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Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?

Shahzaz ud din

Jun 12, 2017
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Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?
By Shehroz Kaleem Published: September 14, 2017

Rohingya refugees looks on through barbed wire as they wait for a boat to cross the border in Maungdaw, Myanmar on September 7th. PHOTO: REUTERS

Many individuals have been crying hoarse over how the Pakistan Army should be sent to Myanmar to help out the Rohingya Muslims that are being brutally massacred. I would like to ask the said individuals to reconsider their stance.

Yes, we are truly upset and shocked at what is happening in Myanmar, but we already have enough going on in our own country and we have to protect our people first. Our soldiers are constantly on their feet on the Line of Control (LoC) as well as the Durrand Line, especially given the recent skirmishes.

Moreover, our soldiers are valiantly fighting against militants in North Waziristan, via anti-militancy programs such as Raddul Fassad, and our soldiers have been deployed to assist the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects, owing to the security threat the Chinese face. Furthermore, our soldiers are curbing militancy in Karachi, which has been facing increasing crimes and militancy.

Additionally, the Army was even called in to deal with rain-related issues, given provincial government’s ineptness in dealing with natural disasters. The situation was so terrible that Karachi’s Mayor Wasim Akhtar outrightly said that the situation was out of control of the authorities under him.

Currently, more than 2,000 soldiers are deployed in Punjab for the anti-militancy campaign, while 600,000 soldiers are stationed at the LoC. Moreover, 15,000 soldiers have been deployed in CPEC-related projects.

What more can they be expected to do? Is this not enough already?

If individuals advocating for our forces to be deployed in Myanmar think we are not doing enough, they should do their research.

Are they unaware that Pakistan is the only Islamic nation in the world that has helped the most refugees and given them shelter? In comparison, no other Islamic nation has helped as much as Pakistan has. Rather than bashing our country to do more, how about we take pride in what it has already done?

Statistically, since the 80s, more than 0.3 million Burmese Muslims have immigrated to Pakistan and are complacent in their surroundings. We are, and have been, assisting the persecuted Rohingya Muslims since two decades.

Additionally, Pakistan has been putting pressure on other countries to do more to help the Rohingya Muslims. In a press conference, Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said the Rohingyas’ plight is “a challenge to the conscience”.

If individuals are rooting for us to do more, how can we do more? Pray, tell.

Furthermore, it is not only the Rohingya Muslims whom Pakistan has provided shelter for, as we have provided shelter for Afghan refugees as well. The number of Afghan refugees amounts to 600,000. We have always welcomed our Muslim brothers and sisters with open arms and never turned them away, because that is what one brother does for another, despite frayed relations.

Yes, the on-going Rohingya massacre is a genuine concern, there is no doubt about that. But I would like to reiterate that Pakistan is the only country in the region that is doing the most.

Where are our neighbouring countries and why have they not taken in refugees or provided aid? Especially India and Bangladesh, who are immediate neighbours with Myanmar. Narendra Modi’s silence on this matter is deafening. His actions stain the concept of humanity. Be it a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu or Christian, at the end of the day, we are humans and we should reach out to each other.

Even if we wanted our forces to be deployed on the ground in Myanmar or if we sent them for aerial action, it would be out of the question. This is because India would never allow Pakistan to use its airspace in order to save Muslims. That would be against Modi’s ethics and what his party stands for.

What about the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, who are presumed the upholders of religion? These nations who have state-of-the-art defence systems and vast amounts of money reserves seem to be silent as well. This could be due to the fact that Rohingya Muslims are of no economic importance to them and the persecuted group mean nothing to them in terms of monetary benefits. Saudi Arabia, who established the Islamic military alliance, apparently under the name of Islam, surprisingly does not think it important enough to save their Muslim brethren, be it the Rohingya Muslims, the Palestinians, the Syrians or the Iraqis. Here, I would like to ask Saudi Arabia if this alliance was formed to protect the interests of only the rich and royal families, because it surely seems so. Is it not their rightful religious duty to help their Muslim brothers and sisters who are being beheaded and burnt to death?

Other than Pakistan, Turkey and Iran’s efforts are applause-worthy since they are doing their best to rescue and help the Rohingya Muslims. Turkey was the first country to get permission for supplying aid to the Rohingya Muslims and the Turkish government even announced its plans to distribute aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladeshi camps. Furthermore, Iran called for a united effort to put an end to the Rohingya massacre and it has also decided to send aid to the persecuted group.

