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Why is govt in a hurry to pay TCC for Reko Diq?

The Reqo Dik reserves can be worth a lot of money, yes, but it will take investment to exploit them in a manner that will be competitive in the international market. Otherwise, the treasure can remain in the ground for the future. It is not going anywhere, after all.

I think you haven't actually read up properly on the topic....

Reko Diq Resource - Tethyan Copper Company

The project is feasible and the mining company is willing to invest alot of money and it already has spent alot on surveying/studying etc.

That is not the issue here. The problem is that there has been a conflict with the company and the government regarding some parts of the deal. That was to be solved in an international court transparently but the government wants to make an out of court settlement behind closed doors. That means there is opportunity to make commissions/kickbacks. That is the entire thing here. Doesn't matter if it's worth 1 billion or 1000 billion, the common man will get even lesser out of it now. They will make an agreement that's not in the nation's favour in return for some private benefits for themselves (shareef family and baloch leaders).
I think you haven't actually read up properly on the topic....

Reko Diq Resource - Tethyan Copper Company

The project is feasible and the mining company is willing to invest alot of money and it already has spent alot on surveying/studying etc.

That is not the issue here. The problem is that there has been a conflict with the company and the government regarding some parts of the deal. That was to be solved in an international court transparently but the government wants to make an out of court settlement behind closed doors. That means there is opportunity to make commissions/kickbacks. That is the entire thing here. Doesn't matter if it's worth 1 billion or 1000 billion, the common man will get even lesser out of it now. They will make an agreement that's not in the nation's favour in return for some private benefits for themselves (shareef family and baloch leaders).

I am quite aware that the reserves in Reko Diq are commercially exploitable, but a lot of things need to happen before it becomes a reality, and that is precisely where the problems lie. But, no worries, as the Admin of this website posted above, the "spooks" already derailed a previous proposal, so there can be hope that the same "spooks" will derail any proposals being created now too, in order to save this treasure for future generations. Nothing to worry about, it seems.
riko diq has been hyped by jahils politicians of Pakistan. I doubt Pak will get anything from it. There was report that Baloch gov can get around $300 million every year in form of royalities which is great for Balochistah. But over all its hardly worth the hype.

Figures like $270 billion worth of gold can only fool masses of Pakistan.

that's alot of money in pakistani terms. And this is balochistan government we're talking about, so it makes an even bigger difference.

Also, the economically mineable portion of the mine contains $70billion worth of copper at current prices. Plus app. $30Billion dollar worth of gold in refined ore/concentrate form (probably worth little less than this figure because it's not pure gold).

To sum it up, it's still atleast a $70 billion deposit. Out of which pakistan would probably make maybe $25 billion.

The $270B figure is probably calculated by using total reserves in the deposit, including the non-feasible part.

I am quite aware that the reserves in Reko Diq are commercially exploitable, but a lot of things need to happen before it becomes a reality, and that is precisely where the problems lie. But, no worries, as the Admin of this website posted above, the "spooks" already derailed a previous proposal, so there can be hope that the same "spooks" will derail any proposals being created now too, in order to save this treasure for future generations. Nothing to worry about, it seems.

All that was needed was political stability...

The deal was fine, except every now and then the government would come up with something stupid to try and stall the project and now it seems they're finally going to get what they wanted. They wanted their private/personal piece of the cake, and with an out of court settlement they'll finally get it and the project will go ahead. Some time from now, you'll see in newspapers reko diq being presented as PML-N's another major achievement.

All that was needed was political stability...

The deal was fine, except every now and then the government would come up with something stupid to try and stall the project and now it seems they're finally going to get what they wanted. They wanted their private/personal piece of the cake, and with an out of court settlement they'll finally get it and the project will go ahead. Some time from now, you'll see in newspapers reko diq being presented as PML-N's another major achievement.

Let's wait until the "spooks" are made equally happy. Then the deal will go through on patriotically endorsed terms, no matter what the political environment.

