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Why India Will Soon Outpace China

if you are sure we cooked our numbers, how can you be so sure you yindoos haven't already surpassed us? time to celebrate already! yindu supapowua!
China does cook its numbers. It's understated which is good.
This is cooked right?




I haven't said that China hasn't developed well. You took my post out of context.

My post was about outpacing China in growth which hasn't happened yet as admitted my post that you quoted. If China was to slow down and their growth rate had become lower than India's we would probably never know because a lot of their numbers are exaggerated if you believe the various media reports. Their growth is impressive, none is doubting that.

Also, for the pictures-

China's Ghost Cities... Are Multiplying | Zero Hedge
I haven't said that China hasn't developed well. You took my post out of context.

My post was about outpacing China in growth which hasn't happened yet as admitted my post that you quoted. If China was to slow down and their growth rate had become lower than India's we would probably never know because a lot of their numbers are exaggerated if you believe the various media reports. Their growth is impressive, none is doubting that.

Also, for the pictures-

China's Ghost Cities... Are Multiplying | Zero Hedge
Are you retard?if you believe the various media reports, China was collapsing every year for past 30 years
I haven't said that China hasn't developed well. You took my post out of context.

My post was about outpacing China in growth which hasn't happened yet as admitted my post that you quoted. If China was to slow down and their growth rate had become lower than India's we would probably never know because a lot of their numbers are exaggerated if you believe the various media reports. Their growth is impressive, none is doubting that.

Also, for the pictures-

China's Ghost Cities... Are Multiplying | Zero Hedge

In China, the cities are built first, then populated.
In India, the population streams to existing cities and slum the area.

The is an urbanization drive going on in China, hundreds of millions are expected to move into cities over the next few decades. Should China do it the Indian way and make do as people over populate existing cities? Whats that word - Jugard?

This Narendra Modi is an interesting character but even if he wields as much power as Deng Xiao Peng did back in 1978, he has one hell of a task in front of him.
in order to be a real economy a country has to be both, eventually China will catch up with you in services once they get hold of english language.

Chinese service sector is 3.7 times the size of India. Sure, Chinese service sector's GDP percentage is smaller, but the overall economy is way bigger. Heck, Chinese service sector by itself is more than twice of India's entire GDP.

In China, the cities are built first, then populated.
In India, the population streams to existing cities and slum the area.

The is an urbanization drive going on in China, hundreds of millions are expected to move into cities over the next few decades. Should China do it the Indian way and make do as people over populate existing cities? Whats that word - Jugard?

This Narendra Modi is an interesting character but even if he wields as much power as Deng Xiao Peng did back in 1978, he has one hell of a task in front of him.

I read some of the issues Modi is supposed to sort out. One of them is localization of the politics. Basically it says it involves the problem with local governments are not following the central ones. I would like to point out it took the ancient Chinese some 700 years to fix that particular problem and it took Europeans close to two millennia to fix part of it. If India could fix that in less than 300 years it would have been the fastest in human history.
Japan is all inclusive economy they dont depend on any other country for anything, Today you can move Japan to Moon and they will have the same standard of living as they now

You are, of course, kidding. Japan is one of the most import reliant nation in the world. (What do you expect? It is only 360,000 square km in size and lot of that is in volcanic mountains. It also have to support of a 100 million+ population.) Japan is heavily reliant on import of agriculture, raw material and energy. This is one of the main reasons that prompted Japanese expansion in early half of 20th century.
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