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Why India no longer trusts anti-Modi media

The reason why dynastic Congress is more dangerous than the BJP is that the alternative to Modi is Rahul Gandhi. In a country where people sleep and poop on the streets, more important than religious sensitivities is economic growth and security. Whatever might be the committed core of BJP, The vast majority of people who voted For Modi voted for growth not for religion. Rahul Gandhi is only 45 years old, if Congress wins the next election, this guy could be PM for another 25 years. He has proven himself incapable of running even his own constituency let alone anything as complex as India. Congress is incapable of choosing a strong candidate outside of the Gandhi family, the only alternative to Rahul is his sister Priyanka! Even North Korea does better than this. India is already way behind other countries in Asia on the economic front. We cannot afford to lose more time as our population explodes.

The return of Congress means that any hope for a modern India can be safely put off for another generation. As for the. Muslim question, this has been a running sore for centuries. Everyone is tired of it. 1/2 million people died terrible deaths in the mid 20th century because Muslims decided they could not live with Hindus. Congress policies of the last 70 years has not satisfied anyone including Muslims themselves. We need a break. We need to put this intractable problem aside and concentrate on tackling the thousands of other problems we face at least for a generation. The entire country cannot and should not be held hostage to sensitivities.

Edit - BTW. I don't disagree with your points, it's just that I think that we have to work with the best alternative we have.

As a few people have already pointed out on this thread, the real issues are about the economy and its medium-term trajectory. There are major financial sector reforms that are pending right now, including financial disclosure. Black money menace is still lurking. GST is yet to be passed. There are so many issues - on some the goverment is doing okay but on several others it needs a kick on the butt.

Where is the collective public pressure on these issue? Instead all we have is semi-literate JNU-type nonsense on "intolerance". These people think they are doing everyone a great service by crowing on about the only thing that they understand. To a hammer, everything appears to be a nail.
smart enough to understand that such a logic can be used against Nidhi Razdan and Omar Abdullah also!
No it can't, since no one credible who can be sued is saying that. You can't sue annonymous internet users and blogs. Only credible link was from MJ Akbar's Sunday Gurdian who put the headline in quote as in a claim so that they are not sued over it.
Bhakts & Modi todies always whine full throttle on Twitter against Indian Media with names like #Prestitutes, #Mediadalal #Newstraders and what not. And this has been going on since decade.

All these rants stay exposed now in the light of BJP/Modi rule wherein Modi/BJP does nothing to control or contain such situation, take it head on. If this is of no effect. read to this:

Watch recent Aap ki Adalat show, Rajat Sharma interviews Deven Fadnavis, maharashtra CM. Sharma asked him a question, whereupon he said its all media which tweaks & twists. Upon his (such) reply Sharma shot back by asking Fadnavis, why dont you do something against Media, every time you blame media only. "Iska ilaj kiya hai?" Rajat Sharma asks.

Fadnavis: "Ye la ilaj hai, iska koi ilaj nahi"

After being at the helm for 18 months Modi/BJP cant do anything to regulate media, what does it portray?

That BJP/Modi has no recourse against Media, and these Modi todies are just ranting for nothing.

Either Bhakts have no case, or Modi has no case against Media who is helpless being a PM of India to take the bull by the horns against alleged Media misbehavior.

So its futile to call names against the Media. And the irony being, when something good is printed/displayed about BJP/Modi, they quote the same and make it viral on social media. WTF!

No it can't, since no one credible who can be sued is saying that. You can't sue annonymous internet users and blogs. Only credible link was from MJ Akbar's Sunday Gurdian who put the headline in quote as in a claim so that they are not sued over it.

One doesn't need to be someone very credible to get sued!
One doesn't need to be someone very credible to get sued!
Yes, but don't think jacob martin of pdf fits the bill. You are intelligent enough to differentiate between wapo editor and annonymous troll, the former is putting her reputation in line.

These are lawsuits to know the identity of those annonymous bloggers. Sorry but you are not enough nuisance that someone would bother to sue pdf to know who you are in real life.
Bhakt thread. Change topic to 'why India no longer trusts Modi' and you'll find a more accurate assessment of the situation.
Why you are so much obsessed with 'bhakts'?? I'm also Indian. And I'm know what is better for my country. I'm not supporter of Shangh or nor I supourter of siv sena. But I still support Mr. Modi. I know he has vision of progress India. He has many good policy which is better for our country and the people. Indian economy has become worlds fastest growing economy. Can't you see this?? Or you just suffering from any Congress bhakti desease. The kind of vision you have will not help you . once I was also supporter of Congress but then I see the condition of my country in Congress regime. Then I decided to chose Mr. Modi for the goodness of my country. And I'm tottaly satisfied with his work yet. So open your mind and see the reality around you for the sake of our country.
These are lawsuits to know the identity of those annonymous bloggers.

Your claim was that blogs and anonymous bloggers can't be sued.

Yes, but don't think jacob martin of pdf fits the bill. You are intelligent enough to differentiate between wapo editor and annonymous troll, the former is putting her reputation in line.

