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Why India must surrender to China in Ladakh

The recommendation represents a best case scenario for Indian interests. In reality, India needs to make some form of external compromise with China and Pakistan to relieve itself of multiple pressures internally and externally. ISI clearly destabilises Hindustan internally and China supports those efforts. What the post is suggesting is that there are still windows of opportunity to reach a solution with Pakistan and China that would limit the damage being done to Hindustan. It's up to India whether she heeds such advice.

Personally, I disagree with @BHarwana in that I wouldn't make any such overtures. India should be encouraged to collapse as quickly as possible into multiple peaceful, manageable city states.
We are the types to do or die. We 1.4B Indians are ready to die.
Hopefully it also helps with the tomato prices!
We must coz,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Becoz the OP assumes we r all bhayya(or undergone bhayyafication) like thm n will behave similar to how they have been behaving since milleniums,,,see adversary,,surrender,start bootpolish(latest being dec 1971). Sadly not :D
Let me say this,,,,, pandemic engulfs us, economy down, china presses on,,,,,,apparently oppressed moslem had enuff,,,, but where r Martial bhayyes on west???
Yeah right,,, writing ANONYMOUSLY on some net forum,,, jiski jo aukat. Tamatar ugao martial ban jao :D

We are the types to do or die. We 1.4B Indians are ready to die.
I mean seriously,,,do Or die types don't exactly clean foreign tatti for milleniums.
The recommendation represents a best case scenario for Indian interests. In reality, India needs to make some form of external compromise with China and Pakistan to relieve itself of multiple pressures internally and externally. ISI clearly destabilises Hindustan internally and China supports those efforts. What the post is suggesting is that there are still windows of opportunity to reach a solution with Pakistan and China that would limit the damage being done to Hindustan. It's up to India whether she heeds such advice.

Personally, I disagree with @BHarwana in that I wouldn't make any such overtures. India should be encouraged to collapse as quickly as possible into multiple peaceful, manageable city states.

Breaking up Nations don't result into peaceful residuals, we made a mistake of thinking so in 71. you should learn from our mistakes?

Moreover, when big boys talk, smaller one should keep a safe distance, they may get hurt if things go awry. My advise.
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Ladakh is currently a hot bed between India & China. With both countries moving their forces to border and at some places China taking away huge chunks of territory from Indian Army which belonged to China & was under Indian occupation. Over the Indian media there are many debates about Chinese incursions and questions like how much China is inside Ladakh or where is China sitting. These all are just the discussion regarding Dust of war but the threat to India is bigger and more fatal than many Indians are considering. There are things happening behind the front lines which are are more dangerous.
If we look at the type of deployment that China has done in the area only then one can understated what type of danger India is in.
China over the years developed weapons which were specifically designed to facilitate high altitude warfare & there are 2 reasons behind it. Reason (A) is Pakistan the biggest consumer of Chinese weapons has a requirement for such weapons, reason (B) is China's own border dispute with India in terain which requires similar weapons.
This is what we kmow so far China has deployed along Ladakh.

Type 15 tank
Z-20 helicopter
GJ-2 drone CAIG Wing Loong II
HQ-9A SAM system
J 11 Fighter Jet
J 10 Fighter Jet
PCL-181 vehicle-mounted howitzer (Artillery Gun)
PCL191 370-millimeter multiple-rocket launcher system MRLS
Dongfeng Mengshi CSK 131 light armored vehicles.

These are the weapons which have been confirmed so far on China's side by public sightings & there will be many other weapons which will be still hidden from public knowledge. So here one will think what is the big deal every Army has weapons and all power full fueled with Hindu nationalism Indian Army also has weapons. The Answer is Yes India has a huge list vut here there is something different and lethal which has been sighted and that changes the dynamic of this conflict totally in favor of China. This new weapon is taking away the room of maneuvering away from India.
That weapons is PCL 191 370-millimeter multiple-rocket launcher system MRLS
First known in 2019 when the system was over shadowing Taiwan.
It is a Multiple Rocket Launcher System (MRLS) with a range of 350 km and precision strike.


