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Why is Pakistan doing this with Israel? Shirin Mazari in the NA

Sorry Israel won't be recognized ever. And Dr Mazari has raised valid questions. No need to participate in an exercise which has Israel in it and arranged by the country known for backstabbing us

Valid point bro, we should only train with the halal Saudi pilots :D

Step by Step...

Just Another"crypto Zionist Sunni" country asserting its devilish intentions impliedly----- further more in the end times we are gonna be with the antichrist, No? :lol:
And if u're not afraid of a hi tech power, 7 largest arms exporter in the world with thermonuclear warheads and ballistic missiles with range of 11k km, then u're a fool.
if u're seeing Israel as an enemy, the stupid thing to is to underestimate it

We aren't afraid because if war went down, not only are you too far away, you are also far smaller than us so if God forbid things went nuclear, yes we would be damaged but Israel would cease to exist.

Not saying that I want that.
The following states do not officially recognize Israel:

1. Afghanistan
2. Algeria
3. Bahrain
4. Bangladesh
5. Bhutan
6. Brunei
7. Comoros
8. Djibouti
9. Indonesia
10. Iran
11. Iraq
12. North Korea
13. Kuwait
14. Lebanon
15. Libya
16. Malaysia
17. Mali
18. Morocco
19. Niger
20. Oman
21. Pakistan
22. Qatar
23. Saudi Arabia
24. Somalia
25. Sudan
26. Syria
27. Tunisia
28 UAE
29. Yemen

Why should Pakistan be the one to recognize Israel and risk alienating ourselves with the Arab world specially when it comes to concerning our stand on Kashmir? I mean why try to open this can of worms, I am strictly speaking in the self interest of Pakistan, yes maybe Saudi Arabia or Qatar or UAE have relations back doors but officially that is not the case, we can do the same but why have the burden of causality on us?, unless there is a massive advantage for Pakistan in recognizing Israel I don't see the need for it.

Keeping our own self interest in mind, Pakistan's stance on Israel is almost perfect, we neither call them our friend nor our enemy, unless there is a significant advantage for us, would Israel recognize Kashmir as part of Pakistan in return, would Europe or the US? even though majority of the persecuted people of Kashmir are Muslims who want freedom from the oppressive Indian regime, as they are not giving the people the right to choose still would they in return? I don't think so.
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risk alienating ourselves with the Arab world specially when it comes to concerning our stand on Kashmir
Ok, so how not recognizing Israel has helped out stance regarding kashmir with Arabs? After all desert dwellers treat us like shit anyway. Qatar can have Isreal business office to suits its interests but we cannot? Turkey had ts relationship with israel which benefitted it immensely. Arabs have already forgotten us after the Yemen war drama campaign and the Rest countries inclung arabs who dont recognize Israel are shit anyways so no offence.

Lets stick to the topic now and see what we can benefit by learning from each other
Beautiful points raised. The fact is our stupid PAF and Army will never understand this.

We have sacrificed thousands of precious lives in the war of terror but the US has stropped $300 million aid, what is happening here, will someone from the government tell me on what basis should we cooperate with Washington,” she asked.

To hell with America, American congress, American bidding and American wars.
Ok, so how not recognizing Israel has helped out stance regarding kashmir with Arabs? After all desert dwellers treat us like shit anyway. Qatar can have Isreal business office to suits its interests but we cannot? Turkey had ts relationship with israel which benefitted it immensely. Arabs have already forgotten us after the Yemen war drama campaign and the Rest countries inclung arabs who dont recognize Israel are shit anyways so no offence.