But then again, how much can three countries do? Strength in numbers is what matters now.

Why is Pakistan the only assumed saviour of the entire Islamic world? Yes, the Rohingya Muslims need help and they need it now. But our Army cannot do more.
It is not. All over the Muslim world people have the same expectations of thier governments and thier governments are equally cowardly and inept.

These same articles will have been written by cowards in Libya, Syria, Iraq and today those people have enjoyed the fruits of putting number 1 first. If I were not Pakistani and if I did not fear Allah I would be inclined to wish that the cowards who write such things see the same fruits within thier own homes and thier own countries. However I do not. I love Pakistan and I fear the displeasure of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said wish for your brother what you wish for yourself. I hope to see a day where our country is strong enough to heed the cries of the helpless InshaAllah.
Some brothers might take offence to my post and consider it a boast or a dig at our nation - it is not. I am however opposed to the negativity some people display under the guise of pragmatism.

Let me let you a story I heard from a sheikh. There was once a carpenter in Baghdad who was one of the most talented carpenters in the land. When he was at the peak of his abilities he carved a spectacular wooden mimbar. News of this spectacular mimbar spread and people came from far and wide to buy if for thier masjid. He refused each and every one of them, turning away fortunes for his mimbar. One day in the market someone asked him why he would not sell it. He replied he had created it with the intention of donating it to Al Aqsa. At the time Al Aqsa was under the control of the crusaders. The person heard his refusal and said Al Aqsa is under the control of the Kafir, how will you get it there? The old man replied that he is a carpenter and his job is to create it. Allah will get it to Al Aqsa if it is intended to be. A young child in the market place heard this. That young child was Salahudin Ayubi. He took back Al Aqsa and placed the mimbar there.

The moral of the story is that we should do our bit and let Allah take care of the rest. Instead of making excuses for our jokes of leaders and ask what others do, we should remind ourselves and each other of what is right and InshaAllah one day when the stars align or whatever good will overcome evil.
It is not. All over the Muslim world people have the same expectations of thier governments and thier governments are equally cowardly and inept.

These same articles will have been written by cowards in Libya, Syria, Iraq and today those people have enjoyed the fruits of putting number 1 first. If I were not Pakistani and if I did not fear Allah I would be inclined to wish that the cowards who write such things see the same fruits within thier own homes and thier own countries. However I do not. I love Pakistan and I fear the displeasure of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said wish for your brother what you wish for yourself. I hope to see a day where our country is strong enough to heed the cries of the helpless InshaAllah.
If the Muslim countries set aside some funds equipment and troops(can be the reserves)and form like a NATO/UN peacekeeping force...this can be sent in to stop atrocities like the one in Myanmar. Of course sending them in would be the last step. If such a force was to exist then a simple threat to Myanmar would be enough to bring them to the table and figure it out. If Pak was to send troops alone then Myanmar would become enemies with Pak(not that anyone cares)...but with an alliance of a number of different countries(a coalition), it would be more like a police force. Ppl would see it not as invaders but sort of like how they see the UN peacekeepers.
I think they should [Rohingya] come to UK. Better living standard. Better place for Muslims.
Brother I wrote to my MP and asked for exactly that. I asked she speak up in Parliament about the issue, that she ask for action against Burma and that Britain accept refugees. I also wrote the same letter to the leader of the Labour party.

But don't confuse where I choose to reside as a sign of how Pakistani I am. I hold two passports, I am a full citizen, I own land in PK and have as much right upon the government there as the UK government.
If the Muslim countries set aside some funds equipment and troops(can be the reserves)and form like a NATO/UN peacekeeping force...this can be sent in to stop atrocities like the one in Myanmar. Of course sending them in would be the last step. If such a force was to exist then a simple threat to Myanmar would be enough to bring them to the table and figure it out. If Pak was to send troops alone then Myanmar would become enemies with Pak(not that anyone cares)...but with an alliance of a number of different countries(a coalition), it would be more like a police force. Ppl would see it not as invaders but sort of like how they see the UN peacekeepers.