You know that's not what he meant but you still had to, didn't you? Seems sniveling passive-agressive behaviour is a compulsion.
Yes, but don't think jacob martin of pdf fits the bill. You are intelligent enough to differentiate between wapo editor and annonymous troll, the former is putting her reputation in line.

That's the whole point of this thread, media houses and journalists are no more worried about their reputation of being impartial and unbiased. 'Reputed' journalists like Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi are still in the business even after the Radia tapes...all is fare now.

And don't miss Kapil Sibal's statement about the 150 pro-Congressi media publications in the OP, I have highlighted it.
Your claim was that blogs and anonymous bloggers can't be sued.

You know that's not what he meant but you still had to, didn't you? Seems sniveling passive-agressive behaviour is a compulsion.
Leaving everything aside, you do realize that your present argument that you can be sued because of spreading misinformation actually invalidates your initial assertion that what you say about Omar is true, do you not? What a tool! :lol:

That's the whole point of this thread, media houses and journalists are no more worried about their reputation of being impartial and unbiased. 'Reputed' journalists like Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi are still in the business even after the Radia tapes...all is fare now.

And don't miss Kapil Sibal's statement about the 150 pro-Congressi media publications in the OP, I have highlighted it.

That's not true, journalists only have their reputation to sell, barkha et al managed to save their jobs but their clout is nowhere near to what it used be pre radia controversy! People don't take barkha or vir sangvi seriously anymore because they think their journalistic integrity has been compromised.

Also it's kejriwal level cynicism to think wapo is hands in gloves with ndtv et al to do hitjob on modi. Sab miley hue nehi hai!!
your present argument that you can be sued because spreading misinformation actually invalidates your initial assertion that what you say about Omar is true,

Because....? Citing news clippings/blogs is not misinformation. In any case, truth is a defence in defamation cases. For that, read Dering vs Uris [1964], where Professor Dering ultimately won a defamation case against Leon Uris, the noted author, because ONE of the claims made by him was proven untrue. However, as the reputation of Professor Dering had already been torn to shreds by then, the court held that his remaining reputation was worth only half-a-penny.

You should heed the advice.
People who appreciate Modi and this govt are better off not interacting with the clearly "Modi/BJP are evil/fascist no matter what they do" crowd in these kinds of topics. You are simply going to run up against a brick wall of sheer desperation, catchphrases and sheer stubborness/outright stupidity....and you will find yourself quite sullied in the process as they take you around and around in their circular logic trolling ways.

Let the economy keep growing and accelerating, country keep improving, reforms keep coming and nation keep maturing.

Never again will we let those that enacted and supported Emergency ever control the Union govt again.

They have suffered a massive crushing defeat in LS 2014 and they are still in panic/desperation mode for the most part even after Bihar.

Even if real growth was higher than 10%, rural growth even higher than that (as if there was a magic switch that exists for that), not one case of communal violence happens (and the issue magically evaporates all together in a country the size of India) ....these people will still be against it, say the country is heading to doom, that only "secular" "tolerant congress/AAP/JDU and even parties like RJD with the likes of Laloo deserve to lead India because shameless pandering to minorities is the ultimate proof of "secularist" credentials.

Let them fester in their desperation as this years growth looks to be going from strength to strength and such programs like PMJDY, MUDRA really expand their networks into the rural bases that voted Modi and continue to extend support for Modi (and are at the very least patient with giving him a solid chance to deliver his promises over his mandate).

Modi knows the priorities very well....the "liberal "secular" anti-Modi elite constitute a tiny % in population but wield much control over the Media (but thankfully not that much over businesses)....whereas the votes come from the poor entrenched masses of Rural India and the aspiring low income and middle income classes....who do watch the media....but are not stupid at letting a clear Anti-Modi agenda occupy their mind when they have physical evidence to see (as seen in RG presentation in Mount Carmel college which anti-Modi crowd have all shied away from addressing in their utter humiliation).

The mandate is secure, the reform program is on and I am sure Modi with time will find a balanced way to deal with the biased Media. Right now he is focused on other things.....he is more worried about delivering the bite rather than the bark....the complete 180 of the typical sickular politicians that the anti-Modi crowd are all in love with.

So just sit back and watch. They are utterly mad and desperate that there are no mass uprisings or large instances of muzzafarbad level communal violence going on/responding to their "intolerance" campaign. It is quite plain to see they would rather India wither and perish in flames of communal hatred or fester under swamps of poverty and ignorance....rather than grow and prosper and reclaim its position in the world outside their stewardship.....a stewardship that was given to them on the platter for 60 years or more and which they squandered royally. So to hide that glaring failure, they must try bring down the alternatives in any way possible by inventing whatever narrative is required.

Basic issue at play is butthurt from the absolutist congressi/sickular types. Therefore you can't really reason rationally with butthurt. So let them be guys....only inject the calm composed facts and numbers where needed. There is no point beyond that. You are wasting time trying to engage in any sort of debate with the lost causes. Identify the hmmm-hawers and engage with them in more detail as required.
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