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Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation


Jul 23, 2017
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Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?
Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?

Lmao posting this on a Pakistani forum is practically a beg for a ban, you need to watch out my dude.

Regardless, I'll offer my 2 cents before this thread gets whooshed:

It's not like Pakistan won't hit back, and it can more than easily sustain low level skirmishes for as long as possible. If you try to break such a cycle via continuous escalation, eventually there will be a war which will either be too short to produce a meaningful result, or there will be a nuclear holocaust. Either way, it's wasteful. On top of this, engaging with the PA directly is much more costly than dealing with militants themselves. The Pakistani military is significantly stronger than Jaish e Muhammad, Lashkar e Tayiba, etc. And not all militants come from Pakistan, many are homegrown from India itself so this won't even finish the insurgency.
Go for it. Last time I checked India was cutting its military spending. Increase it to 30% of GDP in my opinion. No need to fight corona virus or bail out your financial sector.
Budget wouldn't be the biggest constraint as you will face budget constraint too if u think of retaliation,
i want to see India change its strategy from fighting militancy in Kashmir to fighting Pakistan on LoC and fighting Pakistan in Azad Kashmir that in turn will deal with militancy issue in Kashmir in a far more effective way.
Budget wouldn't be the biggest constraint as you will face budget constraint too if u think of retaliation,
i want to see India change its strategy from fighting militancy in Kashmir to fighting Pakistan on LoC and fighting Pakistan in Azad Kashmir that in turn will deal with militancy issue in Kashmir in a far more effective way.

Easier said than done
Best of luck with that
It's not like Pakistan won't hit back, and it can more than easily sustain low level skirmishes for as long as possible. If you try to break such a cycle via continuous escalation, eventually there will be a war which will either be too short to produce a meaningful result, or there will be a nuclear holocaust. Either way, it's wasteful. On top of this, engaging with the PA directly is much more costly than dealing with militants themselves. The Pakistani military is significantly stronger than Jaish e Muhammad, Lashkar e Tayiba, etc. And not all militants come from Pakistan, many are homegrown from India itself so this won't even finish the insurgency.
Sure Pakistan going to retaliation, and the low level skirmish may go for some time before one or other party gives in but Pakistan will suffer casualties too. Currently it's Indian forces who are bleeding in Kashmir. Pakistan enjoys seeing India bleed in hands of its trained insurgents. Once fighting starts out at LoC, pakistani forces would have to focus on themselves rather than train Jihadis.

Eventually there wont be a war, you know why because Pakistan don't want a war and it avoids war at any cost, that's why it resorts militancy in Kashmir rather than take military action in all these years.
1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.
Artillery fire would invite CB fire,meaning loss of precious equipment and manpower,same goes for MRBL.ATGM's are not low-cost as you think of them being cost of good one's is anywhere between 20000$ to 115000$,very bad choice for war of attrition,when enemy can pay you back in same coin.
2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.
That's an idiotic suggestion,it can easily spill into a war.
3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.
What makes you think,this can be accomplished without unsustainable damage on ownself?
4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.
Both sides have kept each other at bay on LOC,Pakistan can easily take on India in an open fight at theatre level and is capable of inflicting a level of damage which always makes, India to avoid such conflict.
And none of things you mentioned, India has got in ample quantity for such sustainable advanture,at max what you say, can go on for two weeks.
5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.
Current gen of Bharatis havn't seen juggernaut of Pakistani proxy and spec war machine,thanks to a bastard we watered down our operations otherwise there was a time,LOC was hardly concern of IA,daily pitched battles and ambushes of FF's were enough.
6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.
What makes you think we can't afford?
If you failed to dictate your terms in past 70 years,you won't be able to do it in next 70 years also.
On lighter note,both sides are really dug up very deep,a sustained bombardment can curb movement at best,that too when Arty,MBRL and ATGM's are being fired barrage after barrage.
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Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

Keep a war like situation along the LoC would be the panacea for most of our immediate problem in Kashmir.

1. When i say war like situation , i mean Constant barrage of artillery bombardment and ATGM strikes and If possible even MRBL hits at Pakistani positions should be a rule book for India army for some time.

2. India shoud remove it's focus on so called terror launch pad completely to Pakistani military position on Loc and target pakistani military installation even 20 to 30 KM inside LoC.