Funnily enough on another forum I spoke to a gora who has done diplomatic work with the Saudi alliance headed by Raheel Sharif. He said that currently they are not organised politically or militarily to do anything properly. They talked about peace keeping in Libya but they don't know enough about the facts on the ground to take a firm position. Hopefully one day that organisation turns into just the thing we need, but at the moment it's conceptual.

In another topic a brother pointed out to me that a military intervention is very difficult to coordinate and I agree. I do think though where there is a will there is a way. Unfortunately Muslim countries alone don't have the resources to do what America can do (we don't even have half way combined) but if we ever want to be able to defend ourselves we need to take steps to work together. In my lifetime two Christian countries have been carved out of Muslim lands, east Timor and South Sudan. Today the newest game is Kurdistan. At some point at least some of us should stand together for our own sakes.
Funnily enough on another forum I spoke to a gora who has done diplomatic work with the Saudi alliance headed by Raheel Sharif. He said that currently they are not organised politically or militarily to do anything properly. They talked about peace keeping in Libya but they don't know enough about the facts on the ground to take a firm position. Hopefully one day that organisation turns into just the thing we need, but at the moment it's conceptual.

In another topic a brother pointed out to me that a military intervention is very difficult to coordinate and I agree. I do think though where there is a will there is a way. Unfortunately Muslim countries alone don't have the resources to do what America can do (we don't even have half way combined) but if we ever want to be able to defend ourselves we need to take steps to work together. In my lifetime two Christian countries have been carved out of Muslim lands, east Timor and South Sudan. Today the newest game is Kurdistan. At some point at least some of us should stand together for our own sakes.
It's not the resources. The gulf countries are some of the richest countries. Turkey has a pretty good defence industry...Pakistan is somewhat there too. The only thing they need is unity. All Muslim countries are too narrow sighted right now. Each focused on its own goals...no unity exists. Once that's achieved the rest will just take time. In order to have an effective fighting force that operates like one unit...they will need to increase interoperability of the equipment and hold joint training exercises. NATO member countries have to follow a strict set of guidelines when purchasing defence equipment...to ensure interoperability...the same will have to be followed by this theoretical alliance. Right now this alliance that u speak of is nothing more than something that is working for KSA's goals.
Brother I wrote to my MP and asked for exactly that. I asked she speak up in Parliament about the issue, that she ask for action against Burma and that Britain accept refugees. I also wrote the same letter to the leader of the Labour party.

But don't confuse where I choose to reside as a sign of how Pakistani I am. I hold two passports, I am a full citizen, I own land in PK and have as much right upon the government there as the UK government.
Same here.
It's not the resources. The gulf countries are some of the richest countries. Turkey has a pretty good defence industry...Pakistan is somewhat there too. The only thing they need is unity. All Muslim countries are too narrow sighted right now. Each focused on its own goals...no unity exists. Once that's achieved the rest will just take time. In order to have an effective fighting force that operates like one unit...they will need to increase interoperability of the equipment and hold joint training exercises. NATO member countries have to follow a strict set of guidelines when purchasing defence equipment...to ensure interoperability...the same will have to be followed by this theoretical alliance. Right now this alliance that u speak of is nothing more than something that is working for KSA's goals.

I always think if we keep the right intention in mind and work towards them, one day barriers will be overcome.
Same here.
That's good. I always ask people to contact thier MP at such times. As a community we get political in words alone sometimes. There is a HUGE amount we could learn from the Jewish community about effectively working together with parliamentary parties.
Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?
By Shehroz Kaleem Published: September 14, 2017

Rohingya refugees looks on through barbed wire as they wait for a boat to cross the border in Maungdaw, Myanmar on September 7th. PHOTO: REUTERS

Many individuals have been crying hoarse over how the Pakistan Army should be sent to Myanmar to help out the Rohingya Muslims that are being brutally massacred. I would like to ask the said individuals to reconsider their stance.

Yes, we are truly upset and shocked at what is happening in Myanmar, but we already have enough going on in our own country and we have to protect our people first. Our soldiers are constantly on their feet on the Line of Control (LoC) as well as the Durrand Line, especially given the recent skirmishes.

Moreover, our soldiers are valiantly fighting against militants in North Waziristan, via anti-militancy programs such as Raddul Fassad, and our soldiers have been deployed to assist the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects, owing to the security threat the Chinese face. Furthermore, our soldiers are curbing militancy in Karachi, which has been facing increasing crimes and militancy.

