't racists like this guy would jump up and down
In my experience Pashtuns have the most babies and I shared fertility rate by province
But the region is underpopulated so doesn't matter really

You just proved my point.
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