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Why India will always remain the underdog.

This is what see in UK.

Pakistanis are a hated community in UK. That is fact.

We have loads of anti Islam debates in our country
LoL. India is a dysfunctional country who chooses Prime Minister Modi, who can not produce children, speaks alot about 1.4 billion Indians electing 'impotent' Prime Minister.

India has separatist movements outnumber any separatist, independence and extremist struggle in the whole world.

Arunachal Pradesh, Assam separatist movements, Maoists Naxalities movement in over 40% part of India, Manipur independence struggle, Mizoram secessionist movement led by the Mizo National Front, Nagaland's proposed state of Nagalim or People's Republic of Nagaland, the most important Jammu and Kashmir region, Khalistan movement in Punjab, Tripura, and all these below:
  • Bengal Liberation Army — Organisation struggling for the secession of West Bengal from the Indian Union and uniting it with Bangladesh, formerly known as East Bengal province of India.
  • Maratha Rashtra Parishad — Advocating the restoration of Shivaji's 18th-century Maratha Empire.
  • Sikkim National Party is a political party in Sikkim, Formed in 1950. National Party was in favour of the monarchy and advocated independence for Sikkim.
  • Tamil Nadu Liberation Army is demanding a separate Tamil Nadu
Do you want me to say more, India can never be on par with Pakistan/China, to weak, too coward and to internally destable....basically Failed State.

I' am Tamil Nadu, but never ever heard of any incident or even a small agitation in my state in the name of "Tamil Nadu Liberation Army" as far as my memory serves.

But, you seems to be a good entertainer. I' am expecting much more to come. Please do not disappoint us. :P
In 65 years, India excels Pakistan in many fields - thenews.com.pk

A quick look at facts listed below, sourced from Unesco
and World Bank, highlight how Indians have better
educated themselves than Pakistan.
1. India, despite a population 6 times that of Pakistan
had fewer or just 3 million out-of-school children at
Primary level in 2010, compared to some 7.0 million in
2. Net Primary School Enrollment in India is 92.1 per
cent, whereas it is just about 70 per cent in Pakistan
3. Primary completion rate in India, both for males and
females is 95 per cent, whereas the same for Pakistan is
only 67 per cent for males and under 60 per cent for
4. India spends over 3 per cent of its GDP on education,
while Pakistan barely spends under 2 per cent.
5. Adult literacy rate in India is approx 63 per cent; in
Pakistan it is just about 55 per cent.
6. Youth literacy in India is 81 per cent. Pakistan: just 71
per cent.
7. Female literacy rate in India is 50 per cent; it is less
than 40 per cent in Pakistan.
8. Indian scientists excel in areas of defence technology,
space research, electronics and avionics, genetics,
banking and telecommunications. India produces 10,000
PhDs every year, about 4,000 of these in the faculties of
science and technology alone. Pakistan produces just
about 800 PhDs altogether.
9. India produces more PhDs every year than Pakistan
has produced in the last 20 years.

Bro, It looks like AsianUnion thinks population growth = human capital growth.
I' am Tamil Nadu, but never ever heard of any incident or even a small agitation in my state in the name of "Tamil Nadu Liberation Army" as far as my memory serves.

But, you seems to be a good entertainer. I' am expecting much more to come. Please do not disappoint us. :P

Neither I ever heard of Bengal Liberation Army, but he has heard it all. :D
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