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Why India needs to maintain ties with China cleverly

Nobody supports what happened in the Tiananmen incident, and nobody supports what happened during the Cultural Revolution. Especially not the current Chinese leadership.
yes.............I read in a magazine, that Xi's father himself was ousted during the cultural revolution and was later brought back by Deng...............I don't imagine as the President, he would be very sympathetic to the supporters of the revolution.
yes.............I read in a magazine, that Xi's father himself was ousted during the cultural revolution and was later brought back by Deng...............I don't imagine as the President, he would be very sympathetic to the supporters of the revolution.

They all suffered during the Cultural revolution.

Not just Xi Jinping but also Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. Deng Xiaoping too, pretty much the entire Chinese leadership.

Wen Jiabao reveals his family was persecuted under Mao - Telegraph

Even Bo Xilai, his mother was killed during this period. None of the current Chinese leaders would ever support what happened during such tragic incidences.
They all suffered during the Cultural revolution.

Not just Xi Jinping but also Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. Deng Xiaoping too, pretty much the entire Chinese leadership.

Wen Jiabao reveals his family was persecuted under Mao - Telegraph

Even Bo Xilai, his mother was killed during this period. None of the current Chinese leaders would ever support what happened in Tiananmen square or what happened during the Cultural revolution.

Then why don't they condemn Tienanmen Square publicily??Specially if they have solid reason to be opposed to the leadership who was responsible for it??
Then why don't they condemn Tienanmen Square publicily??Specially if they have solid reason to be opposed to the leadership who was responsible for it??

They officially see both the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen incident as great tragedies in Chinese history.

They currently don't want people talking about the latter, so an "official apology" may be made at a later time. But it will be made to us, the Chinese people, not to you or any outsiders.
They officially see both the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen incident as great tragedies in Chinese history.

They currently don't want people talking about the latter, so an "official apology" may be made at a later time. But it will be made to us, the Chinese people, not to you or any outsiders.
What about the leaders who support the incident?? Are any still out there??
They officially see both the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen incident as great tragedies in Chinese history.

They currently don't want people talking about the latter, so an "official apology" may be made at a later time. But it will be made to us, the Chinese people, not to you or any outsiders.

You supposedly the people of China should condemn the act fully. But ironically like the ccp you come out and support the govt on it. Now the question is the do Chinese posters represent the chinese or the ccp. Guess we all know the answer!
You supposedly the people of China should condemn the act fully. But ironically like the ccp you come out and support the govt on it. Now the question is the do Chinese posters represent the chinese or the ccp. Guess we all know the answer!

I fully condemn the excessive use of force during the Tiananmen incident, and I have been on many rallies and protests regarding this issue.

Regardless, if India wants to deal with China, you have to deal with the Chinese Government.

And the Chinese Government seem to take a better view of India than the Chinese people do (according to the International polls). So it is a big opportunity for India while they are still in power.
I fully condemn the excessive use of force during the Tiananmen incident, and I have been on many rallies and protests regarding this issue.

Regardless, if India wants to deal with China, you have to deal with the Chinese Government.

And the Chinese Government seem to take a better view of India than the Chinese people do (according to the International polls). So it is a big opportunity for India while they are still in power.

i appreciate that sane people like you persist in china ! and we sure as hell understand that the day chinese people take street against govt. atrocities , there will be another TIANANMEN (maybe bigger ). even your families won't be safe !

maybe we have to understand chinese model of governance as "not people's goverment" but like a private company (only bigger) with shareholders and CEOs . they are improving the status of country at cost of your freedom . initially it seems ok , but later on you always wish for freedom .
i appreciate that sane people like you persist in china ! and we sure as hell understand that the day chinese people take street against govt. atrocities , there will be another TIANANMEN (maybe bigger ). even your families won't be safe !

maybe we have to understand chinese model of governance as "not people's goverment" but like a private company (only bigger) with shareholders and CEOs . they are improving the status of country at cost of your freedom . initially it seems ok , but later on you always wish for freedom .

Development comes first.