Lets stick to the topic now and see what we can benefit by learning from each other

By calling the Arab world as desert dweller and as shits, you are already bringing your own personal opinions when it comes to Pakistan's interest, there are over 8 million Pakistanis working who remit billions of dollars back to Pakistan every year from the Arab world, they have in the past funded our nuclear and as well as our other military projects, trying to sever ties with them is utter foolishness and extreme stupidity and the only reason why you are implying it is because you are bringing your own liberal mindset when it comes to Pakistan's self interest, Turkey looks out for their own interest, since Israel is their neighbor but comparing Turkey to Pakistan is like comparing Apple to Oranges, both are situated on different part of the world and have different self interest even with inherent similarities, Pakistan's case is Kashmir and we do not have the backing of the US or Europe when it comes to it, even though the Muslim majority people of Kashmir are being oppressed by the Indian regime, the west are looking out for their own interests by backing India in order to contain China, why should we claim the burden of causality by recognizing Israel and risk losing the Arab world support for Kashmir? not only that but it will also further deteriorate Pakistan's relations with Iran as well, would Israel support our case of Kashmir as well? or would the US or Europe as they claim to be champions of peoples choice, would they?

Officially Saudi Arabia and Qatar do not recognizes Israel, if they have business relations back doors, we can do the same.
Israel and risk losing the Arab world support for Kashmir? not only that but it will also further deteriorate Pakistan's relations with Iran as well, would Israel support our case of Kashmir as well
When have Arabs helped you in Kashmir ? they were even ready to take Indian on OIC, Iran LOl what a big joke, those mullah lovers bomb the shit out of border guards.

So recognizing Israel is liberal ? where is that written? Can I say now that you too are labelling me with your judgement that you accuse me of. Arabs funded it, Do you have proof to support such claim ? even if they did, they were paid for it from our military when they required our assistance. Libya chickened out. They have very friendly ties with India, Hell even the late King called India as his second home. Did they care about antagonising us ? So stop seeing yourselves as lower beings for starter to earn some respect
When have Arabs helped you in Kashmir ? they were even ready to take Indian on OIC, Iran LOl what a big joke, those mullah lovers bomb the shit out of border guards.

So recognizing Israel is liberal ? where is that written? Can I say now that you too are labelling me with your judgement that you accuse me of. Arabs funded it, Do you have proof to support such claim ? even if they did, they were paid for it from our military when they required our assistance. Libya chickened out. They have very friendly ties with India, Hell even the late King called India as his second home. Did they care about antagonising us ? So stop seeing yourselves as lower beings for starter to earn some respect

Again bringing your own personal opinions (Mullah lovers etc) when it comes to Pakistan's self interest, I will repeat this one last time "there are over 8 million Pakistanis working who remit billions of dollars back to Pakistan every year from the Arab world, they have in the past funded our nuclear and as well as our other military projects, trying to sever ties with them is utter foolishness and extreme stupidity and the only reason why you are implying it is because you are bringing your own liberal mindset when it comes to Pakistan's self interest", I won't discuss this with you again, if you want to have a feelings contest, go take it with someone else

Secondly where the heck did I say recognizing Israel is liberal, I said trying to sever ties with the Arab world just because of having a Liberal mindset is utter foolishness and extreme stupidity, it's clear like you just did right now, you will misquote and misrepresent my words so having this discussion with you will be an utter waste of time and energy and I don't want this to be converted into a rant, don't quote me again.

Lastly I don't see myself as lower beings compared to the Arabs, I only look out for Pakistan's self interest.
Again bringing your own personal opinions (Mullah lovers etc) when it comes to Pakistan's self interest, I will repeat this one last time "there are over 8 million Pakistanis working who remit billions of dollars back to Pakistan every year from the Arab world, they have in the past funded our nuclear and as well as our other military projects, trying to sever ties with them is utter foolishness and extreme stupidity and the only reason why you are implying it is because you are bringing your own liberal mindset when it comes to Pakistan's self interest", I won't discuss this with you again, if you want to have a feelings contest, go take it with someone else

Secondly where the heck did I say recognizing Israel is liberal, I said trying to sever ties with the Arab world just because of having a Liberal mindset is utter foolishness and extreme stupidity, it's clear like you just did right now, you will misquote and misrepresent my words so having this discussion with you will be an utter waste of time and energy and I don't want this to be converted into a rant, don't quote me again.

