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Why is My Hijab Your Problem?

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Go through the thread from start and see who is mocking who........

you mocked mine....did i respond by mocking yours in the same way........but i cant say the same for other trolls who may mock yours.......hence keeping in mind that there are trolls and genuine people on all subjects and with the intention of not hurting the genuine ppl to reply to the trolls.........lets keep it to mocking the mocker

and why would an all powerful god need to go shape shifting?

so basically you cant take criticism?

God does not go shapeshifting neither does we believe so ... please state what you mean by it...i will correct it
Then they the westerners should stop calling themselves as Champions of Human Rights, now i have to go back to dictionary to see the meaning of Human Rights and some pathetic word Secularism .

The superior West started 100 years ago with woman rights while the Islam was already talking about womens rights 1400 years ago.

And more than this, in our Book (Qur'aan) we have a Chapter called An-Nisa' (The Women) with in total 176 verses.
Then they the westerners should stop calling themselves as Champions of Human Rights, now i have to go back to dictionary to see the meaning of Human Rights and some pathetic word Secularism .

Even Islamic countries make many claims for the religion and the ideology. Including that it gives the maximum rights to the minorities.

It is not about the claims, it is about the reality within the countries.

Muslims have no right to demand more from non Muslims in their countries than they give the non Muslims in their own countries.

It is always about give and take, the golden rule.

^^^Paganism or hinduism is or more of a joke with the very concept of religion

No concept of reward or punishment...so why bother beleiving in anything up there? To look cool?

Plus seperate god for different things...means every god is lame at one thing or another....

Plus seperate god for different things...means every god is lame at one thing or another....due to limited authority.. How can god be limited?

We think it is your religion that is a joke.

And a very costly one for humanity at that!

I will leave it at this for now. Just for now. ;)
you mocked mine....did i respond by mocking yours in the same way........but i cant say the same for other trolls who may mock yours.......hence keeping in mind that there are trolls and genuine people on all subjects and with the intention of not hurting the genuine ppl to reply to the trolls.........lets keep it to mocking the mocker

God does not go shapeshifting neither does we believe so ... please state what you mean by it...i will correct it

So you do beleive in 'bhagwaan' as one God?
Then whats the purpose of....say durga? And many others?
British lasted 90 years.of total control..1857-1947so not enough time to finish off a civilization..but did a good job still...
Why you think speaking englush is matter of pride in india?
And thr so called modern culture and dressing is what Brotish brought to india??
If you were so resilliant...you would still use dhotee instead of pants.

On the other hand muslims had 700 years of total control on india...yet they didnt force arabic on people and didnt change their dress code..

Your history is a bit weak. The parts where they had anything total control are Pakistan and Afghanistan and we can see what they look like.

In fact many places were totally "Arabized" when they were converted so totally that not a trace of ancient civilizations and religions remained in those places.

About Quran and Islam.the amount of details islam gives us was impossible for one man or even a nation to come up with on their own..
Clue is in the fact that nobody else came up with such a detailed religion since then or before..
As you yourself admit hinduism jas no instructions for dai'y life...just a vague concept or collection of concepts..that too in 5000 years
But islam even gives detailed instructions and recommendations to last details...even how to sleep...
Not possible for a man and His companions to come up in just 63 years.

This is your galatfahami.

In fact, the sheer inaccuracies and absurdities could only be the handiword of illiterate people.

Why My (Western) Law, Your Problem????

The answer can be found here.

Hilarious Mulla, Hilarious Logic 2+2=Zakir Naik - YouTube

So, the kaffirs allowing them so much freedom is because they are not sure of their own ideology!

While Muslims being religious superpower don't need to reciprocate.

It is a matter of their entitlement. The kaffirs are there to pander to their always offended sensibilities by bending over backwards.

Yet it is never enough.
^^^ ever heard of Mohammad bin Qasim and how he kicked your raja dahir's rear?
With him came muslim scholors,spirituals and preists and they preached islam in this area.
Fyi.. We are always proud and happy that our forefathers chose the right path and converyed to Islam
Bless them...
For every one strong woman who wears it by choice or faith or to make a statement, there would be a thousand who wear it under overt and covert coercion.

And these so-called strong liberated hijabis give credibility and belief to the enforced fate of those thousands who do not have a voice.

These apologists latch on to the few who do it out of choice and try to pile it on countries who find this abhorrent, a symbol of inequality that they want no part of.

Those who value this more than moving to these countries can choose to stay put!

What could be simpler?

^^^ ever heard of Mohammad bin Qasim and how he kicked your raja dahir's rear?
With him came muslim scholors,spirituals and preists and they preached islam in this area.
Fyi.. We are always proud and happy that our forefathers chose the right path and converyed to Islam
Bless them...