This is the East Asian model of development, high investment in industry during the beginning phase, under an autocratic government, followed by increased social liberties AFTER development is complete.

Same thing happened South Korea, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. During the early development phase they were all de-facto one party systems. After they became "developed" countries, then they became full democracies.

But China still has 10-20 years left before we reach that stage. Until then, social liberties will come slowly. The kind of "democracy" that we are pursuing right now means increased transparency and accountability under a one-party system.
Development comes first.

This is the East Asian model of development, high investment in industry during the beginning phase, under an autocratic government, followed by increased social liberties AFTER development is complete.

Same thing happened South Korea, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. During the early development phase they were all de-facto one party systems. After they became "developed" countries, then they became full democracies.

But China still has 10-20 years left before we reach that stage. Until then, social liberties will come slowly. The kind of "democracy" that we are pursuing right now means increased transparency and accountability under a one-party system.

i hope to see that coming, but i highly doubt that your govt upper echelon which is practically imperial in attitude is going to give in to democracy , specially when nobody can force them to. this "powerlust" also exists in all countries but 5 yr elections are failsafe to take them out , which china is lacking and unfortunately might lack in future due to aforementioned reasons .
If India and China are sensible they will partner together closely. Together these two can DOMINATE the world, literally dominate it. Sperately they can do a lot but together they can do much,MUCH more. These two can go down the road as rivals or the more benifical road of freinds where everyone benifits. Forget the baggage of the US,Pakistan, whatever. Cast them aside.

One can only hope.
i hope to see that coming, but i highly doubt that your govt upper echelon which is practically imperial in attitude is going to give in to democracy , specially when nobody can force them to. this "powerlust" also exists in all countries but 5 yr elections are failsafe to take them out , which china is lacking and unfortunately might lack in future due to aforementioned reasons .

Times change. No Government lasts forever, and the current one is no exception.

But that is a long way away. We still need a LOT of development first.
Try not to quote me. I saw your high IQ in previous discussion in SAF thread. So spare me :rofl:

And you better be warnning investors ;)

Why suddenly change the topic, b'cos u're running out of words to counter my point here again. LOLOL...

Well, in order to prove my case, let me cite this example on how you indians love to make suckers out of others. Can you still recall this accident that was happened in india before 2010?
Vedanta employees arrested during India chimney collapse inquiry | Business | The Guardian

An Indian company, XXX (a 49% government owned Coy) engaged a PRC's Power(electric) Coy to construct a power plant which had in turn engaged the help of a local indian civil coy do up the structure work in order to house the eqiupment. Unfourtunately, the structure was constructed by a bunch of incompetent local indian engineers and project manager(cum CEO) and it collapsed during a heavy downpour and killed many workers on site. But somehow the PRC's engineers were arrested for the crime that they didn't commit! why sooooooo??????

1. Indians have no clue on how the poject works are run; they simply can't even differentiate who is suppose to do what e.g. electrical works and civil works here.
2. Illogical and unconventional practices were widely used by the indians e.g. awarding a foreign Power coy not just to do up the power plant but also asking them to undertake the associate structural work which is highly inpractical especially when good INDIAN workers and engineers are extremely scare to find in india.
3. No sense of any ethics and honors by their business man and their leaders i.e. utilised unqualified engineer, project managers.
4. Most Important point here i.e. when one is in another land, one is posed to subject to many dangers such as lose of possessions and money, or in above case, lose of freedom and life if commited for homicide by some useless law enforcers. And indians have shown that they are not stingy at all in such practices since the above case is just only one of the many cases that had happened.

That's the main reason why I said " Once bitten, twice shy" in my earlier post. BTW, do I have to go on to cite the commomwealth games...

Why suddenly change the topic, b'cos u're running out of words to counter my point here again. LOLOL...


You are Lolita no.2 :tup:

Read my post again.I was replying to CD. You are NOT worth of replying so Not going to reply you :rofl: and not because I can't. It's all because I don't want to reply to YOU :D apparently I have better things to do than arguing with somebody of your lQ level.

Still I use some of my time just to tell you this :rofl:

keep quoting ;)
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