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Why India's constitution will get abolished in the next 10-15 years and officially enter a state of dictatorship under a populist regime


Jul 18, 2021
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India is falling from the within.. It has failed as civilization 8 years ago and it has other issues because it doesn't understand the dangers of extremism and populism towards itself.. Letting populism get out of hand it will eventually burn the one who has turned on it.

Example if you see the EU they carry out raids against these extremist far right-wings and extremist elements in order to keep them under check because they are dangerous even to the country itself and thru out the EU they are considered as national security risk for a good reason but BJP's experiment on populism has got out of hand and Modi and his team did it for power but not to turn the country into Facsism but the BJP has lost control over it now. There is no returning back.

BJP is extremely too light for the ISIS-versions coming up who might even seek ways and eventually cause the self-destruction of India but that is for another topic but the point is that the regime has lost control of it. They have no idea how fanatic the groups coming up are.. As a Pakistani I speak with experience because if someone was stupid enough to try to feed ISIS in your borders the first thing it will take out is the you.

Hence these extremists will abolish the constitution, no more elections with one man show. Banning all political groups, they will kill of anything they assume to be woke and cut relations with the west, international community and other allies because they are to woke for this extremists taste.

The state police is compromised and so is the army but not to the extend the police is compromised but the armed forces will follow soon which is how they will come to power.

But mark my words before 2040 they will come to power and abolish the ethablisment and constitution this is the worst enemy and I have already conversed with some of them
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It's impossible.

Because this means that the USA has lost its means of manipulating India.
It's impossible.

Because this means that the USA has lost its means of manipulating India.

The US has no control over India and has lost that since Modi era and the west is only trying to check china meaning trying to keep the Indian and Pakistani both as neutral towards them.

India has itself to fend for and basically the state is now overshadowed by other elements who seem to be gathered a momentum at faster rate
I see two problems with India.

A. Indians are incapable of replicating China's success in industrializing at the same scale - because of systemic problems, especially red tape-related issues. Economy is moribund ('Hindu' rate of growth) and approaching stagflation situation. Only thing that is holding India in check is massive amounts of remittance from Indian overseas expats and artificially low levels of consumption within India - Godi media propaganda to the contrary notwithstanding. India's large size and self supporting industries supplying it are also a respite - with low levels of imports needed.

B. As a result the political apparatus and central administration is free for manipulation by people like Modi, who are using existing religious bigotry combined with economic problems to make hay, semi-educated gullible/bigoted electorate will increasingly drive the polity toward fascism, like Germany or Italy during the late 1930's.

This is alarming to any casual observer outside India. The signs are visible now in how many Indians are deciding to leave India at any possible opportunity. Indians are the largest group of illegal immigrants globally, I'd say by no fault of their own. When conditions at home are this dire, one is left with no choice.

However I will also say that India will survive this situation, as they have - like many times in the past.
Not gonna happen.

Neither is the constitution going to be abolished and neither will there be any emergency.

That is not because India has great institutional safeguards or its leaders are beholden to these pieces of paper.

Rather, the Billa-Ranga duo will just do anything and everything they can....with a free hand and get away with it, without having to either abolish the constitution or declare emergency.
India is falling from the within.. It has failed as civilization 8 years ago and it has other issues because it doesn't understand the dangers of extremism and populism towards itself.. Letting populism get out of hand it will eventually burn the one who has turned on it.

Example if you see the EU they carry out raids against these extremist far right-wings and extremist elements in order to keep them under check because they are dangerous even to the country itself and thru out the EU they are considered as national security risk for a good reason but BJP's experiment on populism has got out of hand and Modi and his team did it for power but not to turn the country into Facsism but the BJP has lost control over it now. There is no returning back.

BJP is extremely too light for the ISIS-versions coming up who might even seek ways and eventually cause the self-destruction of India but that is for another topic but the point is that the regime has lost control of it. They have no idea how fanatic the groups coming up are.. As a Pakistani I speak with experience because if someone was stupid enough to try to feed ISIS in your borders the first thing it will take out is the you.

Hence these extremists will abolish the constitution, no more elections with one man show. Banning all political groups, they will kill of anything they assume to be woke and cut relations with the west, international community and other allies because they are to woke for this extremists taste.

The state police is compromised and so is the army but not to the extend the police is compromised but the armed forces will follow soon which is how they will come to power.

But mark my words before 2040 they will come to power and abolish the ethablisment and constitution this is the worst enemy and I have already conversed with some of them
ISIS is getting hammered in Afghanistan and have no takers in this part of the world. ISIS has better chance in Pakistan with millions of momin already radicalized.

Bilal bhai,

Economy is moribund ('Hindu' rate of growth) and approaching stagflation situation.

A 6% economic growth and projections of 5% inflation is hardly a stagflation!

Only thing that is holding India in check is massive amounts of remittance from Indian overseas expats and artificially low levels of consumption within India -

I am surprised that a Bangladeshi (of all people) has a problem with "massive amounts of remittances" and "low levels of consumption"


Bilal bhai,

Economy is moribund ('Hindu' rate of growth) and approaching stagflation situation.

A 6% economic growth and projections of 5% inflation is hardly a stagflation!

Only thing that is holding India in check is massive amounts of remittance from Indian overseas expats and artificially low levels of consumption within India -

I am surprised that a Bangladeshi (of all people) has a problem with "massive amounts of remittances" and "low levels of consumption"


I will differ with you on the first point (too many instances of evidence in supporting this). If you are taking cue from official Indian media - then so be it.

Correct on the second one - however my opinion still stands. It is a bit of "what-aboutism" on your part - if I may say so..... :-)

Bangladesh is already an autocracy. However we are talking about India here - which claims to be a democracy still.

I was expecting you to refute my points.

Nostradamus, will a Muslim genocide also take place?

In India - yes there will be one.
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