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In the NATO forces, but Indian forces doesn't use the same sat, com or data links, that's why the avonics upgrade of the Block 3 is pretty much useless for us, since we have to replace the US systems with Indian, Israeli or European once, just as we did in the C130Js, C17s or P8Is, so that's not a point for the Apache. One also have the question the use of such a capability for India anyway, since that's mainly a capability aimed on NATO forces operating in foreign country. To get better surveillance of areas they don't know or don't control. Our combat helicopters will mainly used within India, which changes the scenario too.

So, you saying we should reject the Apache or join the NATO? :P
In the NATO forces, but Indian forces doesn't use the same sat, com or data links, that's why the avonics upgrade of the Block 3 is pretty much useless for us, since we have to replace the US systems with Indian, Israeli or European once, just as we did in the C130Js, C17s or P8Is, so that's not a point for the Apache. One also have the question the use of such a capability for India anyway, since that's mainly a capability aimed on NATO forces operating in foreign country. To get better surveillance of areas they don't know or don't control. Our combat helicopters will mainly used within India, which changes the scenario too.
AFAIK only satcom will be replaced with indian system. but the networking capability with other AH will be the same of E model won't be changed. apachi e model have the ability to control UAV, and this feature impressed the IAF.
india is intended to use those apaches against china and pakistan, LCH will be enough for using within india.
So, you saying we should reject the Apache or join the NATO? :P

Actually I'm saying that we shouldn't let ourself blind by capabilities that don't apply to us, nor would be important for Indian forces.

india is intended to use those apaches against china

Not really, they are intended to replace Mi 35 squads in IAF, which are operated in the north western borders.
In the NATO forces, but Indian forces doesn't use the same sat, com or data links, that's why the avonics upgrade of the Block 3 is pretty much useless for us, since we have to replace the US systems with Indian, Israeli or European once, just as we did in the C130Js, C17s or P8Is, so that's not a point for the Apache. One also have the question the use of such a capability for India anyway, since that's mainly a capability aimed on NATO forces operating in foreign country. To get better surveillance of areas they don't know or don't control. Our combat helicopters will mainly used within India, which changes the scenario too.

Aren't Apache supposed to accompany Armored corps and hit radars, both of whom are in Pakistan?
Aren't Apache supposed to accompany Armored corps and hit radars, both of whom are in Pakistan?

Any attack helicopter can do that, since they are used in the same manner and with the same weapons. Even a Rudra with ATGMs can do that and that's SEAD is only possibile role, not the main one. IAF is only mentioning that to convince MoD that they need attack helicopters, but in Iraq the US used Apaches of the US Army to attack the radar stations, which shows that you only need proper interaction between the forces and not duplication of the same capability in IAF and IA.
India doesn't need anything. Pakistan doesn't even have attack helicopters in its Air Force and when it comes to its Army's Air Corps it only has some ancient Cobra helicopters that will easily be countered by the Rudras and the LCHs that are expected to arrive soon.

I don't see why the Mi-35s have to be replaced. Unless Russia isn't providing you with spares on purpose or something they are fine helicopters.
I don't see why the Mi-35s have to be replaced. Unless Russia isn't providing you with spares on purpose or something they are fine helicopters.

That is because the Hinds that we have are ancient; after the first batch, we haven't purchased any gunships.

Also, the LCH needs a complementary heavier gunship to add firepower to our tank and troop columns.
Comparative costs......

Mi-28NE Night Hunter - $30 million per unit.
Ka-52 - $20 million per unit.

AH-64A: $20M (2007) per unit cost
AH-64D:$65M (2010)
AH-64E: $35.5M (2014)

The IAF is going in for 22 AH-64D Longbow Block III's at a cool $65 million a pop!

In May 2013, the Indian Army requested for 11 AH-64Es for its Aviation Corps. This should materialize soon.

What is the difference between D & E models and why India is purchasing D ones instead of E?

Apache is a helicopter which ever modern military like to have, its best in its category.

India doesn't need anything. Pakistan doesn't even have attack helicopters in its Air Force and when it comes to its Army's Air Corps it only has some ancient Cobra helicopters that will easily be countered by the Rudras and the LCHs that are expected to arrive soon.

I don't see why the Mi-35s have to be replaced. Unless Russia isn't providing you with spares on purpose or something they are fine helicopters.

Your post shows you have no knowledge how attack helicopters are used, attack helicopters don't fight each other in battle field, its the infantry and armor units who face them, so Pakistani Cobras are still dangerous as they can fire TOW-2 missiles, also PAA is looking in T-129s & Mi-28NEs for replacement of Cobras, PAF don't use attack helicopters as its not their role and mandate to do so, PAA do that and it allows them to have CAS without bringing air force in which will be burdened in case of war with India.

Also India is taking same route and providing new Apaches to IA, which shows attack helicopters are better off with army then air force.

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