Brother potian,

i think u r living in heaven, just like federal government, KPK government also in hurry to issue all the tenders of mining to Mr. Jhangir Tareen.

so please came out from heavens, and try to live in earth, on earth humans live not angels. Federal Government is running by humans, vise versa KPK government also running by humans(Angels according to PTI).

Brother potian,

i think u r living in heaven, just like federal government, KPK government also in hurry to issue all the tenders of mining to Mr. Jhangir Tareen.

so please came out from heavens, and try to live in earth, on earth humans live not angels. Federal Government is running by humans, vise versa KPK government also running by humans(Angels according to PTI).

Brother Phatwari,

Stop your regular blowjob, and start talking about the topic at hand. :lol:
Big daddy "knows". The last contract was also cancelled as a result of a sting op by our spooks. They are clearly watching since letting go a possible trillion dollar worth of natural resource is going to be the single biggest national scandal. Gen Kayani declared RikoDiq a 'National Asset'...it means they will protect it just like Kahuta and other 'National Assets' are protected.
But these things would have to be considered before awarding the contract of mining to TCC. A few years ago a french court accepted a hearing against Pakistan sovereign and ordered all assets be frozen until the case was dismissed. Likewise the TCC has indicated a annual profit of approx 2.5 Billion USD from mining operations. If the appeal is held, at least 2.5 Billion or multiple of that for each year of suspended operations be charged to Pakistan. ICSID's decison, once out, is a binding on both the parties to the conflict. So If ICSID agrees with TCC's view. Pakistan will have to pay the damages.
We will finally invest when country is under 300 Billion in Debt and sell it to Western Engineering firm for 10% Pakistan share and 90% western digging company share
Calling Pakistani leaders as chor, means that you will only get angels coming down the heavens to run Pakistan.

Or perhaps your own mamoon Jaan will be better to run the Reko Diq, or better the whole Pakistan, or evven better the whole world.

Islam and modern nation state are by definition mutually exclusive.

in fact any religious fundoo concept is inherently anti-nation-state.

However please focus on OP.

if you want to discuss why modern day Islamists have stolen nay aped the marxist ideology, please open a separate thread.

Thank you.

Which pakistani leader who owns billions of dollar worth business in foreign countries, one who ran away to jeddahh ;)

by the way i can run this country better then your Kuggo leader :D your Kuggo leader is chor and his hospital was involve in illegal kidney transplantation , grabbing businesses of pakistanis like Halla Milk , grabing food industry in form of dairy products your kuggo is well on expanding his businesses


Brother potian,

i think u r living in heaven, just like federal government, KPK government also in hurry to issue all the tenders of mining to Mr. Jhangir Tareen.

so please came out from heavens, and try to live in earth, on earth humans live not angels. Federal Government is running by humans, vise versa KPK government also running by humans(Angels according to PTI).

Check out the logic of a patwari he is happy to give GOLD Mines in few pennies as compared to its worth to foreign company and is making point on a Jahangir Tareen's investment in pakistan that too of Granite Mine .. no doubt Patwariz are next level :lol:
..... one who ran away to jeddahh


Bhai Sahib

Eat a lot of badaam. your hafiza is suffering and suffering badly badly.

NS was sent to exile by the military dictator

I hope you never "run away" ever by being kicked out of your homeland.
Everybody's is fuking corrupt in this country ..

Greed is in our very nature by default, it is the exact same everywhere. It is intense efforts in education, upbringing and exposure to acceptables and unacceptables of societies and even more precisely a very strong, transparent and effective check, balance and accountability process that discourage dishonesty and reward honesty.

The solution, a revolution, bloody or otherwise. There is no other way, none at all.
Bhai Sahib

Eat a lot of badaam. your hafiza is suffering and suffering badly badly.

NS was sent to exile by the military dictator

I hope you never "run away" ever by being kicked out of your homeland.

I saw his pic he was crying in jail :lol::lol: he looks perfect there
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