Lastly I don't see myself as lower beings toward the Arabs, I only look out for Pakistan's self interest.
How the heck is recognizing Israel is severing ties with them? qatar had IBO back in 2000's and they only served it in 2009\ if i am not mistaken. Secondly when has OIC shown any tangible support for Kashmir ?
You haven't shown me single proof arab funding of our nuke. SO now you fear they will kick out 8 mn workers as if their kafalah treatment wasn't good enough for you. the slavish mentality is quite visible in you. When the arabs can have good relations with your arch enemy, you don't seem to say anything but when we try to establish with Israel you fear desert dweller boycott. I am all for them to boycott us and see how long they can survive without our help militarily.

Lastly, Respect is earned not given !
Mazari is being a cheap politician and is FULLY aware that Israel was source of spare parts for our F-16s during the embargo. But the general religious extremist bigot that makes up 20% of Pakistani population will likely agree with her.
Mazari is being a cheap politician and is FULLY aware that Israel was source of spare parts for our F-16s during the embargo. But the general religious extremist bigot that makes up 20% of Pakistani population will likely agree with her.
I would treat this as her personal opinion as IK himself does not have much interest in these affairs. Though I think as being a member of parliament, she has the right to question.

And I'm wondering who would answer her?
Mazari is being a cheap politician and is FULLY aware that Israel was source of spare parts for our F-16s during the embargo. But the general religious extremist bigot that makes up 20% of Pakistani population will likely agree with her.

While I am a supporter of IK and PTI, the fact remains that Mazari and PTI are wrong on this. If/when PTI is in federal govt, our military would still be conducting exercises with US and israel and then it would be PML-N and PPP who would be raising the objections which Mazari is raising. It's just cheap politics and playing on the minds of religious simpletons, nothing more.

Exercising with americans and israelis does not mean that we are inviting them on our dinner tables. It only means we are trying to learn about their strengths, weaknesses, strategies and mindset with a first-hand approach. Isn't that what you should always do with your enemies (learn about them in more detail)?
Sorry Israel won't be recognized ever.

The Holy Quran is pure word of Allah Almighty, revealed by Allah, and is valid until eternity. The Qur'an recognizes the Land of Israel as the heritage of the Jews and it explains that, before the Last Judgment, Jews will return to dwell there.


Regardless of whether or not Israel is "right", the Muslims should accept and recognize the state of Israel. There are more than 50 Muslim majority countries in the World, why can't Jews have one ? After all, Muslims do recognize Jews as the People of the Book, they regard the Children of Israel as an important religious concept in Islam. Moses, the most important prophet of Judaism, is also considered a prophet and messenger in Islam... Muslims always had good relationship with the Jews for centuries before the foundation of State of Israel. Muslims and Jews have lived together peacefully throughout history (Jews have often lived in predominantly Islamic nations) and Jewish persecution under Muslim rule had been very rare.

Even Saudi Arabia is taking its relationship with Israel from a clandestine connection to a public one. Why can't we establish diplomatic relations with Israel ? More loyal than the King ?
The Holy Quran is pure word of Allah Almighty, revealed by Allah, and is valid until eternity. The Qur'an recognizes the Land of Israel as the heritage of the Jews and it explains that, before the Last Judgment, Jews will return to dwell there.

Even Saudi Arabia is taking its relationship with Israel from a clandestine connection to a public one. Why can't we establish diplomatic relations with Israel ? More loyal than the King ?

It's more like ... the way israel was formed. A homeland of Jews might be their right, but the way they acquire that homeland is the question here. If the Jews had acquired their homeland through political struggle or by buying off an uninhabited land, we would be very happy to accept it. But they did not acquire their homeland like that. They tore it off from an already sovereign and established country. For example, if Parsis buy off a large patch of land in Pakistan and tomorrow claim that it's their own free homeland, shall we accept that?

The link you have posted does imply that it is a prophecy that the Jews would return to their original abode before the day of judgement, but this prophecy does not justify their wrongdoings and their brutalities. If you are told that after 5 years, your brother will be murdered by a serial killer (God forbid!), and it happens like that, will you forgive the serial killer simply because it was prophecised earlier?

I guess not.

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