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Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?


Mar 21, 2013
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Bloomberg NewsDecember 1, 2013

The Communist Party summit that recast Xi Jinping as a reformer extraordinaire has produced its first foreign-policy initiative: poking Japan in the eye.

That appears to be the point of China’s declaration of a vast “air defense identification zone,” in which Beijing has essentially claimed the airspace around disputed islands administered by Japan. The provocation came two weeks after the party called for a new national security council to coordinate military, domestic and intelligence operations in China. Political analysts who worried that the body might herald a deepening Asian Cold War weren’t being entirely paranoid.

There’s nothing particularly shocking about such a council, says state-run media. The United States and Russia both have one, after all, and even Japan is talking about creating its own. Besides, as the Xinhua News Agency was kind enough to inform readers in a Nov. 22 explainer, “China is a stabilizer for world peace and security, and the new commission is like a performance guarantee for the stabilizer and will in turn bring benefits to the whole world.”

Tell that to Itsunori Onodera, Japan’s minister of defense, who’s working frantically to decode what China means when it warns that its military may take “defensive emergency measures” if planes don’t identify themselves in the new air defense zone. Or Onodera’s South Korean counterpart, Kim Kwan-jin, since some of China’s zone overlaps with waters off Jeju Island. Or Chuck Hagel, the U.S. defense chief, who got dragged into the controversy and responded, boldly, by flying two unarmed B-52 bombers into the area as way of warning Beijing to back off. When he visits Japan, China and Korea next week, Vice President Joe Biden can expect some testy exchanges.

China’s move belies all the talk of its peaceful, magnanimous rise as a world power. A tiny accident or miscalculation in the skies above the disputed islands – called Senkaku by Japan and Diaoyu by China and Taiwan, which separately claim them – could easily spiral out of control, dragging Washington into a clash that would shake the global economy. Instead of being a stabilizer, China is proving to be a provocateur.

It’s hard not to wonder if political testosterone has gone to Xi’s head. He emerged from China’s recent four-day plenum as the most powerful Chinese leader since Deng Xiaoping. Xi may be especially willing to risk a confrontation with Japan in order to distract opponents of his proposed reforms, as well as ordinary Chinese who are growing restless over pollution, income inequality and official corruption. Nothing brings China’s 1.3 billion people together so easily as hating the Japanese.

China doesn’t deserve all the blame for the precarious state of northeast Asian affairs, of course. That dubious honor must be shared, and owned, by the region’s other two newish leaders: Shinzo Abe of Japan and Park Geun-hye of South Korea. It was Tokyo’s imprudent decision in September 2012 to buy the disputed islands from a private owner that truly incensed Beijing. The purchase might turn out to be the most expensive $26 million investment a government ever made.

Abe is an unapologetic revisionist who remains intent on whitewashing Japan’s World War II aggression, including the government’s role in keeping military sex slaves; flexing Japan’s muscles in Asia; and perhaps revising its pacifist constitution. Park rarely misses a chance to hammer Japan about the sins of the past, though the points she scores at home come at the expense of a critical bilateral relationship.

Yet it is China’s actions that most risk sparking conflict. They also contradict the spirit of reform and “opening up” repeatedly hailed at the Communist Party’s recent plenum. In addition to Japan and Korea, China’s air zone is sure to worry officials in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan, all of which are embroiled in territorial disputes with Beijing. A group of Chinese scholars want Beijing to claim Okinawa, too.

However powerful Xi has become, he’s not adding to China’s store of “soft power” with such behavior. The country took a big hit abroad for its chintzy $100,000 aid offering to the typhoon-devastated Philippines. Media coverage shamed Beijing into upping the donation to $1.6 million. Its inflammatory new policy will only further alienate neighbors.

China says its global ambitions are peaceful and war isn’t in the national DNA. Great. It says it believes in mutual respect for other countries’ domestic affairs. Fine. It says it wants to “make Chinese culture go global.” Sounds good. Beijing’s recent actions, however, inspire little confidence in its words.

William Pesek: Why is China trying to bully its neighbors? | Opinion |
Because they all have small ......s
Like Turkey need to buy China rockets & missiles to protect himself. They all have BIG GUN and don't share with u coz u has a small .......

Big Gun = The Power




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Like Turkey need to buy China rockets & missiles to protect himself.
You mean that cheap missile defense system? It is just a copy of Russian model. Another paper tiger. Do you honestly think Turkey is going to buy that cheap crap? Erdogan is just using you as leverage to push down the price of the competitors. NATO won't allow Chinese hardware to connect to NATO systems. Before you know it you steal NATO tech too.