Additionally, the Army was even called in to deal with rain-related issues, given provincial government’s ineptness in dealing with natural disasters. The situation was so terrible that Karachi’s Mayor Wasim Akhtar outrightly said that the situation was out of control of the authorities under him.

Currently, more than 2,000 soldiers are deployed in Punjab for the anti-militancy campaign, while 600,000 soldiers are stationed at the LoC. Moreover, 15,000 soldiers have been deployed in CPEC-related projects.

What more can they be expected to do? Is this not enough already?

If individuals advocating for our forces to be deployed in Myanmar think we are not doing enough, they should do their research.

Are they unaware that Pakistan is the only Islamic nation in the world that has helped the most refugees and given them shelter? In comparison, no other Islamic nation has helped as much as Pakistan has. Rather than bashing our country to do more, how about we take pride in what it has already done?

Statistically, since the 80s, more than 0.3 million Burmese Muslims have immigrated to Pakistan and are complacent in their surroundings. We are, and have been, assisting the persecuted Rohingya Muslims since two decades.

Additionally, Pakistan has been putting pressure on other countries to do more to help the Rohingya Muslims. In a press conference, Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said the Rohingyas’ plight is “a challenge to the conscience”.

If individuals are rooting for us to do more, how can we do more? Pray, tell.

Furthermore, it is not only the Rohingya Muslims whom Pakistan has provided shelter for, as we have provided shelter for Afghan refugees as well. The number of Afghan refugees amounts to 600,000. We have always welcomed our Muslim brothers and sisters with open arms and never turned them away, because that is what one brother does for another, despite frayed relations.

Yes, the on-going Rohingya massacre is a genuine concern, there is no doubt about that. But I would like to reiterate that Pakistan is the only country in the region that is doing the most.

Where are our neighbouring countries and why have they not taken in refugees or provided aid? Especially India and Bangladesh, who are immediate neighbours with Myanmar. Narendra Modi’s silence on this matter is deafening. His actions stain the concept of humanity. Be it a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu or Christian, at the end of the day, we are humans and we should reach out to each other.

Even if we wanted our forces to be deployed on the ground in Myanmar or if we sent them for aerial action, it would be out of the question. This is because India would never allow Pakistan to use its airspace in order to save Muslims. That would be against Modi’s ethics and what his party stands for.

What about the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, who are presumed the upholders of religion? These nations who have state-of-the-art defence systems and vast amounts of money reserves seem to be silent as well. This could be due to the fact that Rohingya Muslims are of no economic importance to them and the persecuted group mean nothing to them in terms of monetary benefits. Saudi Arabia, who established the Islamic military alliance, apparently under the name of Islam, surprisingly does not think it important enough to save their Muslim brethren, be it the Rohingya Muslims, the Palestinians, the Syrians or the Iraqis. Here, I would like to ask Saudi Arabia if this alliance was formed to protect the interests of only the rich and royal families, because it surely seems so. Is it not their rightful religious duty to help their Muslim brothers and sisters who are being beheaded and burnt to death?

Other than Pakistan, Turkey and Iran’s efforts are applause-worthy since they are doing their best to rescue and help the Rohingya Muslims. Turkey was the first country to get permission for supplying aid to the Rohingya Muslims and the Turkish government even announced its plans to distribute aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladeshi camps. Furthermore, Iran called for a united effort to put an end to the Rohingya massacre and it has also decided to send aid to the persecuted group.

But then again, how much can three countries do? Strength in numbers is what matters now.

Why is Pakistan the only assumed saviour of the entire Islamic world? Yes, the Rohingya Muslims need help and they need it now. But our Army cannot do more.

Apart from China and Turkey, NO other nation on earth matters to Pakistan. To hell with the Muslim world. They have never ever done anything good for us neither do they give a damn about us.
Why is Pakistan assumed to be the only saviour of the entire Islamic world?
By Shehroz Kaleem Published: September 14, 2017

Rohingya refugees looks on through barbed wire as they wait for a boat to cross the border in Maungdaw, Myanmar on September 7th. PHOTO: REUTERS

Many individuals have been crying hoarse over how the Pakistan Army should be sent to Myanmar to help out the Rohingya Muslims that are being brutally massacred. I would like to ask the said individuals to reconsider their stance.