Yet, it is Raja Dahir the brave who is your ancestor, not the primitive dacoit Qasim.

The only good thing about Qasim was he died the death he deserved, rolling in a drum with nails inside.

Served such bigots well. ;)
Hijab is not a problem. Muslim dont see women who wear hijab as 'oppressed'. Its the western obsession with anything islamic even in symbolism.

My problem with your hijab is the hypocrisy that comes with it.
So you do beleive in 'bhagwaan' as one God?
Then whats the purpose of....say durga? And many others?

All gods followed in hinduism rose from the trinity and Shakti

Absolute Brahman /Nirguna Brahman - God without attributes, - perfect & static

Brahman with Attributes and qualities[ like omnipotent..etc etc ]/Saguna Brahman = Iswara [when given attributes]
Saguna brahman has two parts like yin and yang ....The Conciousness or the Divinity or the Supreme Being .....for simplicity lets say our souls and The Cosmic Energy/force ...........like milk and its color white, fire and its heat or sun and its rays ,thought and the action after that

Supreme Being has three aspects - creator - Brahma
Sustainer - vishnu
Destroyer - shiva

Cosmic force is also called Shakti .....She is known as Durga,sarawati or parvati or lakshmi

Since Iswara is with attributes and Qualities , ....personal Gods with attributes developed leading to polytheism aspect of hindusim

Different schools of philosophies developed trying to understand the Saguna Brahman and the definition of existence that arose from that ........This lead saivism,shaktism,vaishnavism etc etc............a group of spiritual philosophies called together hinduism. hence its better to say....many paths leading to the same destination...better understanding and oneness with God

Buddhism and other Atheistic religions arose from vedantam due to their understanding and pursuit of Nirguna Brahman
All gods followed in hinduism rose from the trinity and Shakti

Absolute Brahman /Nirguna Brahman - God without attributes, - perfect & static

Brahman with Attributes and qualities[ like omnipotent..etc etc ]/Saguna Brahman = Iswara [when given attributes]
Saguna brahman has two parts like yin and yang ....The Conciousness or the Divinity or the Supreme Being .....for simplicity lets say our souls and The Cosmic Energy/force ...........like milk and its color white, fire and its heat or sun and its rays ,thought and the action after that

Supreme Being has three aspects - creator - Brahma
Sustainer - vishnu
Destroyer - shiva

Cosmic force is also called Shakti .....She is known as Durga,sarawati or parvati or lakshmi

Since Iswara is with attributes and Qualities , ....personal Gods with attributes developed leading to polytheism aspect of hindusim

Different schools of philosophies developed trying to understand the Saguna Brahman and the definition of existence that arose from that ........This lead saivism,shaktism,vaishnavism etc etc............a group of spiritual philosophies called together hinduism. hence its better to say....many paths leading to the same destination...better understanding and oneness with God

Buddhism and other Atheistic religions arose from vedantam due to their understanding and pursuit of Nirguna Brahman

I cant agree on bolded point. Budhism started because of Budha, It was his own thinking.

Other points about hinduism as i said each and every one will tell the way he THINKS without quoting vedas or any books. Its better if you provide the links from where you understand this concepts.
All gods followed in hinduism rose from the trinity and Shakti

Absolute Brahman /Nirguna Brahman - God without attributes, - perfect & static

Brahman with Attributes and qualities[ like omnipotent..etc etc ]/Saguna Brahman = Iswara [when given attributes]
Saguna brahman has two parts like yin and yang ....The Conciousness or the Divinity or the Supreme Being .....for simplicity lets say our souls and The Cosmic Energy/force ...........like milk and its color white, fire and its heat or sun and its rays ,thought and the action after that

Supreme Being has three aspects - creator - Brahma
Sustainer - vishnu
Destroyer - shiva

Cosmic force is also called Shakti .....She is known as Durga,sarawati or parvati or lakshmi

Since Iswara is with attributes and Qualities , ....personal Gods with attributes developed leading to polytheism aspect of hindusim

Different schools of philosophies developed trying to understand the Saguna Brahman and the definition of existence that arose from that ........This lead saivism,shaktism,vaishnavism etc etc............a group of spiritual philosophies called together hinduism. hence its better to say....many paths leading to the same destination...better understanding and oneness with God

Buddhism and other Atheistic religions arose from vedantam due to their understanding and pursuit of Nirguna Brahman

sounds fun, but ya know we gotta think long term, once in an eternity decisions shouldn't be taken by your parents you know
Read about Islam, there are many websites, compare to your current belief system (english word religion doesn't mean the same, religion is like Islam Christianity etc. hinduism is like a never ending fairytale[dont mean it in offensive way])

Your history is a bit weak. The parts where they had anything total control are Pakistan and Afghanistan and we can see what they look like.