I do understand NATO and US though. Look at this:

I would act exactly the same as NATO and US if I were in their shoes.
You mean that cheap missile defense system? It is just a copy of Russian model. Another paper tiger. Do you honestly think Turkey is going to buy that cheap crap? Erdogan is just using you as leverage to push down the price of the competitors. NATO won't allow Chinese hardware to connect to NATO systems. Before you know it you steal NATO tech too.
Yes BlaBla...Bla. Who care ?

Still UR GOVERNMENT not U chose China FD-2000 system, and UR ARMY bought weapon-tech from China and equiped China WS-1 MLRS and B-611 missiles.
Yes BlaBla...Bla. Who care ?

Still UR GOVERNMENT not U chose China FD-2000 system, and UR ARMY bought weapon-tech from China and equiped China WS-1 MLRS and B-611 missiles.
They didn't choose shy1t. They are still negotiating. Your equipment is not even second class. It is third class and 20 years outdated plus copied from Russian models. So much for Chinese "tech". No way fd-2000 system that is 20 years outdated will be replaced by our current NATO systems. It is just trick as I said to push down the prices of the competitors.
They didn't choose shy1t. They are still negotiating. Your equipment is not even second class. It is third class and 20 years outdated plus copied from Russian models. So much for Chinese "tech". No way fd-2000 system that is 20 years outdated will be replaced by our current NATO systems. It is just trick as I said to push down the prices of the competitors.

Their weapons aren't as bad as you make them seem, lol. Even their grad rockets are more effective than any other grad rockets.
China don't use Al Qaeda beheading democrats to invade countries unlike JEW USA

Krueger is a JEW name, they want to destroy everything and install the World's capital at Jerusalem

Their plan is becoming the World's Kings and live doing nothing
It shouldn't be hard to have a bigger one than your yellow ....s :coffee:
It shouldn't be hard to have some West advanced rocket & missile to replace WS-1 & B-611 in Turkey ARMY ... the question is when the West will transfer advanced rocket & missile techonology to replace these "China craps" in Turkey ARMY ?

NO MONEY NO TALK, ur master treat u. Before u can afford expensive price, just enjoy these "China craps" in ur ARMY.

BTW China has good relationship with ur neighbors - Greece and Armenia, i believe our "cheap & crap" China weapons would help their ...... bigger than urs, our customers all over the world.:coffee:
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Changing title is not plagiarism. Stealing f-35 design and coppying it, calling it slightly different is what real plagiarism is.

OP's source ripped the article from Pesek's Bloomberg column, changed the title, and omitted to provide the original source. That's plagiarism. I understand that you have no opportunity to publish academic work in your mental asylum, but if you had any experience with formal education, you should know that academic dishonesty, evident in OP's work, is forbidden.
Or maybe if you had built your own weapon, your government would not even have such action of negotiating about buying those "cheap and copied" toys.
Speaking of copying, I wonder if those Polish said sth like:
"OMG those German has tanks? They are so cheap they copy from the UK!!!@$#"
Simple they can and we i mean all of the nations of the world consented it was a mistake
It shouldn't be hard to have some West advanced rocket & missile to replace WS-1 & B-611 in Turkey ARMY ... the question is when the West will transfer advanced rocket & missile techonology to replace these "China craps" in Turkey ARMY ?

NO MONEY NO TALK, ur master treat u. Before u can afford expensive price, just enjoy these "China craps" in ur ARMY.

BTW China has good relationship with ur neighbors - Greece and Armenia, i believe our "cheap & crap" China weapons would help their ...... bigger than urs, our customers all over the world.:coffee:
Ohhhh, you have relations with broke Greece and second worst economy of the world Armenia. So what? :coffee: We have relationship with all of your neighbors :D Japan, India, Indonesia, Thailand, US, etc countries that are economically and military very strong and can do really great damage to China. Japan helped us with marmaray projec, he was here not long ago and said Turkic relation is very important for Japan. You do the math.

OP's source ripped the article from Pesek's Bloomberg column, changed the title, and omitted to provide the original source. That's plagiarism. I understand that you have no opportunity to publish academic work in your mental asylum, but if you had any experience with formal education, you should know that academic dishonesty, evident in OP's work, is forbidden.
You should apply the same principles to China.
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You mean that cheap missile defense system? It is just a copy of Russian model. Another paper tiger. Do you honestly think Turkey is going to buy that cheap crap? Erdogan is just using you as leverage to push down the price of the competitors. NATO won't allow Chinese hardware to connect to NATO systems. Before you know it you steal NATO tech too.

I do understand NATO and US though. Look at this:

I would act exactly the same as NATO and US if I were in their shoes.

If China's missile defense system is a total crap, how could it put pressure on NATO to give you a better bargain? Do you think NATO is stupid? Or you are simply stupid?
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