Yes, we are truly upset and shocked at what is happening in Myanmar, but we already have enough going on in our own country and we have to protect our people first. Our soldiers are constantly on their feet on the Line of Control (LoC) as well as the Durrand Line, especially given the recent skirmishes.

Moreover, our soldiers are valiantly fighting against militants in North Waziristan, via anti-militancy programs such as Raddul Fassad, and our soldiers have been deployed to assist the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects, owing to the security threat the Chinese face. Furthermore, our soldiers are curbing militancy in Karachi, which has been facing increasing crimes and militancy.

Additionally, the Army was even called in to deal with rain-related issues, given provincial government’s ineptness in dealing with natural disasters. The situation was so terrible that Karachi’s Mayor Wasim Akhtar outrightly said that the situation was out of control of the authorities under him.

Currently, more than 2,000 soldiers are deployed in Punjab for the anti-militancy campaign, while 600,000 soldiers are stationed at the LoC. Moreover, 15,000 soldiers have been deployed in CPEC-related projects.

What more can they be expected to do? Is this not enough already?

If individuals advocating for our forces to be deployed in Myanmar think we are not doing enough, they should do their research.

Are they unaware that Pakistan is the only Islamic nation in the world that has helped the most refugees and given them shelter? In comparison, no other Islamic nation has helped as much as Pakistan has. Rather than bashing our country to do more, how about we take pride in what it has already done?

Statistically, since the 80s, more than 0.3 million Burmese Muslims have immigrated to Pakistan and are complacent in their surroundings. We are, and have been, assisting the persecuted Rohingya Muslims since two decades.

Additionally, Pakistan has been putting pressure on other countries to do more to help the Rohingya Muslims. In a press conference, Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said the Rohingyas’ plight is “a challenge to the conscience”.

If individuals are rooting for us to do more, how can we do more? Pray, tell.

Furthermore, it is not only the Rohingya Muslims whom Pakistan has provided shelter for, as we have provided shelter for Afghan refugees as well. The number of Afghan refugees amounts to 600,000. We have always welcomed our Muslim brothers and sisters with open arms and never turned them away, because that is what one brother does for another, despite frayed relations.

Yes, the on-going Rohingya massacre is a genuine concern, there is no doubt about that. But I would like to reiterate that Pakistan is the only country in the region that is doing the most.

Where are our neighbouring countries and why have they not taken in refugees or provided aid? Especially India and Bangladesh, who are immediate neighbours with Myanmar. Narendra Modi’s silence on this matter is deafening. His actions stain the concept of humanity. Be it a Muslim, Sikh, Hindu or Christian, at the end of the day, we are humans and we should reach out to each other.

Even if we wanted our forces to be deployed on the ground in Myanmar or if we sent them for aerial action, it would be out of the question. This is because India would never allow Pakistan to use its airspace in order to save Muslims. That would be against Modi’s ethics and what his party stands for.

What about the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, who are presumed the upholders of religion? These nations who have state-of-the-art defence systems and vast amounts of money reserves seem to be silent as well. This could be due to the fact that Rohingya Muslims are of no economic importance to them and the persecuted group mean nothing to them in terms of monetary benefits. Saudi Arabia, who established the Islamic military alliance, apparently under the name of Islam, surprisingly does not think it important enough to save their Muslim brethren, be it the Rohingya Muslims, the Palestinians, the Syrians or the Iraqis. Here, I would like to ask Saudi Arabia if this alliance was formed to protect the interests of only the rich and royal families, because it surely seems so. Is it not their rightful religious duty to help their Muslim brothers and sisters who are being beheaded and burnt to death?

Other than Pakistan, Turkey and Iran’s efforts are applause-worthy since they are doing their best to rescue and help the Rohingya Muslims. Turkey was the first country to get permission for supplying aid to the Rohingya Muslims and the Turkish government even announced its plans to distribute aid to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladeshi camps. Furthermore, Iran called for a united effort to put an end to the Rohingya massacre and it has also decided to send aid to the persecuted group.

But then again, how much can three countries do? Strength in numbers is what matters now.

Why is Pakistan the only assumed saviour of the entire Islamic world? Yes, the Rohingya Muslims need help and they need it now. But our Army cannot do more.
90% of the Muslim world can live with the fact of Pakistan being the leader of the Muslim world,the rest dont stand a chance.
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