In fact many places were totally "Arabized" when they were converted so totally that not a trace of ancient civilizations and religions remained in those places.

This is your galatfahami.

In fact, the sheer inaccuracies and absurdities could only be the handiword of illiterate people.

The answer can be found here.

Hilarious Mulla, Hilarious Logic 2+2=Zakir Naik - YouTube

So, the kaffirs allowing them so much freedom is because they are not sure of their own ideology!

While Muslims being religious superpower don't need to reciprocate.

It is a matter of their entitlement. The kaffirs are there to pander to their always offended sensibilities by bending over backwards.

Yet it is never enough.

haha, zakir naik is a representative of muslims, lol, a hindu get to decide that?
Hey ptex i saw you here, dont hide, you know hindus are exactly like you; same superior race better than gentiles bs, same sadness when same race brothers convert outside
^^^ ever heard of Mohammad bin Qasim and how he kicked your raja dahir's rear?

Again same identity crisis, you Pakistanis always claim Indians don't have any claim over the history of Indus valley and now you made Raja Dahir as ours. Can't you guys have a common opinion. :rofl::rofl:
Again same identity crisis, you Pakistanis always claim Indians don't have any claim over the history of Indus valley and now you made Raja Dahir as ours. Can't you guys have a common opinion. :rofl::rofl:

We are proud of our muslim and regional heritage....
Muslim conquests are cherished as our common religious heritage..
Then regional civilizations are cherished due to people belonging to that cast creed,area..
Dahir was a hindu tyrant who was defeated by one if our muslim ancestor....
We are proud of our muslim and regional heritage....
Muslim conquests are cherished as our common religious heritage..
Then regional civilizations are cherished due to people belonging to that cast creed,area..
Dahir was a hindu tyrant who was defeated by one if our muslim ancestor....

Hasan Nisar Say:-- Pakistan Muslim Ruled in India 1000 years & Pakistan Muslim Genuine - YouTube

You need genetic postmartem! ;)

When you go "Jab Spain me hamari hukumat thi", the Arabs laugh in your face.

At your identity crisis.

It is a case of "na ghar ka, na ghat ka"! You celebrate the worst bigots in history, the worst of humanity, those who massacred and raped your own ancestors.

That is identity crisis.
Normally ZN quotes one verse from an Entire Set ....so that it suits his version !!

Many ZN lackeys have coem to me convert with his crap nonsense...and i have proved them al larong..........

So, you are a Hindu Mullah who knows it all and anyone who doesn't agree with you is wrong?

If you are a ZN lackey..they youo should know how the propht is in the Vedas !!....well guess what ...his Translation is wrong........his sanskrit sucks........many from arya samaj have challenged him..........But that idiot cares only for popular yoga teachers or politicians whose Vedic and sanskrit knowledge is nil

I have yet to see one debate where the Aryan samaj has said he is wrong...1 min you say that Vedas talks about 1 god, yet you say Dr.Zakir Naik translated it wrong? Isn't that what he translated? Because previously not many Hindus would ADMIT THAT 1 GOD IS EVEN PREACHED IN THE VEDAS! Like if I asked a common Hindu whom do you worship...the only answers I get are a number of deities, no one has said the 1 god that the vedas preaches about. The one which has no shape...

Most hindus dont care about the books because most hindus are ok with differences and doest need a book to know what it means to be a good human

Yes, we can see that...Because praying to more than 1 god is somehow equal to accepting only 1 god...

Not being stuck in the past means changing with time and adapting socially with more understanding..................so wonder who is stuck

Yup, that is the case...I did mention in previous threads about this!

North european countries where nudity is mostly allowed...........o dont see their nation getting destroyed....crime rate soaring or becoming corrupt..........part of their culture......and they ae ok with it.....so lets stick to ours.....no need to criticize just coz we cant digest it

Which North European country are you talking about? Oh, yes Norway, where it was ok to kill 77 people and get away with 20 years of jail? Yup of course nothing is wrong there!

Then again...These countries also practice 1 other thing which people overlook! They do not feast their eyes! You are in no way allowed to harass a woman and get away...nor is starring normal...Nor is nude beach a norm...Children do not go there and people do not over react when they go there...In fact it is not even a normal place to be except if you are a tourist or want to party...

I am actually unsure about this fetish Asian men have with nude beaches! Is that the ONLY example you can come up with?
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