3. That will serve several purpose simultaneously. First, If there is constant barrage of precision artillery, PA would find it difficult to provide logistics for these terror launch pads. They would be forced to look after their defence rather than giving cover fire for terrorists crossing LoC.

4. Also primary desire for such artillery and AGTM barrage which of course we can afford much more than Pakistan, we would able to exact revenge for our bleeding we suffer in the hands of terrorists in Kashmir.
Pakistan has made insurgency in India best way to bleed us. It's time to take the fight to the enemy. And Pakistani causality in Azad Kashmir force them either to fight us in similar fashion or start negotiation with India on stop cross border terrorism once and for all.

5. Strangely, i see a war situation always curbs militancy inside in Kashmir, every time tension grows between India and Pakistan, kashmiris militancy for some reason comes down, probably they wait with baited breath for signal across the border. Not just militants, Hurriyaat and other over ground workers, stone pelters, in fact general kashmiri populous also start behaving. This was seen during February 2019 when Indo-pak tension was it's peak.

6. As said we can afford a war like situation on LoC financially, logistically and militarily which would bleed Pakistan of both men and money. Such posture along the LoC would hurt Pakistan hard and make it very difficult for them so sustain effective retaliation after few months of war like situation. Once we have upper hand which we would in few months of the operation, we dictate term of the dynamics inside Kashmir. We can stop if get assurance from Pakistan it will draw down in it's age old strategy of snatching Kashmir from India by Jihad in Kashmir.

@Joe Shearer what do u think?

someone should just take you off the internet for some time. dip you in icy water to cool you off and then finally have your head examined by the finest minds on the planet. You are a perfect example of baboons from across the border with heightened self righteousness and zero analytical capability.
Budget wouldn't be the biggest constraint as you will face budget constraint too if u think of retaliation,
i want to see India change its strategy from fighting militancy in Kashmir to fighting Pakistan on LoC and fighting Pakistan in Azad Kashmir that in turn will deal with militancy issue in Kashmir in a far more effective way.
You should probably take a look at price of Arty rounds,ATGM's,MBRL and wear and tear on equipment due to this war of attrition,a war which is based fully on IF,BUT,CAN & MAY.
Sure Pakistan going to retaliation, and the low level skirmish may go for some time before one or other party gives in but Pakistan will suffer casualties too. Currently it's Indian forces who are bleeding in Kashmir. Pakistan enjoys seeing India bleed in hands of its trained insurgents. Once fighting starts out at LoC, pakistani forces would have to focus on themselves rather than train Jihadis.

Eventually there wont be a war, you know why because Pakistan don't want a war and it avoids war at any cost, that's why it resorts militancy in Kashmir rather than take military action in all these years.

Nobody wants a war, because it would either be a waste of time or result in a nuclear holocaust. Any other result is woefully unlikely.

And yes, Pakistan would suffer casualties, but so would India, and India would suffer higher casualties against Pakistan than it would against Kashmiri insurgents. Not only that, but Kashmiri insurgents don't all come from Pakistan, many are from India itself. Al Qaeda and ISIS both have cells native to India, as do other separatist groups.
Sure Pakistan going to retaliation, and the low level skirmish may go for some time before one or other party gives in but Pakistan will suffer casualties too. Currently it's Indian forces who are bleeding in Kashmir. Pakistan enjoys seeing India bleed in hands of its trained insurgents. Once fighting starts out at LoC, pakistani forces would have to focus on themselves rather than train Jihadis.

Eventually there wont be a war, you know why because Pakistan don't want a war and it avoids war at any cost, that's why it resorts militancy in Kashmir rather than take military action in all these years.

Well, this is actually what Pakistan wants too. Pakistan doesn't want to get into war but keep these skirmishes which will remind the world about the nuclear Flashpoint in Indian occupied Kashmir. Whatever gives Kashmir free publicity. Pakistan can continue these ops very easily. Especially since the war on the western theater is coming towards its end there won't be a need of 1.5 lakh Pakistani forces there. Not to mention that the forces need some real time training and what is better than what you are putting forward. Both countries had been doing this in 90s until when musharraf did ceasefire agreement because he had to focus on wot and he thought that he could solve issues with manmohan on Kashmir with dialogs. But we found out that Bharti are untrustworthy.

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