What makes the system so deadly?

This MRLS has the highest range (which is 350 KM)than any other adversary has in his arsenal & the area where this conflict is this system out ranges any Indian weapon. The missiles are cheap to produce and deadly and far reaching. Can deploy missile defence to counter it? Yes they can but will fail cause the missiles are cheap firing rate is much higher comes with accuracy and spamming the system can over whelm any missile defence system. Plus China has deployed the system in huge numbers which India can't match.

Image below shows the area which system covers to if deployed well with in Chinese borders.
View attachment 638553

This system can fire a salvo of 8 missiles and multiple system like this if spammed and exploited in Ladakh can turn Indian Army into an insurgency with in few months. This system can cut all Indian supply routes not only to Ladakh but also to Kashmir while staying well with in China's border and protected by Chinese defences. It will not only make India lose Ladakh but India will also lose Kashmir to Pakistan.

PCL 191 is not just MRLS but it is a strategic check mate. It is cheap accurate deadly and precise.

For India who was always concentrated to west towards Pakistan it is very difficult to fight China due to lack of infrastructure for deployment as every curve on the mountain road becomes a choke point. India Army will lose this war even before it will reach the battle field. The best future for India lies in surrendering to China's will make peace in the region and stop becoming puppet for non Asians who want to stop the progress of the region. This is a small taster from China which will remove 50 from 52 inches.

sooner or later, modi will surrender and beg us to save some face for him while he pretends 54 inch chest
I urge both IK and President Xi to once and for all Liberate the people of India by capturing india. :enjoy:

why not invite them for ghazwa i hind ? there is already a bunch of commanders like zaid hamid , auriya maqbool ,sabir shakir are waiting for the ghazwa hind.
why not invite them for ghazwa i hind ? there is already a bunch of commanders like zaid hamid , auriya maqbool ,sabir shakir are waiting for the ghazwa hind.

Someone get this guy a kleenex his mascara is about to run..
Another aspect. If China can take the air superiority, quite plausible given the PAF has already demonstrated it, then they can effectively use drones along with long range artillery for pinpoint strikes!! The Turkish ops in Syria and Libya have shown the Indian Army will then be sitting ducks.....

Now, the Indian leadership believes in let it be small, but let it be mine! Hence, losing big time in Kashmir is unaffordable for them since it might result in their losing the Hindu heartlands too, which had happened before!! IOK definitely can be liberated....

keep dreaming .
sir it is very dangerous for us to face two great defence experts zaid hamid and BHarwana sahab , ghazwa hind is on the corner , we are doomed .

If you face a two-front war, then you are actually doomed
so you are not ready to capture india ?


Waah Waah Waah..

No Pakistani ever wanted to capture India and I guess you are too stupid to understand that. Just sit here and start crying because supa powa 2020 is getting its neck ringed right now. So post away your sorrows on PDF.
India never surrendered. India is a country with the world's top territorial potential, population and economy. They receive economic and military support from the US and Japan

The US and Japan do not want to fight directly with China, so they need Indians to be the frontrunners

A stone kills two birds

Waah Waah Waah..

No Pakistani ever wanted to capture India and I guess you are too stupid to understand that. Just sit here and start crying because supa powa 2020 is getting its neck ringed right now. So post away your sorrows on PDF.

lo ji ,
all pakistani tv channels sing chorus of ghazwa hind daily they are already five year late , their special guest is always great defence expert zaid hamid lal topi wala .
there is great plan of capturing india and make them slave for another 1000 years is in offing .
you look to be out of touch with your television.

India never surrendered. India is a country with the world's top territorial potential, population and economy. They receive economic and military support from the US and Japan

The US and Japan do not want to fight directly with China, so they need Indians to be the frontrunners

A stone kills two birds

we are not going to fight for america . we will fight for our land .
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